Science says men with this type body have healthy hearts

Gents: It's time to get out the measurement band.

It is widely known thatA woman's waist ratio is an important indicator of her overall health. Now a new study published inthe newspaper Scientific reportshighlighted the importance of the man's height-height ratio, also known as (WSR), health and longevity "size-size".

Researchers from the University of São Paulo State (UNESP), Brazil, and Oxford Brookes University of the United Kingdom analyzed previous studies and determined that men who hadupper waist to height were more likely to develop heart disease, even if they are not overweight.

"We found that non-overweight ,, people in good physical assets without metabolic disease history or cardiovascular WSRS but close to the limit of risk factors were more likely to develop heart disease than individuals with less grease accumulated in the waist area, ",noted Vitor Earrácia ValentiProfessor at UNESP and lead author of the study.

The measurement of your size-size is divided by your size by your size. Thus, a man who is 6 feet tall (72 inches) and has a size of 30 inches would have a size-height ratio of 0.41, which is about the same as the middle collegiate swimmer. If you are under 40, your height-height ratio should not be greater than 0.5. If you have more than 50 years, WSR that puts you at a critical risk is considered to start at 0.6.

Because recent studies have shown that the distribution of fats on your body is a better indicator of health than the amount of body fat as you wear together, WHR and WSR are increasingly considered as more precise predictors of risk. cardiovascular that the body mass index (BMI).

But to prove this theory, Valenti and his team recruited 52 men aged 18 to 30 who were all in good health and physically active and divides them into three groups according to their WSR. On the first day of the study, they asked them to rest for 15 minutes, work as hard as possible on the treadmill and then rest for one hour. The goal was to determine that they were all capable of performing intense aerobic exercises, regardless of their WSR.

"This test has proven that they were physically active. They are not athletes, but they used to play football on weekends, for example, "said Valenti.

The second all day, they were invited to run for 25 minutes to 60 percent of their maximum effort, after which researchers measured their heart rate. As expected, men including WSRs greater than 0.5 took longer to recover after exercise, which does not bode well for their hearts.

"Autonomic heart rate recovery time is a good indicator of the risk of cardiovascular complications immediately after aerobic exercise and develop heart disease," said Valenti. "If the heartbeat is time to return to normal, it indicates that the individual tracks of a high risk of developing a heart condition ... we found that volunteers with the group WSRS close to the limit of risk have also been more likely to develop Cardiovascular Disorders ".

Given its effect on your heart, it may not be surprising thatA 2014 study have found that people with very high WSRS, such as 0.8 (FYI: WHR ideal for a woman is 0.7, which means there is a difference of seven inches between hip circumference and size ), lived 17 years less than those in good health WSRS. In general, WSR studies seem to focus on men for the moment, and within the medical community, studies on the world's largest and overall health tricks focus more around their WHS. But it could be useful to calculate your size-height ratio regardless of what kind you are, and remember the golden rule: your waist should never be more than half of your size!

And to learn more about how to keep your heart healthy long in your golden years, discoverHow much you need to walk every day to prolong your life.

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