If you see that on your feet, you can have diabetes, say doctors

Check your feet for this serious complication of diabetes.

Diabetes is a serious condition This can lead to serious health problems if it is not treated, but making it possible to manage it can help you avoid the worst complications. Unfortunately, symptoms can be minor or easy to neglect until the condition has already become severe. It is important to monitor your potential signs of diabetes and it means checking your feet for a serious symptom. Read it to find out what you should search for, and for more signs of problems,If you notice that on your nails, get your truth about the thyroid, say doctors.

If you notice ulcers on your feet, it could be a symptom of diabetes.

One adult man changing the bandages of an opened wound on his foot after cleaning it up.

Foot ulcers are very common among those who have diabetes, saysBruce Pinker, DPM, a board of directorsPodiatrist and foot surgeon which treats diabetic foot ulcers. According to Pinker, "diabetes deletes the immune system, reducing body response to stress, infection and injury." This, in turn, it makes it more difficult for those who diabetics heal from a wound than those who do not have diabetes, which can lead and exacerbate foot ulcers.

"In many cases, diabetics develop a ventilation of the skin at the bottom of the feet, especially in areas of pressure points, such as football or heel", explains Pinker. "Older individuals are more inclined to develop these pressure-based foot ulcers because the repetitive motion of walking for many years results in an increase in stress in the feet." And for more health problems to become aware of,If you see that on your skin, your risk of cardiac attack is higher, the study says.

You can notice the coloring on your socks if you have foot ulcers.

Businessman getting dressed

According toDanielle Després, DPM, a board of directorsFoot surgeon and ankle And the podiatrist with AdvantageCare doctors, coloring on your socks can be a sign of diabetic foot ulcers. "It's because foot ulcers are like another wound on the body - they tend to bleed, then the coloring on the sock, which looks brown-ish, [could be] dried blood oozing the site ulcer ", explains Despres. The other signs of foot ulcers include a "heavy smell from the bottom of the foot, as well as a sudden start of swelling or redness of a particular foot," she adds. And for more signs of something serious,If this happens when you eat or drink, you need your checked thyroid.

Diabetic people may not immediately feel these ulcers.

Wearing casual clothes and walking barefoot at home, the mid adult business woman joins colleagues for a video conference.

Despré said that patients do not always notice that they have an injury or ulcer at their foot. It is because the nervous damage, also known as neuropathy, constitute one of the "most common medical conditions associated with diabetes," she says - and this condition can cause feelings of burn, tingling and numbness in the feet, which can hide ulcer pain and lead to a total loss of sensation in the foot.

Neyla Lobkova, Dpm, aCertified Board Podiatrist In New York, further explains that neuropathy "occurs when there is a prolonged period of uncontrolled diabetes", which means that if you encounter that, you probably have not been diagnosed with diabetes and that you are not aware of this condition. "When this happens, the cuts, the bulbs and the zones of excess friction are not able to be felt and, as the patient continues to walk, these sites can continue to become an ulcer," says desproces . And for more useful information delivered directly in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Diabetes can cause serious health complications if it is not treated.

Problems with feet, joints, legs and ankles.

According to Despré, "It's important to know that you have diabetes, because it is a disease that can affect many organs into your body, not just feet." Diabetes rises your blood glucose and if blood glucose is systematically high, it can affect other organs like your kidneys and eyes. According to the Mayo Clinic,Major complications of untreated diabetesInclude heart disease, kidney damage and eyes and audition problems. As for your feet, if a diabetic ulcer is not treated and becomes infected, "the bone under ulcer can also be infected and an amputation must be performed to prevent the infection of the propagation", warns després.

"I like to tell my patients that the best medicine is prevention, and once you have diabetes, the best thing to do is prevent all complications that can accompany diabetes, which means staying on your rate of Sugar in the blood, take your medicine of diabetes as prescribed and continues to follow your doctors, "says després. And for more symptoms of diabetes,If you taste it unexpectedly, you can have a diabetes, say doctors.

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