This strange symptom could be the only sign that you have Covid, the study says

Even something as Benin as it can be a sign of coronavirus.

Usually,HAVE THE HOCHCUPS is a minor embarrassment: yes, they are clumsy and sometimes a little uncomfortable, but otherwise they are totally harmless, unless they are not going to leave. Two recent case studies have shown that in very rare cases,Hochups can actually be aCOVID-19 obscure symptom-And they can even be the only sign that something is wrong. Continue reading to find out more and to decode your COVID symptoms, checkThat's how to say if your headache is Covid, the study says.

The first case study to achieve this conclusion, which has not yet been examined by peers, was published in June. He gave a story of a 64-year-old man whoseHochups persisted for more than 72 hours Before going to the emergency room for help. After a thoracic radiograph revealed glass opacities - a signature of serious pulmonary diseases, including the novel Coronavirus - it tested positive for Covid. His Hochups continued to a total of seven days, but he never developed another visible symptom of coronavirus.

In another case study published inThe American Journal of Emergency Medicine In July, the situation played the same way. In this case, a 62-year-old man hada fight of hoks that lasted four days But no other known symptom. As the researchers wrote, "his physical examination was formerly inherent." Given a pulmonary radiography and a CT scanner, it has been found with glass glass opacities in its lungs and positive tested for COVID-19.

As researchers note, these case studies - however rare-emphasize the importance of health professionals taking everythingAtypical symptoms Seriously, the possible presentations of the coronavirus. "This case report highlights two important problems: it first emphasizes the importance of a detailed evaluation in the presentations with Hochups, at a minimum of taking a thorough history, a physical examination, to obtain Basic laboratory work and obtain a thoracic radiography "The team behind the July study wrote. "Second, doctors should maintain a CVIV-19 infection on their difference because more cases are discovered through atypical presentations."

Of course, most cases of Hochuks will not prove to be Covid - you are much more likely to do stress, eat or drink too fast, swallow air or drinking too much alcohol . But if yourHochups persist for 48 hours, the national health service of the U.K. (NHS) indicates that it is time to ask a doctor. Read on some strange symptoms of Covid, you should always take seriously and to find out if your pain comes from coronavirus, checkThis strange pain could be the first sign you have COVID, the study says.

Read the original article onBetter life.


rash on torso

In an April study published inThe British Dermatology JournalResearchers have requested data from all dermatologists in SpainCoovidant patients who had raised rashes in the previous two weeks. There was a total of 375 cases, which researchers were divided into five overall categories of rashes. They found that these were the most frequent occurrences, listed by the at least common:

  • Small flat bumps, flat or elevated
  • Chilblated red lesions on toes and hands
  • aitching which looks like an irritation of sticking nettle
  • Cloque epidemics on the upper thigh or members
  • Necrosis, presenting as a spotted pattern of net type

Any cutaneous eruption of appearance should be taken seriously as a possible symptom of Covid. And for more vital information about the symptoms of COVID, discoverThis is how to say if your cough is Covid, say doctors.

Pink eye

Older woman with pinkeye

While most cases of conjunctivitis are bacteria, researchers also found aConnection between covidage and pink eye. OptometristAlexandra Williamson, Od, recently said theCleveland Clinic, "Anatomically, the eye is connected to nasal passages through the Nasolacrimal duct, which is where our tears flows into the sinuses. And this connection allows viruses to cause problems in both places."

"There is a well-proven association between the respiratory viral infections and a type of appearance of pink eyes," adds Williamson. "Conjunctivitis occurs in viral infections, but there may also be other eye symptoms such as watering or redness since the youngest children will rub them because they are irritated." And for more COVID updates regularly,Sign up for our daily newsletter.


Woman having dizzy spell
Shutterstock / Fizkes

Vertigo is another symptomMay people often neglect when it comes to Covid. Indeed, people are often quick to reject this sensation as the "normal" result of dehydration, overexercision, overheating or low blood glucose. Although it is all guilty perfectly susceptible, it is important to remember that about eight 10-year Covid present with a kind ofneurological symptom-And your spelling could just indicate that you caught Covid. And for more than this symptom coronavirus, checkThis is one of the most "easily neglected" covidant symptoms, experts warn.

Loss of smell or taste

Man not eating upset because he lost his sense of taste

According toJustin Turner, MD, PhD, Otolaryngology Otolaryngology-Surgery Professor and the Medical Director of the Odor and Taste Center of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center, it is not uncommon for patients with infections viral upper respiratorylose their sense of smell or taste. In a recent questions and response courses with the University News Portal, he said, "Up to 80% of people who test positive for COVID-19 have subjective.Complaints of smell or loss of taste. "And for more where the virus is spreading, checkYou are more likely to get Covid here now than ever, search shows.

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