If you use this OTC DAILY medicine, see a doctor

Health experts say they will provide temporary relief, but long-term issues.

With regard to daily pain, many of us are turning to different products on the counter (OTC) to counteract these problems. However, just because something isOTC does not mean that it's safe If you use it incorrectly. And this is a problem of many health experts say that they occur with over-the-counter eye drops. According to these health professionals, if you use eye drops too often, you actually use them. Read to find out why the frequent use of gout of the eyes is not recommended and for more problems with your eyes,That's why you should not lie to your ophthalmologist on floats.

"If you use eye drops every day, you should talk to your doctor," saysMichael Orozco, OD, aOptometrist with Mcoa Eyecare In San Antonio, Texas. "The use of eye drops should be temporary. In the long term, your doctor can recommend a permanent treatment program including flashing exercises and anti-inflammatory drugs [and] treatments to fend for tearing glands."

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), there isTWO TYPES OF OTC GEAUMIC GEAUGES You are most likely to meet: artificial tears and drop drops of redness. Orozco says artificial tears are used in patients who have dry eyes because they "replace the heartbreaking film that your body should produce naturally." However, they only wanted to provide a brief lightening.

"Many artificial tears on the counter contain preservatives that can damage delicate skin on the surface of the eye if used frequently", explains Orozco. "And if it is used frequently, they can hide a process of underlying disease that must be identified and treated."

According to Orozco, artificial tears are mainly salt and water to temporarily helpRelieve dry eyes painBut they "lack" natural oils, minerals and protective enzymes "found in true tears. So, while you can feel relief in the moment, it is not substitute for the natural tearing film.

"If you use drops frequently but you always feel gravity, picotation, burn, debris on lid margins or blurred vision, you must solve the fundamental cause of the problem and stop treating symptoms," says -he. "The failure to treat the underlying disease will allow the disease to progress, often causing permanent damage to tear gas and ocular surface."

The other type of eye drops of drop drops of drops of redness drops, generally reduces redness in "building conjunctival blood vessels," saysBenjamin Ticho, MD, apediatric ophthalmologist which specializes in cataracts, glaucoma and the treatment of strabismus.

"Although generally temporarily effective in reducing redness, they do not treat the cause of the dilation of the blood vessels, simply covering the undesirable aspect," says Ticho.

Even worse, these drops usually have a "rebound effect" that worse eyes than those with just the initial redness, according to Ticho. And it's usually what brings people to get into a vicious cycle to reuse drops of relaxation of redness too often. He says he recommends these drops of temporary use before an important event, but not for regular use - especially daily use.

Of course, there could be a number of health problems that make you reaching eye drops. If you encounter symptoms of one of these symptoms, keep reading to know what the underlying problems that your OTC drops could cover. And for more reasons, your eyes may suffer,Here's how you destroy your eyes without knowing it.


young woman rubbing her eye and holding eyeglasses. She is suffering with aching eyes while working long hours on computer at home.

Burning eyes could be the result of something tiny, such as allergies or weather. However, according to the eyes of the CTC, it could also be asign of something more serious, like blepharitis, pink eyes, even rheumatoid arthritis. And for the eye concerns you should not worry about, ditch theseMyths of health on your eyes you have to stop believing.


Shot of a young businessman experiencing stress during late night at work

The blurred vision could simply mean that you have to invest in a pair of glasses, but there may be something else - especially if you feel a blurred vision suddenly and not systematically. According to Heathline, thiscould mean that you have a stroke, or that you encounter pink eyes, high blood glucose, early sclerosis in sclerosis or lupus. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Dry eyes

Man with dry tired eyes

According to the American Optometric Association,Dry eyes are a common experienceFor many people. However, just because it's common does not mean that he could not be the result of something serious. In fact, they note that "people with rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and thyroid problems are more likely to have eye dry symptoms. And for more ways to say if you are at risk of diabetes,This quick tip can determine your risk of diabetes, the study indicates.

Feel like something in your eyes

Woman rubbing her eyes in pain because she is using her cell phone

feeling of foreign body (FBS), the feeling of having something in the eye couldsay that something is literally in the eye. But if you do not find the drops of spring and eyes have not helped, it could be something else. This could include pink, blepharitic eyes, or other inflammatory states of the surface of the eye, by AAO. And for larger health problems, see theseSubtle signs Your body tells you something is very bad.

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