There are some major news about the 2 new strains of COVID
While the strains of the United States and South Africa are more contagious, a new study has good news.

The news of twoNew strains of coronavirus-The U.K. Variant and the South African variant - have left people around the world concerned that the ravages that the virus has already been refined to the world was about to worsen again. Although viruses frequently have at any time (hence the annual shot of influenza varying from year-over-year composition), the two new variants of COVID-19 have concerned scientists and the public. But even if these new variants seem to be much more communicable than the current dominant strain, there is finally good news:One of the key vaccines currently deployed has been confirmed to be effective againstthe two new strains of the virus. A study undertaken by Pfizer and Scientists of the Medical Management of the University of Texas, which has not yet been examined by peers, indicates that the Pfizer-Biontech Covid-19 vaccine iseffective against American and South African variants which are currently in circulation. Read more for more and another update on one of the new strains, checkThe U.K. Covid strain is now in these 8 states.
To conduct research, blood samples were taken from 20 people who received the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine, Reuters Reports. Laboratory studies then found that the samples had neutralized antibody levels that seemed to work on versions designed with new strains.
Experts had assumed that current vaccines would be effective against the u.k variant. But theThe South African strain was more worrying. ProfessorShabir Madhi, which led the tests for the Oxford-Astrazeneca vaccine in South Africa, told the BBC earlier this week that it is a "reasonable concern" that "the South African variant could bemore resistant"The vaccine. Madhi added that, although it is" unlikely "that the mutation would make current completely useful vaccines, it could" weaken the impact ".
However, the Pfizer study seems to "calm any concern about the lack of vaccination coverage for variants"Daniel Altmann,professor of immunology At the Imperial College London, saidThe Guardian."The neutralization of the variant seems excellent in this study," he added.
Stephen Evans, Professor of Pharmacoepidemiology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, added: "It's good news, mainly because it's not a bad news ... We have to test this in clinical experience and data to This topic must be available in the United Kingdom. In the coming weeks. "Read more about new strains and for the latest news from the Covid-19 pandemic, discover whyMissing this vitamin could put you at risk of a new COVID study..
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1 The two new strains are more contagious than the current dominant strain.

The native voltage of the United Kingdom, called B.1.1.7, seems to be pretty much50% more communicable that other variants. TheSouth African variant, known as 501.v2, seems to be in the same contagious way and constitutes the variant of the dominant virus in the provinces of Cap East and Western of the country.
"South African researchers say they also believe that theThe new variant is more communicable, since it quickly crowded other versions of the virus circulating in the country "Wall Street newspaperreports. "Yet they say that human behavior - with thousands of South Africans face bars, restaurants and beaches - is probably the main reason for the sharp increase in infections in recent weeks." And for more information on the spread of the virus in states, checkThat's the most likely to give you Covid, a new study says.
2 But neither seems to cause a more serious illness.

In aUpdate on new variants posted In the Disease Control and Prevention Centers (CDC) website, experts conclude that "there is no evidence that the American and South African variants cause" a more serious illness or increased death. " And for a sign of a serious fight with Covid, checkThis rare symptom could mean that you have a case of serious covidation.
3 The U.K strain begins to spread in the United States.

The U.K strain is currently in eight American states: Colorado, California, New York, Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Texas and Connecticut.California has the most cases of the new variant with 26 confirmed and 4 presumed, with Florida falling not far behind with 22 cases, according toCDC data From January 7th 7. And for more states in difficulty, checkDr. Faisci has just said that the COVID situation of this state is "unimaginable".
4 But the South African strain has not yet been detected here.

While theSouth African strainI headed for Ireland, Japan, France, Switzerland, Austria and Zambia, CNBC reports, it has not been found in the United States yet. However, Anthony Fauci , MD, predicts it's only a matter of time . "I would be surprised if it was not already in the United States, but you never know that you will not find it, then prove it that it's here," said Fauci Newsweek During an interview published on January 5th. He said that, if the South African variant is not already at the US, "sooner or later, it will happen here." And for more fauci, check Dr. Fuci has just warned this "serious" Covid development .

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