Write this only thing the night will help you sleep, study

Research shows that five minutes devoted to only five minutes before the bed helped sleep habits.

Good sleep is the recipe of good health. However, the rest of a full night is often easier than to do. In fact, the National Sleep Foundation indicates that 55% of Americans think thatthey do not sleep enough. So, how can you guarantee a good night's sleep? According to a study, write this thing before the bed will actually help you sleep better:a list to do.

The 2018 study, published in theExperimental Psychology Journal, set to discover howSpecific bed routines affect our sleep. They found that only spending five minutes write a list to go before going to bed.

"We live in a 24-hour culture and 7 days / 7 in which our task lists seem constantly growing up andWe worry about unfinished tasks At the time of bed, "Michael K. Scullin, Author of the main studies and director of the Baylor Neuroscience and Cognition Laboratory, said in a statement. "Most people have just browsed their task lists in their head and we wanted to explore if the act of writing could thwart night difficulties fall asleep."

woman working at home and sign business paper. Focus is on hand. Close up. Space for copy.

The researchers in the study observed 57 participants aged 18 to 30 who were all invited to complete a writing mission for five minutes just before going to bed. Some were randomly attributed to write a list of unfinished tasks for the next few days, and the others were assigned to a complete list on the tasks they had completed on previous days. Participants who have written a list to dofell asleep significantly faster that those who have been responsible for writing a complete list.

A lot of research has already been done aboutHow stress can affect our sleep, as an American psychological association survey where, on average,Adults who were less stressed reported sleep more hours than those with higher reported stress levels. Much of this research is based on the stressors of past events, but Baylor researchers wanted to know how the stress of future events could be stressed.Play a role in sleep disturbance.

"A potential stressor is to know that we have incomplete tasks, that is, elements of the list of things to do. In the cognitive scientific literature, incomplete tasks are known to stay at a High level of cognitive activation, stimulating automatic thoughts on incomplete task, "said the study. The researchers also noted that this was the reason why people find it more difficult to fall asleep at the beginning of the work week.

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And although many can assume that writing on future unfinished tasks could simplyTrain additional concern for these thingsHe actually proved to do the complete contrary. Physically write a list of tasks to reduce the likelihood that participants mentally ruminate on these unfinished tasks while trying to fall asleep.

But the study is limited to participants who have been used. After all, none of the participants had preliminary sleep disorders or other disorders that can also play a role in sleep disturbance.

"The measures of personality, anxiety and depression can moderate the effects of writing to fall asleep, which could be explored in an investigation with a larger sample," said Sullin. "We have recruited healthy young adults and so we do not know whether our conclusions would generalize to insomnic patients, although some writing activities have already been suggested for the benefit of these patients." And for more sleep help,Never put this in your body before going to bed if you want to sleep, doctors say.

Categories: Health
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