Missing this vitamin could put you at risk of a new COVID study.

The somewhat obscure supplement can help protect Covid-19 organs affect the most.

You effectively protect coronaviruses can be as simple as wearing a face mask, wash hands and practicing social distance in public. But at this stage of the pandemic, researchers were also able to test what could affect the experience of a patient with the virus, includingSimple vitamins and minerals It's part of your daily diet. And thanks to a new study, it seems thatThe absence of vitamin K can increase your risk of developing severe covidationBy making the last addition to a growing list of supplements that can be useful for fighting the disease. Read it to see how this could help your health, and for more information on how you can stay safe, discoverIf you do not do it, your mask will not protect you, the study says.

The recent research of Denmark, which have not yet been examined by peers, set out in testing a hypothesis by comparing theVitamin K levels 138 hospitalized patients with COVID-19 with those of 140 people in good health. The results showed that those hospitalized with COVID hadVitamin K levels which averaged half of the healthy control population,The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. In addition, 43 coronavirus-deceived study topics had even lower vitamin K levels.

The researchers have been forced to test their theory based on previous studies that have shown thatVitamin K can play an important part To overcome severe CVIV-19 fights. They emphasize that vitamin K helps your body maintain healthy blood vessels and activate enzymes that help protect lung tissue, which are two major organs seriously affected by the respiratory virus.

"When these are not activated,The lungs become poorer and may explain why Covid-19 patients with low vitamin levels are affected by the disease "Allan Linneberg, MD, researcher at the Clinical Research and Prevention Center at Frederiksberg Hospital, said in an interview with a Danish TV channel on January 5th. Linneberg also pointed out that the conclusions of the study were more revealing of how vitamin K rates affect infection recovery patients, but they can not protect you from catching the virus in the first place.

The authors of the study also emphasize eating foods rich in vitamin K instead of taking supplements so as to avoid overconsumption. So, how can youGet your daily share of vitamin K? Make sure to eat green green, including lettuce, kale fall and spinach, as well as the consumption of vegetable oils, such as canola and soy.

Read it to see which other vitamins can help in the fight against Covid-19 and for more on what your symptoms could tell you, discoverIf this part of your body hurts, you might have Covid.

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Vitamin D

Vitamin D Supplements

When it comes to cutting both your risk of serious Covid and chances that you will be infected, follow the proof of assembly continuously on an apparently big winner: vitamin D. A September study published in theAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNALfound only to have avitamin D deficiency Increases your risk of positive testing for coronavirus by almost 80%.

"If you are vitamin D deficient, it has an impact on your susceptibility to infection. I would not want to recommend - and I do it myself-Take vitamin D supplements, "Anthony Fauci, MD, said during an Instagram Live Interview with actorJennifer Garner in September. And for more risk factors to keep in mind, checkThe CDC has just confirmed that this disorder could put you at risk of gravel Covid.


ealthy product sources of zinc, including chicken, liver, shellfish, and eggs

According to a study conducted in Spain on March and April,Cipidant patients who had higher levels of zinc In their blood were more likely to survive the disease than those who had much lower levels.

"It has long been thought thatZinc Bolsters the immune system, "Len Horovitz, MD, a pulmonologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, said at HealthDay. "A possible explanation in this study is thatZinc can have an anti-inflammatory effectIt's protective. "And for more than what does not prevent you from security, checkThis type of facial mask does not protect you from COVID, which warns.

Vitamin C

Foods High in vitamin C on a wooden board, including oranges, almonds, kiwis, bananas, peppers, and more

Many patients who develop serious cases of COVID-19 seem to be missing from the long trumpetVitamin C immune In their systems, according to a meta-analysis of researchers from Augusta University in Georgia. The researchers explain its effect by describing a combat with the coronavirus as almost acting as an accelerated aging, noting that theLower levels of vitamin CElderly patients experiment in the aging process could be a sign as to why they are more likely to a population in Covid. And for more regular Covid news delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

Foods Highest in Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)- top view
Tatjana Baibakova / Shutterstock

An August report of the College of Food and Agriculture at the University of the United Arab Emirates found thatB1 Improves immune function, can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and can help maintain healthy levels of blood oxygen - all that can make a brush with the new coronavirus easier to overcome.

Like type 2 diabetes turned out to be one of the biggestRisk factors in terms of covidant mortalityIt's a big news. Search published in the newspaperDiabetesIn May noted that 10% ofHospitalized covid patients with diabetes Deceased in a week of admission. And for more information on the panels, you could go out well after the fight against the virus, checkIf you have this symptom, you are more likely to have a mild covidation case.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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