A simple but tasty ginger-lime vinaigrette

There is nothing like a simple dressing to keep your salad in good health.

When we order a salad in a restaurant, do not hope that it will be good health, a low-calorie choice? Why is thatmost salads you order in a fast food restaurant or chain end up being anything but? Well, how about checking the number of calories before spreading yourPad and then after. There is a big difference, is it not? Indeed, most salad sauces, especially the heaviest as a ranch andCaesar sauce, Are many more calories than that of even many dishes. But even a vinaigrette, especially when it is served in most restaurants are often shoved as long as the number of calories is through the room. Even when you buy a bottle of vinaigrette in a grocery store, you are bound to get something that is full of chemicals, curators and hidden fats and calories that you can easily avoid by doing your own at home. It's when our tasty, acidulated,vegan-friendly Ginger ginger vinaigrette comes into play. It is simple and easy to do, but much more exciting and elaborate ingredients and taste than that of your average balsam vinegar and vinaigrette mixed olive oil. With this recipe, you can create an excellent all-purpose Asian clothing salad. In addition, it is just as good for dressing a salad as for the filling of a fish fillet orcutlets, A goosinggrilled steakOr marinate a front chickengrilling. No matter how you choose, you will be licking your fingers and savoring every drop.

1/2 cup gives about

You will need

The juice of 2 green lemons

1/2 c fresh ginger, peeled and chopped or grated
1/2 c jalapeño chopped
1 podminced garlic
1 tablespoon of honey
1 tablespoon of sesame oil
3 c canola or vegetable oil
Black salt and pepper

How to do it

  1. Mix the lime juice, ginger, chilli, garlic and honey in a bowl.
  2. Sprinkle slowly in oils, whisking constantly.
  3. Season with a good pinch of salt and pepper.


Like all our recipes, this one is adaptable. If the ginger combo and Jalapeño is too much for you, exchange with your favorite pepper of choice. Morally opposed to honey? REACH FOR AGAVE.

This recipe (and hundreds of others!) Came from one of our cook, this, not that! books. For more easy cooking ideas, you can alsobuy the book!

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