Stop doing this or you could have a heart attack, experts warn

Some of your daily habits could design your Ticker, without knowing.

You will pour it, wear it on your sleeve and like people from the bottom of it. But do you care - we mean, proper care - of yourheart?

For decades, heart disease was the murderer No. 1 of the Americans.

The Good News: You can make quick changes and easy to your lifestyle to reduce your risks and add years to your life, and it's never too late. Here is the top 50 things you are probably doing this endangers - from theEat this, not that! For you, with all our heart.Read on and to ensure your health and health of othersdo not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know..


Does not check your blood pressure

Woman Checking Blood Pressure At Home

Is your blood pressure in a healthy beach? Are you sure? This could be higher than you think. In 2018, the American Heart AssociationReduces the guidelines For sound blood pressure 140/90 (and 150/80 for those over 65) to 130/80 for all adults. According to Harvard Medical School, that means70 to 79% of men over 55 technically have a hypertension. Over time, this can weaken the walls of the blood vessels, increase your risk of stroke, heart attack and dementia.

RX: To reduce your risk, have your blood pressure checked - and regularly. Follow a healthy diet for the heart, lose weight and stay active. Read to discover the best foods.


Not knowing your cholesterol levels

Cholesterol test

As aging, the body produces more cholesterol, which can accumulate in the arteries, increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. In women, menopause causes climb and HDL LDL cholesterol ("Good"). Experts advise you to check your cholesterol every five years, but older adults may need more frequently. Your total cholesterol levels must be less than 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg / dl), with an LDL level of less than 100 mg / dL and an HDL level of 60 mg / dl or higher.

RX: To keep your levels in a healthy beach, eat a low saturated fat and trans fat diet, get exercise and maintain an ideal weight.


Eat too much saturated fat

Woman putting raw meat in refrigerator

There was some confusion around greases and cholesterol and heart health in recent years, but the last science is:According to the American Heart AssociationEating high foods in saturated fat lifts LDL cholesterol in your blood, which increases your risk of heart attack and stroke. What foods are raised in the SAT fat? Red meat, chicken with skin, butter and cheese.

RX: For good cardiac health, the AHA recommends that only 13 grams of fat saturated per day. (For the context, a 1 oz of Swiss cheese contains 5 grams of saturated fat. A grand-quarter of McDonald with cheese contains exactly 13 grams.) Focus your diet on the lean protein and as many fruits and colorful vegetables as possible.


Do not have enough exercise

Man doing bridging exercise, lying on his back on black mat in empty office interior. Viewed from floor level from his head

Lace these old Reebok pumps. AHAWeekly exercise guidelines for cardiac health I have not changed, even if only 20% of us follow them: 150 minutes of moderate intensity per week or 75 minutes of strong exercise, as well as muscle building exercises twice a week.

RX: Some examples of moderate intensity exercises are fast walking, dance or gardening; The vigorous exercise is running, hiking or swimming. If you think you can not be 150 minutes, get yourself anyway. Any exercise amount is better for your heart than nothing.


Drinking sweet drinks

Man is dangerously eating junk food and cold drink while driving his car

It is not a secret that too many of us drink too many of our daily calories. And what is bad for your size is bad for your heart. A March 2019 study published in the magazineTraffic Discovered that the consumption of sweet drinks of drinking was associated with increased risk of death, particularly cardiovascular disease.

RX:Somprate this soda for water or selertzer without artificial sweeteners. (Read to find out why Diet Soda is not the answer.) "Drinking water instead of sweet drinks is a healthy choice that could contribute to longevity," says Vasanti Malik, the principal author of the study and scientist research at Harvard e Chan Public Health School.


Eating too much sugar, period

Sugar on background

Consume too much added sugar - sugar that manufacturers add to food to soften or expand their lifetime - will not be enough for your pants budget; It's a major risk factor for heart disease.According to the National Cancer Institute, Adult men consume 24 teaspoons of sugar a day, the equivalent of 384 calories! "The effects of added sugar consumption - superior blood pressure, inflammation, weight gain, diabetes and foie gras disease - are all related to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke" , Dr. Frank Hu, Professor of Nutrition at the Harvard e Chan Public Health School.

RX: The American Heart Association advises that adults do not consume more than 150 calories (about 9 teaspoons, or 36 grams) of sugar added daily. This is about the amount in a 12 ounce soda can. Learn how to reduce your sugar cravings and losing a book a week, check out the 14-day planZero sugar diet!


