The secret way that your dirty mask could make you sick

Clean your mask is essential to protect yourself from all diseases, not just COVID.

Wear a mask is undeniably important when it comes toPrevent the propagation of coronavirus. However, to what extent you take care of your mask is also important. A clean mask is better to stop propagation - and that's not all. As it turns out, do not clean your mask can make you sick in another way.According to experts, your dirty mask could give you a sore throat. Read to find out how, and for other mask errors to avoid,Dr. Fauci says you could always make this big mistake with masks.

"Sometimes dust participants who are in air viruses - sometimes in the air-canBe stuck in your mask, "Karen Bally, Director of Infection Prevention for Ascension Via Christi Hospitals, said during an interview with KWCH. "If you do not wash it and you do not get it properly, it sometimes leads to sore throat."

man has sore throat and wear face mask at home

According to the Mayo Clinic,Sore throat can be caused by multiple problems, including viruses, bacteria, dry air, external irritants, muscle strain and even gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Family medicine doctorNeha Vyas, MD, told Cleveland's clinic thatSales masks can cause sore throat because of the germs that resided there. WhenYou wear a dirty mask, you risk breathe in bacteria or trapped viruses in the mask.

And have a sore throat in the middle of the pandemic can be particularly worrying. After all, the disease control and prevention centers (CDC) lists a sore throat asSymptom coronavirus. But it is important to note that a sore throat may not be all that is common when it comes to Covid. A Chinese study commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO) discovered that on more than 55,000 cases of confirmed coronaviruses,Only 14% reported the symptom. So, there is a great chance that your sore throat is the result of something other than Covid-and yes, a dirty mask is a possibility.

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Fortunately, the risk endsWhen you clean your mask. Bally said there was "no scientific evidence that the mask itself hurt his throat". As long as you wear it properly, touch it as little as possible and clean it regularly, you should go well.

According to the CDC, youshould clean your mask after each use. They recommendWash your mask with your ordinary laundry, Use the detergent and the hottest water adjustment that you can use for the mask fabric. And if you remove your mask after worn all day, you shouldAlso do it only with clean hands And touch only earrings or links. And if you wonder when you can give up your mask,Dr. Fauci says you do not need to wear a mask in this scenario.

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