You probably do not wash enough your face mask, according to the CDC

If you wash it every week, you could put yourself at risk and others.

Coronavirus has a lot of people rethinking their daily cleaning routines, whether they areSpray their parcels with antibacterial cleaners Before bringing them inside or using a hand disinfectant after touching anything. However, there is a major surveillance that you could do to put your health - and the health of others - at risk:do not wash your mask enough.

According to disease control and prevention centers (CDC),Fabric coatings must be washed after each use, Whether it is by hand or in a washing machine. However, all the methods of washing mask are not created equal from a perspective of killing germs.

So, how should you clean your mask? The CDC recommends using your usual laundry detergent andDiscard your mask with your laundry, using the highest temperature washing suitable for the mask. This must be followed by a hot dry cycle until the mask is carefully dry. If your mask can not be dried in a hot air dryer, the CDC suggests air completely air, using direct sunlight when possible.

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If you wash your mask's hand, bleach is your best bet to treat it and without germ. The CDC recommends a solution of four tablespoons of bleach per liter of water or five tablespoons bleach by gallon of water. However, the agency notes that some types of bleach, such as those labeled "Color-safe", can not adequately disinfect the fabric.

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Even if you wash your face mask each time you come home from an output, there are still many ways to contaminate it inadvertently or make it unnecessary throughout the day. Masks are only effective for the spread of coronavirus if they cover your mouth and nose, and if you need to put your mask on or remove it during the day, the CDC recommendstouch only the elastic that passes on your ears or the back of your head do this.

Of course, all these precautions aside, your mask is only as clean as the hands you touch it. This means that you shouldRub these hands thoroughly Before putting your mask on or remove it, take extra care to avoid touching your nose, mouth or eyes as you do. And for more use of the face mask,This is actually the least likely to wear a mask.

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