Drink too much alcohol

Two glasses of whiskey, one being filled from a bottle

The effect of alcohol on your liver and beer intestine are well documented, but excessive consumption takes a toll on your heart. "Too much alcohol can increase blood pressure and triglycerides, which can increase your risk of heart disease," says Dr. Sarin Seema of EHE health.

RX: How much does it cost? Seema recommends that women have no more glass a day and men should say when two years.


You did not ask your cardiac test doctor

Health visitor and a senior man during home visit

Briefs: Standard cardiac tests to your annual physics - and ECG and, in some cases, a stress test - are not useful for the detection of obstructed arteries until they are blocked by 70%. You could have Teste at a time and always on your way to a heart attack. Fortunately, more advanced imaging and blood tests are available, as well as genetic screening, to discover arterial problems before leading to cardiac disease.

RX: Talk to your doctor about your personal and family health background to determine if it's time at a more extended look under your hood.


Drinking diet soda

Woman cracks open can sod

Studies show that people who drink dietary sodas and other artificially sweet drinks have a higher risk of metabolic syndrome. It is when your body has difficulty transforming insulin, which is a precursor of type 2. diabetes and it is a risk of cardiac attack.

RX: Exchange sweet drinks and food drinks with H20 classic water, selertzers or homemade spa. There are excellent completely non-sugar selTzer options (Lacroix or Polar), are infused from tea (sound) or have small amounts of natural sugar of a fruit pinch (Spindrift). Avoid artificial sweeteners.


You have untreated A-FIB

ekg ecg heart test with stethoscope

An American over four years of age could develop a type of irregular heart rate called atrial fibrillation (AF or A-FIB). According toHarvard Health Letter, As the AF reduces the effectiveness of heart pumping - from 10 to 30% - it can lead to heart failure, angina angina and a cerebral stroke.

RX: If you have an irregular heartbeat - the symptoms can include a floating in your chest, or you feel like your unusually fast or slow heartbeat - talk to your doctor, who can perform basic tests like an ECG or send you back to a cardiologist, who can prescribe medications or other therapies.


To sleep

African American man fast asleep

The principle "too much of a good thing" applies to one of the best things of all: sleep, especially as we aggregated. An examination of the research published in theJournal of the American Heart AssociationI found that more than eight stops can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Nine hours comes with a moderate risk - and 11 hours were associated with an increase of nearly 44%! (Non-fun facts: dormant dormant also increases your risk for dementia.)

RX: The latest recommendation of sleep experts, including the SLEEP National Foundation, is that adults should have seven to nine hours of sleep one night - more no less.


You are socially isolated

sad frustrated man with stubble in jeans, shirt holding fingers between close eyes using smart phone

This is the club of lonely hearts is a literal thing - not a group you want to join. The feelings of solitude and social isolation can increase the risk of having a heart attack, according toA study published in the newspaperHeart. People who reported mediocre social relations have had a higher 29% coronary disease risk and a risk of 32% higher stroke than those with robust friendships. Why? Researchers believe that loneliness increases chronic stress, a risk factor for heart disease.

RX: Do this part of your routine to hit the gym, develop hobbies, take classes, call or skype with friends or family. If you feel socially isolated or depressed, talk to your doctor about the best action plan. You could also benefit from a discussion therapy.


Carrying an extra weight

Doctor measuring obese man waist body fat. Obesity and weight loss

Excess bookmark weighs on your heart the most. Research shows that overweight people that even reach modest weight loss (5 to 10% of total body weight) reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease.

RX: KnowYour healthy weight range. Eating a vegetable diet, reducing your empty calorie consumption and processed foods, and be more active, three of the easiest ways to get there. Do not undertake a fashionable diet like Keto without speaking to your doctor.


Do not have enough sex

Couple sleeping

This one is easy. An examination of the research published in theAmerican Journal of Cardiology found that the having sex once a month or less increases your risk of cardiovascular disease. Although erectile dysfunction (ED) can be an indicator of heart disease, this review has found an association between low sexual activity and independent ED heart disease.

RX: Get off to her. (Unfortunately, it is not clear from the study if masturbation had beneficial effects, but it could not hurt.)


Do not eat enough omega-3s ...

raw salmon on cutting board

Foods rich in omega-3 are perfect for our heart. This type of unsaturated fatty acid can reduce inflammation throughout the body, reduce triglycerides, reduce blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease,The Mayo clinic says.

