Viral expert has just published this "alarm clock" warning

Things are not as roses as they look, warns Michael Osterholm.

One day we are supposed to celebrate or "the independence ofCOVID-19 [Feminine, "The experts appeared the shows of Sunday morning to spread the truth: we are not free. Not yet. Michael Osterholm, the epidemiologist, the regents and director of the Infectious Research Center for Research and Policy. The University of Minnesota appeared on MSNBCThe Sunday show with Jonathan Capeartand warned that Covid "will find you" withvaccination The rates are even lower than they must be. Read 5 pieces of economic advice for you, vaccinated or not - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Sure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Viral expert says "Wake up" -We have a problem of covidation

Female and male doctors wearing masks and uniforms are visiting to check the symptoms of middle-aged female patients lying in bed.

Osterholm called on our progress to this day a "miracle of public health, bringing these vaccines ahead and bring us to the immunization levels we have really been a major achievement. And I give a great credit of the administration for that . But the problem is that we can not define our objectives according to certain arbitrary figures. We need to define them on what will make the difference in the transfer of the transmission of this virus. During the last week, 20 States see 20% or more of the increase in cases, largely linked to this new variant of Delta. Thus, even trying to get 70% of the population vaccinated by a single dose will not be sufficient to really prevent the impact of this virus in our country. And we have to wake up and recognize that. "" This variant of Delta and people have to take this variant seriously. It's not just a strange sentence. It's really a substantially more form C overwork and substantially more dangerous from Covid-19 virus, "Laurie Garrett added, scientific contributor from MSNBC, and author ofThe future plague.


Expert virus warns Covid "will find you in response to the question of the delta variant

woman with mask in hospital

"We have many parts of this country that have had a very limited vaccination," osterholm said. "We have more than thousand counties from this country with less than 30% vaccinated. We have four states that have less than 40% of single-dose vaccination states. And we have a supplement of 20 states for which we n are not even 40% with a dose. So I think the challenge we have right now is in fact, helping people understand why these vaccines are so critical. If this virus is in your community, it will find you , and it is in every community that means that you must be ready to be infected if you are not going to be vaccinated. And I do not think a lot of people realize that at this point. "


There is an ideological fracture that costs lives, savvy experts

Patient refuses to take vaccination.

"The real problem we have right now, according to the newWashington Post The survey is that we have about 29% of Americans saying that I probably do not be vaccinated, "Garrett said" and 9% saying that I am absolutely not vaccinated. And these may not be in your neighborhood. They may not be people in your community because this is also biased in areas specific to your chart. And politically republicans are much less likely to be vaccinated. The differential is amazing: 86% of the Democrats say they will be vaccinated, but only about 47% of Republicans say it, so what we see now is this terrible bizarre and where in some parts of America, where you have a High Concentration of Republicans, Republican Government Leadership, you have very low vaccination rates and simultaneously the arrival of the Delta variant. "Indeed, the ASA Hutchinson Republican government of Arkansas said the same thing this morning." In a rural state, in a preservative state, there is hesitation and you try to overcome that, "Hutchinson said.


The variant of Delta Stoking has a "perfect storm"

Emergency medic and doctor moving patient to emergency room in hospital

"It now focuses in areas with the lowest vaccination rates," Garrett said. It's places like Alabama and Mississippi. "So we have this perfect storm that happens now with a political and social reluctance to be vaccinated coupled with the arrival of why you should be vaccinated, a strain of the virus that is much more dangerous. And then the point of Final data is that increased nearly one hundred percent 99.5% of all deaths in America at this virus currently being vaccinated. "

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The essential is, declares expert virus


"The bottom line is that you can not use the variant as the reason not to be vaccinated, you must use as the reason to get vaccinated. And if you do not believe this goal, look at places like Missouri and Arkansas At the moment, where they see the greatest number of cases and better to their intensive care units they have had at any time during the pandemic, who will play in other parts of the country? We do not know Not, but I can surely say that: we have a lot of places in the United States that are just as vulnerable, if not more vulnerable to these kinds of situations. "So do you vaccinate when it becomes at your disposal and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit any of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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