If your mask does not pass this test, discard it

This simple test will demonstrate if your mask is effective to protect you from COVID.

During the last month, there was a health expert call for people to start usingbest quality masks in light again,COVID strains more infectious Spread through the United States if you are not sure whether your current mask is sufficient to protect yourself from coronavirus, there are ways to know. In fact, experts suggested submitting your mask to a simple test at home that will help you exclude masks that are certainly not cautious to wear. Read it to know how to say if your mask must be thrown, and for more mask tips,If you wear your mask like this, you do not receive "maximum protection".

Hold your mask until the light to test its effectiveness.

Holding mask to sunlight

Gregory Poland, MD, Director of the Mayo Clinic Vaccine Research Group, saidThe Washington Post What holds your mask up to light can helpshow you how much protection Your mask actually provides. You can use the flashlight, sunlight or the indoor lights of your phone to perform the test. If you can see through the mask when you keep it in light, "It's not a mask," said Poland. And for useful content delivered directly into your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

You can also try to blow a candle with your mask.


If you want to do another test to see how your mask is stacking, you can try this other quick thing that the experts recommend. "You should not be able to blow a birthday candle with a mask"Neysa Ernst, Rn, head of the nurse of the Biocontainment Unit at Johns Hopkins Medicine, saidThe Washington Post.

This mask test became viral on tiktok and for good reason: it's a quick way to see how air passes through your mask.Amy price, Dphil, a senior research scientist in Stanford anesthesia anesthesia and Stanford University's media laboratory told NPR that whenblow up on a candle While wearing your mask, you want the flame to stay on. If you are capable of blowing the candle, it could be a sign that your mask does not provide a fairly strong barrier and there is too much air exchange between you and the world, explained the price. And for the latest news from the mask,Dr. Fauci says that the CDC can make this change of major mask soon.

These mask tests are not infallible.

older man with face mask and phone standing next to his bike outside

These tests can not inform you for some that your mask gives you complete protection, but they are useful for identifying masks that certainly do not do enough to protect you. The price warned that the candle test is not infallible and can not take into account the external variables, such as the type of candle and resistance to individual lungs. At the same time, it feels that the test is always worth it because it can be useful in shot masks, then ditch masks that do not work. And for more masks to avoid,This type of facial mask is "unacceptable", warns the Mayo Clinic.

Look for masks recommended by health experts.

Woman Wearing N95 Medical Face Mask
AndreyPopov / iStock

Abraar Karan, MD, a doctor of Harvard Medical School, told the NPR that "being able to blow a candle may be a measure of measurement of how particles can leave your mask, [but that does not mean" unclear for Me how reliable it's like proxy for small aerosols coming out with a normal word or cough. "

Meanwhile, scientist and head of the company of Mask AM99 ™Terry T.l. Au-Yeung, PhD, says that the light test can be a good way to check the layers and thickness of a mask ", but the light of the light has no connection withleave the virus through. "AU-YEUNG warns consumers against the transmission of light and the transmission of the virus.

Side tests, when buying a mask, you must search for the types of face coatings recommended by the disease control and prevention centers (CDC), such asNon-medical disposable masks, Masks with several layers, masks with tight fabrics and masks with filter pockets. And for more reasons to upgrade your mask,If you have this mask, get a new one now, let's say experts .

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