The director of the CDC just predicted that it will be the next "overvoltage event"

This event could lead even further from Covid-19.

Friday, January 8thThe United States exceeded 300,000 cases of daily coronaviruses For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, one of two alarming records of the country set last week. Thursday, January 7, the United States saw a record of more than 4,000 deaths from Covid,The Washington Postreports. Our current overvoltage, say experts, is widely attributed to theTraveling and gathering that took place during the holidays. But now, the country's main health figures warn that another event could cause CVIV-19 cases on even higher overvoltage. In an interview with the McClatchy News site,Robert Redfield, MD, director of disease control and prevention centers (CDC), discussed theRiots at the American Capitol January 6th and says, "I think you have to anticipate thatThis is another overvoltage event. You had largely unmasked individuals in a distant way, which were all through the Capitol. Read it to see what the damage of the riots could do and for more warnings,Dr. Fuci has just warned this "serious" Covid development.

Read the original article onBetter life.

Redfield stated that riots could lead to a "significant propagation".

dr. robert redfield at the white house
CA Newsphoto / Alamy Photo

In addition to the rioters, Redfield stated that he was concerned that members of the Congress and the leaders of the police working that day were also exposed to the virus. But the potential ramifications of the riots do not just affect those in the building or even those of Washington, D.C.

Redfield has made the point that people had attended the event of the whole country before returning home. "These people go all in cars and trains and planes returning home all over the country right now. So, I think this is an event that will probably lead to a significant propagation event," he said . "This is an event that will have consequences of public health." And for more information on current numbers, checkThe CDC has just published this climbing warning on Covid overvid.

The former FDA Commissioner stated that the riots "for sure" lead to "transmission chains".

Scott Gottlieb, former FDA commissioner, on CBS News' Face the Nation on Jan. 10
CBS News

Scott Gottlieb, MD, former Commissioner of Food and US Drug Administration (FDA) appeared on the CBSFace the nation Sunday, January 10th. At the end of their discussion, housesMargaret Brennan asked if the insurgency in the Capitol was "potentially aEvent Superspreader. "

"Of course," said Gottlieb. "I mean, there will be transmission chains that come out of this type of mass gathering and the crowd was not going to join what we know are good practices in terms of mask bearing and other things. And I think ... They deliberately avoided. These things. So, yes, let's see transmission chains out of this kind of gathering, for sure. "And to stay safely in the virus, checkIf you do not do it, your mask will not protect you, the study says.

Although the riots are mostly outdoors, Fauci said it could always be "a situation of Cordes-Creaders".

Dr. Anthony Fauci on ABC7

Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious DiseasesAnthony Fauci, MD, also weighed by recently talking to the Washington ABC7 channel. "I think for these people there, they are probablyincrease Because they have not essentially adhered to the fundamentals of public health and the context of COVID-19, which is a universal masks garment, keeping physical distance, avoiding crowds in gathering settings. The fact that it was outside, it's a little better than if they were completely inside. But you can still have a trapping situation when you do things sugaryly. And for more regular Covid updates,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

The last National Event Superspreader was the Sturgis Motorcycle rally.

Bikers cruise along Highway 24 near Wyoming's Devils Tower on Friday, August 14, 2020. Every year, bikers who attend the nearby Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota descend on the iconic landmark.

It's hard to say how many people were in riots and events leading to capital prison last week. Secretary of the armyRyan McCarthytold the associated press laEstimates for the size of the crowdIn the race at the insurrection "were all above the map", by 2,000 to 80,000 people.

The last National Machine Superspreader Event The Sturgis Motorcycle rally was the 10-day event south of Dakota in August, attended 460,000 people. At least 414 The cases of covidation were linked at the rally of South Dakota, covering 13 states, United States today reported, but some estimates were as high as 260,000 cases . And for more information on the last in the battle against Covid-19, check The CDC says that these 7 things every day to avoid Covid .

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