Gwyneth Paltrow has just revealed the 3 symptoms of Covids she can not get rid of

The actor says that she still feels these problems after taking the virus early in the pandemic.

In early March, before we really know what we have been dealing with Covid,Gwyneth Paltrowposted a picture herself on a plane to Pariswear masks. "Paranoid? Prudent? Paniqued? Placid? Pandemic? Propaganda?" She wrote in the caption. "[I'm] just go ahead and sleep with that thing on the plane. I have been in this movie. Stay safe. Do not shake hands. Wash your hands frequently." Paltrow starred in 2011movieContagion, Which gained new attention in the beginning of the pandemic for its close similarities that we all live in the last 12 months. Nearly a year after Paltrow posted this Instagram, we know much more about Covid Paltrow and even a first-hand experience. She shared a post on its website, Goop, February 17, revealingShe Covid-19 "Early" in the pandemic. Now she says she deals with some long-term effects of the virus. Read ahead to find out more about the symptoms Paltrow said she always and an idea of ​​the first infectious infectious expert of the nation, checkDr. Fauci says it's the symptoms of Covid who do not disappear.

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A young woman lies on the couch while covered by a blanket and a tired expression on her face

"I Covid-19 early, and it left me from the fatigue of long tail" wrote Paltrow Goop on. She did not go into much detail in the post, but it became clear thatFatigue is the most common symptom For those who feel the effects of long Covid after the virus has left their bodies.

ASurvey Corps Survivor-A long-Covid support group led byNatalie Lambert, PhD, of the School of Medicine at Indiana University, interviewed 1,500 lengths Covid. They found that 100% of respondents said they felt tired. And more things about how to remove this symptom, checkIf you are more tired than usual, here's how to tell if it's Covid.

Brain fog

Young business man rubbing eyes at desk
Shutterstock / Fizkes

Brain fog is another symptom that Paltrow said she was exposed, which is also common in people with long-term covidants. White House Counselor CovidAnthony FauciMD, recently explained in an interview with theDuke Global Health Institute This brain fog refers to the feeling of having "a difficulty focusing or concentrating." The report Survivor Corps, 59% lengths Covid reported having encountered difficulties in concentrating, as Paltrow. More news celebrity and health delivered directly to your inboxSign up for our daily newsletter.


brain scan photos with doctor looking at them

Paltrow also said she takes care of inflammation. "In January, I did tests that showed very high levels of inflammation in my body," she wrote.

While she does not explain exactly where the inflammation was, the long term effect of Covid is the one that caused health professionals some concern, especially when it comes from the heart and brain. For example, aJama Cardiology to study Published July looked cardiac MRI of 100 people who had recovered from Covid-19 over the last two to three months. They found "ongoing myocardial inflammation"In 60% of study participants. In addition, a study published in June in the journalRadiologyfound that 68% of patients had severe covidants "increasedmarkers of inflammation"In their brain. And the strangest ways, the virus continues to wreak havoc, checkTerrifying Long Symptom Covid doctors now warn.

Paltrow has adjusted his diet in order to improve its post-Covid health.

Gwyneth Paltrow covid mask
Gwyneth Paltrow / Instagram

Paltrow said she saw a practitioner of functional medicineWill Cole, A doctor of natural medicine, and uses an intermittent fasting diet Keto and semi-plant from his book. "After seeing all my labs, he explained that it was a case where the road to recovery would be longer than usual," says Paltrow. She continued to talk she takes supplements, non alcoholic cocktail she likes and some of his favorite skincare products. For more effects of long-term covidation checkDoctors "really annoying" symptoms of Covid Covids want you to prepare.

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Tags: Actors / Celebrities / News
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