We will not need COVID restrictions on that date, who says

The World Health Agency has had an "optimistic message" on the coming months.

A sustainable decrease of six weeks of cases of daily coronaviruses in the United StatesMany optimistic experts that we have transformed another corner into the pandemic. While the experts say that wearing masks and social distancing is always essential, according to a representative of the World Health Organization (WHO),may not be much longer Until we no longer need COVID restrictions. Read it to see when the organization says we can come back to normal and see what youcanpost-vaccination, checkDr. Fauci has just confirmed that you can do it after being vaccinated.

Who stated that the restrictions will probably be useless at the beginning of 2022.

A young woman removing her face mask while standing outdoors.

Speaking with the Danish State News Service on February 21, 21,Hans Kluge, MD, WHO Regional Director for Europe, said he believed that COVID-19would continue to be a major problem Throughout the rest of this year. But, he said, the epidemics will be much easier to manage that they were in 2020 and would continue to decline in gravity, the Turkish state news serviceAnadolu agency reported. He continued to predict that because of this, thePublic health precautions which are currently in place could probably be deleted safely at the beginning of 2022.

"He will remain a virus, but I do not think the restrictions will be needed," said Kluge. "This is an optimistic message." And for the prediction of inaccuance on a particular restriction, checkDr. Faisci has just said exactly when we no longer need masks.

New mutations could be a problem, but are probably manageable through vaccines.

A senior man wearing a face mask receives a COVID-19 vaccine from a health care worker

Kluge remained cautiously optimistic, saying hebelieved that the worst surges were behind us, largely thanks to the new treatments and knowledge we need to counteract new epidemics. Nevertheless, he warned that the vaccination process was to be seen through, citing that the next major problem would probably arise when vaccinated people started to mingle with those who were not immunized.

The director also pointed out that even though new contagious variants of the virus could put a constraint in some countries and should always be monitored, he was confident thatExisting vaccines would still be able to provide protection necessary to prevent a serious illness. And for more information on how common cases are where you live, discover itWhat is the size of the COVID epidemic that is always in your state.

Other experts have recently made even more optimistic predictions.

A group of young friends laughing and enjoying beers at a pub while not wearing face masks.

While those who may have offered an optimistic perspective in the coming months, others have recently argued that the chronology could be considerably shorter. In an OP-ED published inWall Street newspaper On February 18th,Matrix, MD, a surgeon and a professor at Johns Hopkins Medicine Medicine School of Johns Hopkins Public Health Public Health, argued that "there are reasons to think that The country is running towards an extremely low level of infection, "predicting this" to the current trajectory. , I expect toCovid will be mostly By April, allowing Americans to resume a normal life. "

However, the makary's argument that generalized natural immunity quickly inaugurated in a return to normality was rapid to arouse controversy. "I amnot so sure it's a flock immunity that we are talking about "Covid white house advisorAnthony Fauci, MD, says OP-ED during an appearance on NBCMeet the press February 21st. He then explained that the decline in business means that we probably need to "see the natural top and get off" a fueled push - celebration. And for more COVID news, delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Other experts warned that we can never reach the immunity of the flock.

woman in winter clothing with face mask on a bus looking at her phone

Despite the prediction of WHO, other experts share the prospects that the virus itself will probably never really disappear. During an appearance on the CBSFace the nation,Scott Gottlieb, MD, former Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), said: "I do not really thinkWe will never reach the real immunity of the flock"Attention that" it's not going to be like measles or smallpox where it goes away. Covid will continue to circulate at a low level. "

This warning was also previously issued by other experts against highly contagious mutated versions of the virus. "There are serious concerns that with the spread of new variants of COVID-19,Reach the immunity of the flock necessary to end the pandemic can be difficult if not impossible, "Christopher Murray, MD, Director of the Institute of Metric and Assessment of Health (IHME) at the University of Washington, stated in a declaration published on February 4, "although it is possible to reach the immunity of the flock next winter, it seems more and more unlikely that we would do so, and in the light of this, we must all change our expectations. "And for more times when another point in cases could happen, discover, discoverThat's exactly when we'll see the next Covid surge, experts warn.

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