Dr. Faisci has just warned that this could cause an "unexpected thrust"

"We could go back and go the opposite direction quickly enough," he warned.

COVID cases saw a decline encouraging lately. According toThe New York TimesThis week, the United States recorded an average of 97,378New COVID cases Per day, a drop of 38% of the average two weeks earlier. But while we should be optimistic about this downward trend,Anthony Fauci, MD, said things could change enough quickly and we could be in another pusher of Covid if we are not cautious. According to the chief medical advisor of the White House, it's all because of a major stranger: theNew variants who are starting to spread throughout the country.

"If you look at the tracing of cases, they culminated, they turn around and start down," said FauciThe New York Times in an interview of February 13th. "Probably, the more time passes, less and fewer cases that we will see. Unless it's a possibility - we have aSurge unexpectedly related to some of the variants. "Read it to know what variant especially he sees like a" big wild card "and for another Jarring warning on the state of affairs, checkThe scientific top of the U.K. has a shining Covid warning for Americans.

At the moment, we've said, we head in the right direction.

Young woman using smartphone while wearing a mask in time of the COVID pandemic
Urbazon / iStock

In a new interview withThe temperatureAbout the future of the professional baseball, Fauci indicated that we see "remarkably diminished" new COVID case numbers. "If you look about about a month ago, we had 300,000 to 400,000 cases a day," he said. "Now, in recent days in a row, we had less than 100,000 cases. So as theThe slopes continue to go down, we go in the right direction. And to see how the numbers look like you live, checkWhat is the gravity of the COVID epidemic in your state.

He believes that the vaccine will help bring more numbers.

Young guy in medical face mask getting COVID-19 vaccine shot at the hospital.
Romantic Studio / Shutterstock

Although we do not quite see the positive effects of the Vaccine on COVID's overall figures, so far, in Fauci expects to be soon as more and more people are vaccinated. Currently,More than 50 million vaccines According to disease control and prevention centers (CDC) have been administered. But with 330 million Americans in total, requiring 660 million shots, we still have a long road to come.

"We now have very effective vaccines that are deployed," said FauciThe temperature. "We vaccies more and more people every day. And we will have more andMore vaccines available like weeks and months pass. So, it looks like we're heading in the right direction. And for the prediction of Fauci on when you can be vaccinated, discoverDr. Fauci says you will easily get an appointment with the vaccine after this date.

A factor can be controlled that could prevent our progress.

Woman with protective mask spraying disinfectant alcohol on her palms and her hands to prevent coronavirus in a car

"Whether or not it remains in this direction will depend on a lot of things," said Fuci, whose first is: "Will people continue to pay attention ... to implement health measures public? "

Since the spring of last year, Fauci has pushed the Americans toFollow the basic health guidelines to wash your hands, maintain the social distance, andmask. But there is a certain fear that people are moving away from these measures once people vaccinated. "We do not want people to think that because they have been vaccinated that other public health recommendations simply do not apply," said Fauci during January.Virtual CNN City Hall. "One of the biggest things that are not well understood are:" Why should I even have tomask [After being vaccinated]? '

He then explained that, while Covid vaccines protect against a serious illness ", you could possibly be infected, do not abandon any symptoms and have a virus in your nasal pharynx." It means, depending on Fauci, "we should wear a mask to prevent you from infecting someone else, as well as on the other side of the room, where you could not be totally protected yourself. "And for more Covid news sent directly to your box reception,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

But the new variants, and one in particular, poses the biggest threat.

Scientist in lab wearing safety gear

The other concerned Fauci A: "What will happen with the variants? Are they going to make things more difficult by having an extra tip in infections? I do not know", A- he admitted. "The big wild card in these are really variants."

At this moment, there are nearly 1,000 cases of new variants in the United States and, while there are some cases of South African and Brazilian strains, 981 of these arevariant u.k., which was found in 34 states, the CDC reports.

In hisNew York TimesMaintenance, Fauci specifically called theU.K. variant, which should take over in the United States next month. "The variant that is in the U.K. Who will probably become more dominant in the United States, the models tell us that this will probably happen by the end of March," he said. "If we do not respect the public health measures in the way we should take off, it could take off us. That's why I'm saying I'm cautiously optimistic because we could turn around and go the opposite direction quickly enough. " And for another dark prediction, check That's exactly when we'll see the next Covid surge, experts warn .

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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