Covid researchers have just published their prediction of 2021 dark

2021 will look much at 2020, according to the Metric Institute and Health Assessment.

While the chief medical adviser of the White HouseAnthony Fauci, Md, says the Americans we're going to start to seea certain statement of standardization By the end of the fall, new research from the University of the University of Washington Institute of Health and Health Assessment (IHME) throws a projection from afar. In their last report, the IHME paid cold water on the idea that the country will be able to avoidAnother wave of COVID-19 Hit the next winter. The dark prognosis was included in Covid-19 Covid-19 results briefing. Continue reading to hear why exactly these COVID-19 researchers think that a winter wave 2021 is inevitable and for another update on which the virus is spreading now, checkWhat is the gravity of the COVID epidemic in your state.

The flock of immunity seems out of reach.

Mature Man Removing Protective Mask From his Face Outdoors in Public Park.

The immunity of the herd was considered the entire pandemic. The goal - which is also called community immunity - is "when a large part of the population of a region is immune from a specific disease. If sufficient people resist the cause of a disease, such as a virus or bacterium, do not hesitate from

Whilenatural antibodies in those who have recovered from the virus And vaccinations are our main ways to reach the immunity of the flock, Ihme researchers say: "We are not expecting the United States to reach a level of flock immunity that would prevent a third wave of next winter. " And for more information on the latest vaccine news, checkThe chief medicine of Moderna has just given this upsetting update.

Vaccine avoidance is a key problem.

A senior woman wearing a face mask receives a COVID-19 vaccine from a female doctor.

The World Health Organization (WHO) suggested that everything inThe immunity of the flock is the ultimate goalThis "should be achieved by protecting people through vaccination, not exposing them to the pathogen that causes the disease". However, this requires people to opt for vaccination programs and cross with the two doses of the Pfizer or the Moderna vaccine. Unfortunately, IMHE is pessimistic about theU.s. vaccinate an effective percentage From the population until 2021 "because a quarter of Americans say they will not take the vaccine and another state of state where they are not sure." The latest research shows that this may even be lower than that. According to the Gallup Survey January 12,65% of Americans are willing to be vaccinated For coronavirus and 35% are not. And for more vaccination news, see whyThe FDA has just changed its position on this precaution of Covid vaccine.

The transmission will remain a problem, even with vaccines.

sick senior couple wear with protective face mask

An unknown around the current vaccination program is how these vaccines prevent people who pass on the virus even if they do not fall sick themselves.American scientist Recently pointed out that, if vaccines "are exceptionally effective in preventing Covid-19, the data can not yet tell us if they hinder the transmission of SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes the disease." The IMHE also reported this question, saying, "We do not have clear evidence on vaccination cessing transmission as opposed to the prevention of serious disease and death."

However,American scientistAlso reports that by reducing the viral load of an infected person, vaccines will reduce transmission even without eradicating it entirely. They pointed the example of theRotavirus vaccine, which was introduced in the United States in 2006 and reduced the positive testing of the disease from 74 to 90% over the next 4 to 10 years. And for more ordinary covid news,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

However, the next winter increase will not be as bad as it.

woman in winter clothing with face mask on ice skating rink

The IHME hit a cautious optimism note, suggesting that "the number of deaths in a third wave, if it occurs, would be considerably reduced. Key Strategies for the Management of the End of this Fall / Winter of Overvoltage and Mitigate the Risk again The variants continue to include the development of the expansion of masque consumption by 76% to 95%, to encourage Social distancing through appropriate mandates and accelerate vaccination. "So, for now, America's best hope remains after public health advice, masking and vaccine taking as soon as they are available. And for more information on the latest research around The pandemic, checkTerrifying Long Symptom Covid doctors now warn.

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