Drinking this 3 times a day could help you live longer, study

A new study champions the health benefits of this beloved drink.

For those of us who are not exactly "morning people", the day does not really start before we can have appreciated thatfirst cup of coffee. And while you have been warned of time and time on theadverse effects that Joe's shake Can have on you, new research suggests that the drink has some key benefits (and we are not just talking about the caffeine induced kickstart). In fact, the experts now suggest that moderate coffee consumption every day can lead to lower mortality and lower risk of cardiovascular disease. For complete results on the incredible power of coffee, read it and for the only type of Java to avoid, discoverIf you have this coffee at home, the FDA says you get rid of now.

For eight years, Italian researchers examined coffee consumption of 20,000 people.

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Published inThe Journal of Nutrition, the study followed more than 20,000 participants in Italy, aged 35 to 94, andmeasured their coffee consumption over an eight years. Nobody could have suffered cardiovascular disease or cancer before taking part in the study. And for more thanwhenTo drink your daily JOE cup, checkThe worst moment to drink your morning coffee, the study says.

They found that your habit of coffee can be good for your heart and longevity.

woman with a face mask and a coffee waiting for the train

Researchers have found that, with those who have not consumed coffee at all, "moderate consumption (3-4 cups / d) ... was associated with less risks and, in particular, of the Mortality of the CVD (cardiovascular disease). "

It relies on another study published inThe Journal of Nutrition in Jul. 2020 who observed that in the elderly in Spain, those whostopped drinking coffee After a life of normal consumption, a decrease in health. However, it was not clear in this case if the participants had experienced health problems because of the reduction of coffee or not to drink it because they were sick. These last research suggest the first.

In addition, further studies have found thatDrink more coffee is associated with a lower risk of cirrhosis, heart disease and diabetes. And for more regular health news delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

It's all because of a specific marker in the cafe.

unground coffee bean up close

The researchers focused on a particular element in the body - specifically a compound called N-Terminal Pro B Natriuretic Peptide, or NTProBNP short. UKNational health service Tip, it is an "inactive peptide" released in the body when the walls of the heart are stretched or under pressure, and measured when doctors are concerned about the patient's heart health. However, in this study, researchers also concluded that "NTPROBNP probably mediates the relationship between coffee intake and total mortality." And for more information on the current health crisis, checkThis vitamin deficiency makes your risk of death from Covid soard, the study says.

But keep on the Venti cappuccinos coming from the novelty.

Espresso machine extracting coffee into tiny cups

An important factor to keep in mind is that, while this study followed patients who consumed three to four cups of coffee a day, they made it an Italian style: "The contribution of coffee was normalized for a size From the Italian espresso cup of 30 ml. " This is the normal volume of a single espresso, not a double.

On the other hand, if your regular order is, say aGREAT STARBUCKS GINGERBREAD LATTEFour of them will include 8 sprouts, 180% of your daily saturated fat allocation and 152 grams of sugar, then choose your order carefully. And for more information on the latest health news, see4 things easy to do to live a longer life, according to doctors.

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