RX: Eat whole sources of omega-3s like skinny fish, grass beef, nuts and omega-3 eggs.National health institutes recommend Women get 1,100 mg and men have 1,600 mg omega-3s a day. Do not take a shortcut by supplements appearing; Research indicates that they can be ineffective.


... and eat too much omega-6

Pouring vegetable oil into skillet on stove

Be looking for the omega-3 cousin. Consume too much omega-6s can increase your risk of heart disease. Although this polyunsaturated fatty acid is essential for health, most Americans eat too much. Scientists believe that an excess of omega-3 can trigger inflammation throughout the body, which is bad for your heart. They are most often found in vegetable and corn oils, mayonnaise and salad dressings.

RX: Experts say that vegetable and seed oils are the greatest sources of omega-6 in the American regime. Cook with healthy cardiac olive oil instead.


You have uncontrolled diabetes

Midsection of young woman using glucometer to check blood sugar level at home

The risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases considerably more than 40 years, as long as theAmerican Diabetes Association recommends Regular diabetes screening for all adults over 45 years old. Diabetes causes the construction of sugars in the blood; Over time, it damages the arteries and can lead to cardiovascular disease.

RX: Be projected during your annual physique. If you are in medication for your diabetes, be sure to comply with dosages and monitoring.



Middle age hoary senior man

According to the Cleveland Clinic, smoking is the avoidable cause of noveb death. And lung cancer is not the only major threat - the toxins of cigarette smoke damage the mucosa of your arteries, thickening them, while reducing the amount of oxygen in the blood. This points out your risk of cardiac attack.

RX: Stop smoking asap; Consult your doctor for help. (It's never too late: even people who stop smoking between 65 and 69 years old can add one to four years to their lives,Cleveland's clinic says.) And if you do not smoke, it's not a gold habit that you want to recover.


Sedentary office work

tired woman lying down on desk at work

A 2017Study at the University of Warwick found that workers with office jobs were more important and a higher risk of heart disease than those with more active jobs. In addition, the bad cholesterol (LDL) of the workers increased and a good cholesterol (HDL) decreased at each hour beyond five hours of assistance per day.

RX: If you work a work of office, converting a treadmill office can be a little hardcore, but you have to get up and move as much as possible during the day.


Ignore your family history

Fill out the family history section in the medical questionnaire

According to the searches published in the journalTrafficMen with family history of heart disease had a 50% increase at the risk of developing cardiovascular problems. National health institutes call for family history a leading risk of heart disease. Are you sentenced? No, but it's even more reasons to prioritize cardiac health.

RX: Make sure your doctor knows your family history and ask if additional screening tests would be a good idea. "Your family medical history is a key factor, but complex and risk of heart disease," said Dr. Pradeep Natarajan, a cardiologist with the Massachusetts General Hospital inHARVARD HOME HEALTH WATCH. "The risk factor will always be present, but the more long you will live without developing a heart disease with healthy behaviors, the lower its effect."


Eating ultra-transformed foods

Sausage links

We know that a key to cardiac health consists of eating more whole foods and a less transformed junk food, but experts have identified a new enemy: what they call "ultra-transformed foods". Two May 2019 studies published in the BMJ Link of highly transformed food with aIncreased risk of cardiovascular disease and an increased risk of early death. What will "ultra-transformed"? The researchers listed "sausages, mayonnaise, potato chips, pizza, cookies, chocolates and sweets, drinks and artificially sweet whiskey, gin and rum." In other words, you know you should avoid anyway. In other studies, highly transformed food consumption has been correlated at higher risks of obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol - all risk factors for a heart attack.

RX: Limiting the proportion of ultra-transformed dishes that you eat and increase unprocessed and processed foods - like all food recommended byEat this, not that!


Eating too much salt

hands adding salt to pasta water

Studies show that most Americans consume about 3,400 mg of sodium daily on the recommended 2,300 mg (which represent about a teaspoon of salt). The high salt intake is a major risk factor for high blood pressure, which is aware of your chances of having a heart attack.

RX: Not only do you drop the salt shaker (according to the American Heart Association, ¼ of a salt teaspoon is 575 mg of sodium) but limit your fast food and processing consumption, which tend to come loaded with sodium. In fact, they have so much that if you eat them frequently, you could be on a healthy limit, even if you do not add salt to your meals.


