The most neglected path to avoid Covid, according to research

New research shows that making a small addition to your EPP could help you stay safer.

Over the past year, the health precautions that were once incredible had become part of everyday life. But while the mask wearing masks, social distancing and regular hand washing are now fully common, there are other simple means of avoiding the virus that you probably have not incorporated into your routine. According to several medical doctors and experts, there is a very vulnerable area of ​​your body that you neglect to protect: your eyes. Read it to see why a small change could keep you much safer, according to recent research, and for more than what could endanger you, discoverIf you did this recently, you have 70% more likely to get Covid.

To say more concentration on eye protection to stop Covid, say experts.

older asian businessman riding elevator while wearing face shield amid coronavirus
Shutterstock / Ranta Images

The scientific community agrees widely that wearing a mask and avoid crowds is absolutely essential to avoid the new coronavirus. But according toPeter Collignon, Doctorate, a doctor of infectious diseases and professor at the Australian National University, the attention we put on social distance and that I wear face masks should also beplaced on the use of eye protection In many situations,The Guardian reports.

Collignon explains that there was unnecessary quantity to focus onDisinfecting surfaces At the beginning of the pandemic, we are much more likely to get the particle virus in the air. "They breathe them and they will enter their noses and eyes and it's the main risk factor," he said.

Studies have shown that the addition of eye protection can be effective when stopping infection.

Female coronavirus doctor in face shield
Shutterstock / Theskaman306

To make his case, Collignon cited a study published in theAMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL in August. Researchers found that 19% of health workers with three-layer surgical masks, surgical gloves, shoe covers and a hand disinfectantbecame infected by Covid. But when the face shields have been added to the protective measures of the workers, the number of infections has fallen to zero. Collignon saidThe Guardian that the results show how to focus on other protective measures can have a great effect, saying, "I think we are underestimatedWhat is the importance of the eyes and overestimated surfaces. "

In addition, a meta-analysis of June 2020 published in the journalThe lancet examined 172 studies of 16 countries and six continents andfound that the use of eye protection, such as protective goggles, visors and face shields, is associated with "less infection".The lancet The main author of the study,Derek chu, MD, told ABC News: "Protective goggles, face shields, or even big glasses May be important in preventing the droplet through the eyes, as well as the self-inoculation by the hands. "And for more information on hownot To protect you from COVID, checkIf you superimpose these masks, the CDC says to stop immediately.

Even daily eye cladding can help you protect yourself.

Woman in sunglasses and mask
Shutterstock / Roman J Royce

Other research found that even cover your eyes with everyday glasses could have a great effect. In a study published on Medrxiv on February 13, which has not yet been examined by peers, researchers examinedHow glasses could protect someone from the coronavirus novel By observing 304 Coovidant patients aged 10 to 80 in a hospital in northern India, 19% of patients reported that they wore glasses most of the time. After comparing the results to the estimation of 40% of the general population in India that carries glasses, the researchers concluded that theRisk of catching Covid Was two to three times lower for those who wear glasses than those who do not. In particular, researchers emphasize that wearing glasses likely to create a barrier that prevents people from touching eyes too often. And for more COVID news, delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

US officials say that face shields should not be used as replacing masks.

A waiter stands in a cafe with his arms crossed while wearing a face mask and a face shield.

TOLive Chat Instagram With ABC News in July, Covid House Advisor WhiteAnthony Fauci, MD, also agreed thateye protection Could help you prevent you from contracting Covid. "Theoretically, you should reallyProtect all mucosal surfaces", Noted Fauci, referring to the mouth, nose and eyes. He said that protecting the eyes of the virus is" not universally recommended, but if you really want to be complete, you should probably use it if you can. "

While the US centers for disease control and prevention (CDC) the current guidelines indicate that it "does not recommendUse shields or gogglesBy substituting masks, "note that face shields and protective goggles can be used in addition to well-fitting face coatings with three layers. And for more mask tips than you may not know, discover If you see that on your mask, the FDA says throw it immediately .

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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