The real reason you have to wear sunglasses in the middle of coronavirus

Your shades do not just block the sun. Experts say they could help you protect you from COVID-19.

Some of the first instructions we have received to avoidcoronavirus infection were to wash your hands frequently and move them away from our faces. Indeed, the virus is transmitted via droplets, which infect when they enter the eyes, nose or mouth. Now that most people wear masks when they come out in public, they do not just put a barrier on their nose and mouth to disrupt the virus particles they release in the air, they also make it less likely than 'They' ll touch those parts of the body themselves. But what about your eyes? Should we all wear safety glasses outside? Fortunately, it's not necessary - a new study indicates that even your favorite sunglasses can helpProtect your coronavirus eyes.

You probably do not have your shades on sunny days already, but a research review and a meta-analysis published inThe lancet On June 1 suggest that you appear on the cloudy time too. "Eye protection is usually subcurred and can be effective in community contexts, "reads on the study. The researchers found in their journal that the eye protection is "associated with less infection", although the physical distancing and facial masks had more impact on the spread of coronavirus.

Although proof is inconclusive about the impact of glasses, the main author of the study,Derek chu, MD, told ABC News: "Protective goggles, face shields, or even big glasses Can be important in preventing the droplet distributed through the eyes, as well as the self-inoculation by the hands. In other words, covering your eyes can protect them from being an entry point for the virus particles in the air (for example, if someone not to hide sneezing very close to you) And you prevent you from touching your own eyes with potentially infected hands.

Young black man in sunglasses and mask in park
Shutterstock / Roman J Royce

If you wondered if you should upgrade your mask on aprotection's mask, Like men in the health of health workers, sunglasses or regular eyeglasses - are a more reasonable alternative.

"Wear a face shield is not practical and not recommended by [Disease Control Centers (CDC)]"Janette Nesheiwat, MD, family doctor and emergency, tellsBetter life. "It is intended to be used in a hospital or clinic for preventing blood splashing and body fluid entering the eyes during a procedure."

She continues to say that "sunglasses, regular glasses and glasses can be worn as an additional barrier" but notes that "at that time, only a face cover or a mask is recommended by the CDC."

Leann Poston, MD, ofMedical vibifier, stresses that wearing glasses could be harmful if you do not follow other guidelines. "The disadvantage would be if you put them on and remove them with contaminated hands," she says. In addition, the carriers must not consider them as the perfect form of protection. "The air that is reproduced under the glasses can be propelled by a fan or ventilation of the air conditioning always reach the eyes," says Poston.

Not only should you handle your glasses with clean hands as much as possible, you must also clean them frequently. TheCoronavirus can live on glass and plastic For a few days, the experts recommend you to recommend youWipe them after each wear.

For more information on sunny weather and pandemic, checkHoping the summer will kill coronavirus? A new study says that we have gone to this point.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus
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