Stressinging all the time

tired businessman with eyeglasses and laptop computer rubbing eyes at office

We all have a stress and that no one wants to be called a snowflake, but science is clear that chronic stress is really bad for your body. "When stress is excessive, it can contribute to everythingHypertensionAlso called hypertension, asthma to ulcers with irritable intestine syndrome, "said Ernesto L. Schiffrin, MD, Ph.D., Professor in McGill University Medicine Department. Hypertension is bad for your heart - and stress leads people to commit yourself in another unhealthy behavior that can tax your ticker, including drinking too much alcohol and stress resistance.

RX: Exercise, do not smoke, eat healthy diet and maintain healthy weight are good ways to cope with stress, Schiffrin said.



Woman (age 30) suffers from her male partner (age 40) snoring in bed

If you snore, it could be more than a nuisance for your cabinet cabin. Snoring can be a signs of sleep apnea, during which breathing can stop for one minute as long before your brain wakes you up to resume breathing. Sleep apnea has been associated with high blood pressure and other health problems. AndAccording to the National Sleep Foundation, snoring itself is associated with a risk of cardiovascular disease. People who snore have a stronger chance to live thickening in the carotid artery, that doctors think they can be caused by snoring vibrations.

RX: If you snore or your partner indicates your snoring, talk to your doctor, if not for yourself, then for your cabinet.


Do not have enough sleep

A tired sleepless woman with the pillow over her head

Americans are private chronic sleep, not only does this make us a real work in the morning, it's bad for cardiac health. According toA study carried out by the CDC, People who slept less than 7 hours per night reported more heart attacks - with obesity, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, three conditions leading to heart disease.

RX: For optimal health and lowering your risk of cardiac attack, get seven to nine hours of closing one night.


Live in lower places of altitude

Condos located right off the lake

If you want to avoid feeling a heart attack, go to the mountains! A 2017 study published in the journalBorders in physiologyfound that those living in lower altitude locations had an increased risk of metabolic syndrome - one of the risk factors for heart disease and heart attacks.

RX: If you live in a lower altitude adjustment, you may not have the option to move. However, you should be more aware of other risk factors for cardiac attack and concentration on the maintenance at least.


Not knowing what is in your supplements

woman with medicine jars at home

According toChristina Murray, MDMedical director or cardiology of medicine, pulmonary and vascular medicine, taking bad nutritional supplements could affect your cardiac health in a major way. "There is a risk of chemicals, extra caffeine and other products that can cause drug interactions that could put you at additional risk for a heart attack," she says.

RX:Before taking a nutritional supplement, always head by your doctor.


Do not fight against inflammation

Moody young woman holding her neck

Although inflammation is not proven to cause cardiovascular disease, it is common for heart disease and patients with ADV and is considered a sign of atrofrophic response, according to theAmerican Heart Association. "This irritation can increase its risk of developing plaques in arteries (especially in the heart) and can cause a downstream effect of triggering blood clots leading to myocardial infarction aliases heart attacks," says, explainsAlexandra Kreps, MD,Tru all care, which says that sustained inflammation levels can irritate blood vessels. "A marker in the blood called HS-CRP can measure inflammation and is correlated with his risk of heart attack / heart disease in the future. This can be checked by your primary care doctor or cardiologist."

RX: Dr. Kreps offers some tips to reduce inflammation. First, maintain an anti-inflammatory power supply (such as more fruits and vegetables containing omega-3 or the Mediterranean diet). In addition, if you are obese, you should work on weight loss. Controlling blood glucose, exercise and management of stress levels are other ways to combat inflammation.


Do not get good vitamins

woman taking vitamins

A major risk factor for heart attacks does not include sufficient magnesium vitamins and B, explainsJacob Teitelbaum, MD, Integrative doctor and author of the best sellingTired fantastic!. "Food processing has cut off our 50% magnesium consumption, which has been shown that it increases abnormal heartbeat and diabetes, as well as other risk factors," he explains. Optimal levels of B vitamins are also essential to higher levels of high homocystein.

RX: As it can be difficult to get enough of the US regime, it suggests taking special multivitamins containing optimal levels.


Taking free sales medications and prescription

vitamins in store

Some medications can make you more subject to heart attacks, says Dr. Teitelbaum. "Called NSAIDS (eg ibuprofen), these are associated with an increased risk of 35% of heart attack and stroke, causing 35,000 annual surplus heart attacks in the United States," says -he.

