5 ways to clean your fake face mask

Do not let these mask mask cleaning errors put you at risk of coronaviruses.

From the CDCOfficially recommended the use of fabric face coatings To reduce the transmission of coronavirus, people around the world have won face masks - and make their own to help stay safe. However, just because you wear a mask does not necessarily mean that you are as protected as you think - experts say thatClean your mask You may hurt long-term. If you want to maintain your mask and keep your risk of low coronavirus transmission, they are the mask cleaning errors you need to stop winning immediately. And for more perspectives on how to protect yourself, check these7 signs that you must replace your facial mask as soon as possible..

You do not wash your mask daily.

View Looking Out From Inside Washing Machine As Man Does White Laundry

TheBiggest mistake you do with your face mask Do not bleach it quite often.

Certified dermatologist of the CouncilSharleen St. Surin-Lord, MD, Assistant Professor of Dermatology on Howard University College of Medicine and Medical Director ofDermatology face and aesthetic center, says that the fabric masks must be washed at least once a day.

"During the incubation period, an infected person does not know if they are infected and that carriers do not know they are asymptomatic carriers. So, if someone does not wear mask and they Do not talk to you, or cough or sneezing, droplets can stay on your mask, "she explains.

Surin-Lord also notes that you may want to clean your mask more than once in one day if it becomes wet or dirty, or if you touched the front of your mask with unwashed hands after contacting withPotential sources of contamination. And for an overview of other contamination points, here'sHow many coronavirus crowns live on everything you touch every day.

You do not wash your mask in hot water.

black mask in metal wash basin

Cold water can be correct for your delicate, but unless the washing instructions for your fabric mask specifically specify, you must clean it with hot water.

"We know that if it is immersed in a water temperature of at least 140 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 minutes, the immersion with hot water would probably be sufficient" to kill coronavirus, saysRand McClain, Do, chief doctor ofLCF health.

You do not use detergent.

pouring laundry detergent in a cup

Baking soda and other non-detergent laundry additives have long been favored by people of allergies and sensitive skin. However, when it comes to killing coronavirus, they will just not cut it.

"Soap is able to break the capsides (cell walls) of coronaviruses, killing effectively," explains McClain. "Just follow typical instructions on a washing machine as if you were laid your other clothes." McClain notes that while regular detergent should be enough toKeep your mask clean, If you want an added protection layer, the use of oxyclean or other products with a hydrogen peroxide may be even closer to be fully sterilized.

You use too much bleach.

Measuring bleach to dilute it and use as a disinfectant

When cleaning your mask with bleach, you can certainly have a good thing.

"Be careful not to use too much bleach as it can erode the fabric", warns McClain. Fortunately, even if you do not have your own washing machine, you can actually clean your mask soaking "for 60 minutes in a blend of water and bleach in a ratio of a quarter water to the Less 5 ml of bleach "says McClain.

You microfer your mask.

Man opening his microwave oven.

The microwave can be able to bring your clean dishes sponges, but the same thing does not hold true for masks, says McClain.

Putting a disposable mask or a microwave metal containing mask can start a fire - but that does not mean that you are totally bad luck if it is your onlyMask options. Although the fabric masks with metal elements can usually be thrown into a washing machine and suspended dry, disposable masks can be disinfected by baking them for 30 minutes to 160 degrees Fahrenheit or holding them on the boiling water for 10 minutes, explains McClain. It's not just microwave "hacks" that can help you, however, for more bad tips, you'll do better ignore, check these 21 myths of coronavirus, you have to stop believing, according to the doctors .

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