The strange new way you could get Covid, the study says

A common condition could make you more likely to become Covid through this routine behavior.

Although Covid spread mainly through the inhalation ofContaminated respiratory dropletsNew research suggests that a surprising daily habit could also put people at risk of contracting the virus. According to new research from the School of Washington University School of Medicine in Saint-Louis, food can be a particularly perilous activity for individuals with a common condition. Read it to find out if you could be at risk and for more qualities that have the opposite effect, checkThis rare trait could keep you safe from Covid, according to doctors.

According to the search published in the journalGastroenterology,People with Barrett's esophagus-A condition that results fromDamage to acid reflux This causes the thickening of the esophagus - may be more likely to develop COVID than the general population. After examining 30 patients with Barrett's esophagus, the authors of the study pose that, because of the physiological changes introduced by the disease, the esophagus cells begin to take the properties of the digestive tract cells to which binds. COVID. When this happens, the esophagus cells become more likely to the CVIV infection.

In addition, proton pump inhibitors, which are commonly prescribed for treating the barrett esophagus, neutralize the acid of the stomach that may otherwise kill the virus within a person of the digestive tract, which means Whether food contaminated with COVID particles could potentially infect people with barrettal esophagus with the virus. This may also mean that people with Barrett esophagus that come into contact with COVID-infected respiratory droplets may be more likely to develop infection by breathing contaminated particles.

"You can imagine that if someone has low levels of viruses in their respiratory tract, that the individual could swallow some respiratory secretions and the virus could infect the esophagus cells to make them sick in this way," co-leaderRamon U. Jin, MD, PhD, Clinical Researcher of the University of Washington Medicine in Saint-Louis Division of medical oncology, said in a statement.

Just because you have Barrett's esophagus does not mean that a future COVID infection is a precise conclusion, however; The authors of the study say that more research needs to be done to determine if swallowing has a major risk for a large segment of the population. In the meantime, after public health protocols, such asmasks, Wash hands and social distancing can all reduce the risk of developing the virus.

Of course, research indicates that some other conditions could make you more likely to develop a severe cog; Read it to find out if you could be at risk. And for more than you can do to stay safe, check outDr. Fauci says you need one of these at home to avoid Covid.

DOWN syndrome

Doctor talking with patient

On December 20, 2020, disease control and prevention centers (CDC) confirmed that down syndrome increased the risk of an individual fromdevelop a severe covidant. To help mitigate a person's risk, the CDC recommends thatPeople with down syndrome Develop a treatment plan with their drug supplier, maintain a 30-day offer of practical medicines and get medical care immediately if they develop symptoms. And before brushing this headache, know thatIf your head hurts by doing this, you might have Covid.


Healthcare worker at home visit

If you have diabetes, you can be more likely toMortality related to Covid than those without condition. According to the search in April 2020 published in theJournal of infection, people with diabetes werefour times more likely to die from Covid that the general population. And for an easy way to reduce your risks, discover whyMissing this vitamin puts you at risk of severe Covid, the study says.


Female doctor with a patient who is complaining of chest pain during coronavirus epidemic.

The CDC reports that a wide variety of heart conditions, including pulmonary hypertension, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathies and heart failure, increases your risk of complications of serious Covid. Unfortunately, even among individuals without heart problem, COVID canweaken, according to experts from Johns Hopkins. And for the latest COVID news delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.


man checking his stomach size

If you are fighting with your weight, you may be more likely to develop COVID complications. In fact, the storage of fat in some areas can put you more risky. A study of 2020 September published inMetabolism suggests that visceral grease, which is stored around the abdomen, is particularlyassociated with a strong covidant mortalityrates. And for risky behavior to avoid right now, see why This common habit could make your risk of much higher covidation, say doctors

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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