RX: A healthy alternative? Dr. Teitelbaum suggests "a unique combination of highly absorbed curcumin and Boswellia, called Curramine, which proved to be more effective than NSAIDs in three studies, but lead to" lateral advantages "instead of side effects." He states that glucosamine more chondroitin has been as effectively demonstrated as Celebrex and actually decreases the heart attack and the risk of death.


Chronic pain

Suffering From Abdominal Pain Touching Aching Stomach Lying On Couch At Home

Do not try to suffer from your pain. "Chronic pain is even more dangerous than drugs," says Dr. Teitelbaum. According toCleveland ClinicChronic pain can lead to a chronic stress response that causes an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, thereby increasing the risk of conditions such as cardiac disease.

RX: Talk with your doctor and determine an effective treatment plan for your chronic pain.


Excessive use of stimulation

Energy drinks

Stimulants increase your heart rate and blood pressure, which are triggers for those who are already at risk of heart attacks, emphasize Thanu Jey, DC, Clinic Director toYorkville Sports Medicine Clinic. "Many of us use caffeine who is generally safe in moderate amounts, but stronger stimulants such as cocaine and amphetamines multiply the effects on the heart and significantly increase your risk," he explains.

RX: There are a million reasons to avoid stimulating medications and heart attacks are only one of them. "If you are a risk person, consult your doctor / cardiologist on caffeine and other stimulants," have you asking Mr. Jey.


Uncontrolled anger

Photo of angry bristle man dressed in shirt in a cage print sitting on sofa in home and using laptop computer

Similar to stress, anger can increase your risk of cardiac attack because it increases your heart rate and your blood pressure. "These can push you to an episode, especially if you are already in danger," says Dr. Jey. A 2015 study published in theEuropean heart newspaperfound that episodes of intense anger increase the probability of acute heart occlusion, which obstruct the blood flow to the heart.

RX: "Understanding the anger can have on your physiological system is important in reducing this risk," says Dr. Jey. In order to control your anger, talk to your medical expert. There are a variety of methods ranging from drugs to therapy, which can help.


Poor dental hygiene

Asian Senior woman feeling tooth pain

A bad dental hygiene can be responsible for a series of medical problems, including cardiac health. A 2016 study published in thePostgraduate medical newspaper BMJDiscovered that oral bacteria will increase your risk of atherosclerosis-aka hardening and narrowing of the arteries, thus increasing your probability of heart disease.

RX: Make dental health a priority!

RELATED: That taking a vitamin every day made to your body


Skip your morning meal


Maintaining a healthy diet is an important part of cardiac health. Although many people are intermittent fast fans, you may want to think twice before skipping your morning meal. According to a review of the research published in the journalTrafficIn 2013, there is a certain link between breakfast and a reduced risk of coronary heart disease.

RX: Even if you have to eat on the move, make sure to start your morning with a healthy breakfast.


Work at night

Businessman working overtime in office.

While depending on the late night or two in the office will probably not give you a heart attack, according to a study of 2016 published in theAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL, Work long night tails consist of increasing your chances of cardiac disease.

RX: While you should not go out and leave your job, if you fall into this category, you should think about reducing all your other risk factors.



Businesswoman is using a car while working

Traffic can be incredibly stressful. But, in addition to the heart implications of stress related to the health of a car, there is another component of conduct that you should consider. Mount your bike or walk instead of driving can reduce your risk of heart attack, according to a study published in the newspaperInternal medicine archives. Why? Obesity is directly related to cardiac health.

RX: If you have an option, you should consider walking or driving instead of skipping in the car.


Have a bad boss

bad-tempered caucasian business executive yelling at two asian subordinates in office

Because stress is a huge risk factor for heart disease and heart attacks, working in a stressful environment - including under the direction of a bad boss - can really deal with your chances of cardiac arrest. In fact, a Swedish study published in the journalProfessional and environmental medicineConfirm this, noting that people with unconventional, secret, inconsidency and incomparable bosses are 60% more likely to have a heart attack.

RX: If you constantly encounter stress at work at work, you should consider seriously that the situation is healthy and if it is worth sacrificing your health. If you find a new job is not an option, you need to take action to reduce work stress, which could include meditation or exercise.


Have a lot of children

Overwhelmed exhausted woman feeling tired of cleaning in her messy house sitting on the floor with toys and laundry lying around her

We all know that children are stressful, but science has effectively confirmed that women who are arising more babies are more likely to have a heart attack. According to a 2018 review of data in theEuropean Journal of Preventive CardiologyThe more a person gives birth, the higher their risk of heart disease.

