This only thing could prevent 100% symptomatic Covid.

This single measure can even keep individuals sharing a house with covidant patients to get sick.

Wear a mask, social distancing and a vaccine are the means recommended by an expert to stop the propagation of Covid, although no foolproof is not infallible. However, a new study shows that there is an additional way ofStop symptomatic cases of the virus - and it has been shown that 100% is effective in patients so far.

According to research conducted by the UVA, among the 186 people who received a Regeneron Pharmaceuticals antibody cocktail and were then exposed to COVID as part of the Company's phase 3, no symptomatic cases developed by COVID ; Eight members of a placebo group exposed to Covid have developed symptomatic infections.

This is not the only good news to come from the new study, however; Read it to find out what the new search says. And if you want to protect yourself, know thatIf you live in these states, you can be vaccinated in Walgreens next week.

Some participants who received antibodies contracted asymptomatic Covid.

young man in denim shirt coughing into tissue
Shutterstock / Hananeko_Studio

Although none of the study participants who received the antibody cocktail developed from symptomatic Covid, some cases of asymptomatic infection still occurred. Among the study participants, given the antibody cocktail, 15 developed asymptomatic Covid, against 23 in the placebo group.

However, among the beneficiaries of antibodies that have developed asymptomatic Covid, the infections generally lasted less than seven days and the viral load of patients was lower than that of the coovidants who received the placebo. And for the last last on coronavirus,The director of the CDC has just said that this Covid precaution is not necessary.

The antibody cocktail shortened the time of infectious patients.

young doctor talking to patient and showing him an ipad
Shutterstock / Good Day Photo

Since COVID vaccines are broadcast throughout the United States and abroad, is the loss of viral current - the period of time during which the virus continues to reproduce in a person's body - became A question of hot buttons among medical experts. According to article January 5 published inNature Critical Immunology, existing Covid vaccines approved for use "Do not prevent viral loss."

While the Regeneron Antibody Cocktail did not completely prevent viral loss, it has decreased significantly its duration. Among those who have received the antibody cocktail, the viral loss period was nine weeks and in the group who received the placebo, the viral loss continued for 44 weeks, a difference that may result in the period during which the Recipients of antibodies could potentiallyinfect. And before making your next move,You may soon need a Covid vaccine to do it, say officials.

People in the antibody cocktail group had few adverse effects.

adhesive bandage on a person's arm
Shutterstock / Taweek Inmek

Although any drug can have side effects, the members of the Regeneron study group have actually had fewer post-treatment symptoms than those who received placebo. Among those who received the antibody cocktail, only 12% reported side effects, while 18% of the placebo group reported the same thing. And for the latest COVID news delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

The treatment could help protect individuals worry about someone with COVID.

older man caring for woman with covid wearing mask in bed
Shutterstock / Lucigerma

Although the IVA health spokesperson noted that the antibody cocktail "should not provide permanent immunity" Against Covid, treatment could have profound implications for those involved in covidant patients.

"This is the first treatment shown to prevent COVID-19 after known exposure and provides protection for non-vaccinated persons in charge of aFamily member with COVID-19, "explained the main authorWilliam Petri Jr., MD, PhD, a Professor of Medicine and Vice President of Wade Hampton Frost for the research of the Medicine Ministry of the University of Virginia. "We expect Regeneron to file for an emergency use authorization of the FDA so that this medicine can be used outside the context of a clinical trial." And if you want to play it safely,Dr. Faisci just said to avoid doing this one thing this week .

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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