Dr. Faisci has just said that these people can be safe from the new Covid strain
The top infectious expert of the disease indicates that some could be spared from the very contagious mutation.

Only 10 days after learning the very contagious mutated version of the coronavirus discovered in the United States. Public Servants of Coloradoreported the first case of assign December 29th. Next,California reported its own case One day later on December 30th. But almost as quickly as the new strain of the virus has been able to spread, scientists have been able to discover more about the new variant, including which it can affect and to what extent. Fortunately, there seems to be a cause of relief, asAnthony Fauci, MD, says thatPeople who have already been infected with the virus seem to be safe to be infected again by theNew strain Covid. Continue reading for more information about this recent discovery and for additional reasons to stay inoculated, discoverIf you are allergic to that, you should wait to get the Covid vaccine.
During a LiveStered interview with GOV.Gavin Newsom California on December 30, the top infectious expert admitted that it was not surprised thenew strain of the virus had already made his way to the American borders. But he also revealed that the research complemented by colleagues from the Atlantic had provided another small piece of good news: those with previously contracting antibodies of antibodies were most likely protected.
"The ... something they noted in the United Kingdom are that infected people [by the previously dominant strain] do not seem to be reincidented by this [mutation], which means that the immunity given to you when You are infected, it is protector against this particular strain, "said Fauci.
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) continued the fears that the new mutation can derail efforts to end the pandemic. "The overwhelmingThe majority of mutations are not relevant... they have no impact on an important function of the virus, "he said." [Only] from time to time [of time], you get a mutation that affects a function of the virus. "
Read it to see how the new variant of COVID is different from that of the original, and more about the warning signs of the virus could be serious, discoverIf you have any of these Covid symptoms, the CDC says to call 911.
Read the original article onBetter life.
The new COVID strain is up to 70% more contagious than the original.

Preliminary research indicates that the mutated UK strain - which is officially known as variant B.1.1.7 - can be up to 70% more contagious than previous strains, which allows it to spread more rapidly among population. "We now have a great confidence thatThis variant has a transmission advantage on other virus variants that are currently at the U.K., "Peter Horby, MBBS, President of the new U.K respiratory viruses. The Advisory Group (Nervetag), declared December 21, according to Reuters. And for more things on how to keep you safe, checkIf you do not have that in your home, you are at higher risk for COVID.
... but it's not more deadly.

Fortunately, research also found that if the virus spreads faster, it does not seem to have an increase in the mortality rate. "It seems pretty clear of the U.K group. Who, in fact, the transmissibility of the virus is more effective than the transmission of the standard virus that we have treated so far," said Façi during his discussion with Newsom. ", Namely, it is simply able to bind to the receptors on the cells better and so it is better transmitted. There is no indication at all that it increases virulence, and virulence I mean the ability to make you sick or kill you it seems to make it stronger in this regard. "And for signs, you could have a serious coronavirus case, checkIf your symptoms appear in this order, you may have severe Covid.
Existing vaccines work against the new COVID variant.

During their conversation, Fauci also reiterated another element of significant distinction of significant distinction researchers on the u.k variant.: The vaccines already administered are always effective against the new Covid strain. "[Variant B.1.1.7] does not seem to escape a protection offered by the antibodies introduced by vaccines," said Fauci. And for more than what it will be as if you want to get your shot, checkDr. Fauci simply demystated the 4 biggest myths on the Covid vaccine.
You can protect against the new variant using the same health measures as before.

Just because there is a slightly different version of the propagation of the virus does not mean that you need to change your health care routine: social distancing, mask port and handwashing are still important to protect you .
"The things we talked about, we just need to make sure to do it"Fauci saidNewsweek December 29 of the new strain, before being found in the United States "wearing masks, keep distances, avoid gathering settings, doing things outside more than inside , to wash your hands frequently, these are the things thatstop any virus, Regardless of consumption or not. "And for the only measure of health, you can remember, discoverThe only thing you can stop doing to avoid Covid, according to doctors.