RX: If you want a big family, make sure to keep all your other risk factors at a minimum and consider hiring a nanny!


Spend too much time inside

sad woman near window thinking

Being in nature can improve your health in different ways, including your heart. According to a research review in 2015 published inCurrent reports of epidemiologyExposing to nature will improve your mental and cardiovascular health. Why? According to the study, "higher greenery levels were associated with a lower risk of CVD, ischemic heart disease and brain mortality".

RX: Make sure you go out every time you can.

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Be sick with influenza


Get influenza sucks so many ways. But you may not know that it can seriously have an impact on your heart health. According to a 2018 study published inNew England Journal of MedicineDuring these first seven days after the influenza confirmation, you are much more subject to a heart attack due to your compromised immune system.

RX: Get the shot of the flu! This will not only reduce your chances of getting sick, but keep your downtime at least.


Do not have sex regularly

Unhappy couple not speaking to each other on bed at home in the bedroom

Sex makes a body and a heart. According to a review of the research published in theAmerican Journal of CardiologyBe sexually active by acting more than once a month, will reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

RX: Rest sexually active! And keep it safe.


Untreated depression

selective focus of depressed african american man sitting with bowed head

Depression can have a negative impact on your health of so many ways, your heart included. 2014 research published inPsychosomatic medicineI found that dealing with early depression can halve your risk of cardiovascular disease.

RX:Do not leave your depression going untreated. Talk to a mental health expert as soon as possible about treatment options.


Do not moisturize

Woman drinking water from glass.

Drink water that is! Research published in theEuropean nutrition newspaperfound that even minor dehydration can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease, even among young adults in good health.

RX: Make sure to stay hydrated.



Senior signing papers at the office.

Divorces can be incredibly stressful and can even put you at risk of a heart attack. A 2017 study published inResearch and practice in cardiologyfound that women who went through a divorce were more subject to heart conditions, including the heart attack. Those who have crossed several divorces were at an even higher risk.

RX: Obviously, staying in an unhealthy wedding is not the solution. However, marry the right person and keep your wedding as healthy as possible, these are things that will help your heart health.

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Fiscal stress

female sitting at kitchen table with laptop, dealing with financial stress

Stressful about money can make serious consequences for your heart health. A study conducted by theAmerican Association of Psychologyhave found that people with financial stress were 13 times more likely to suffer from a heart attack.

RX: Try to keep your finances as stable as possible.


Live near fast food

Michael Von Aichberger / Shutterstock

The more convenient it is to engage in McDonald's or Taco Bell fat food, the more likely you are to undergo a heart attack. A Dutch study published in theEuropean Journal of Preventive CardiologyI found that adults living in half a kilometer outlets were more likely to develop heart disease than those who live further.

RX: If you live near fast food seals, resist the desire to become regular.

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Eat outside

Woman Wearing Homemade Mask Picks Up Food at Restaurant During Covid-19 Lockdown

With our lively life styles, it may be tempting to eat the majority of meals in the restaurants. However, you could endanger your cardiac health. According to a recent study published in the Journal duAmerican Cardiology College, Those who have engaged in a "social enterprise", were more likely to have dangerous plaque accumulation in their arteries, to put them at increased risk of heart attack and heart disease.

RX: Remember to follow a healthy cardiac diet, such as the Mediterranean diet of the endorsed expert. When you eat, make healthier choices.


Do not be a company owner

Service dog

Have an animal preferably a dog - can seriously reduce your chances of cardiac disease. TheAmerican Heart AssociationPoints to many studies supporting the ownership of pets as an effective strategy for keeping the heart attacks of the bay. Why? To have fido around has been noted to increase the levels of fitness, relieve stress, blood pressure and cholesterol, and enhance happiness and well-being. In addition, pets provide social support.

RX: If you are not in a place to become a pet owner, consider spending time with other pets to reap some of their healthy health benefits.

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Too much screen time

Woman Wearing Pajamas Watching TV in her Room

Spend too much time glued to a phone, television or tablet has beendirectly linkedObesity - one of the main risk factors for cardiac disease.

RX: Swap your screen for other healthier and more active habits. Interact socially with others, playing a sport, picking up a new hobby, or just take a walk, all things will improve your health in different ways, including reducing your risk of a heart attack.And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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