Celebrities who talked about their depression
Depression can affect anyone, even those who seem to have everything.

Celebrities seem to have perfect life. But behind closed doors toostruggle. Many stars - even those who seem the happiest - treateddepressionIf this has been fighting throughout the years or long-standing struggles. If you ever feel like if you are alone inDeal with mental health problemsDiscover this list and you will quickly find that there are many familiar faces that know exactly what you feel. And for more famous characters that you might be surprised to know how to have a diagnosis of another medical condition, checkCelebrities who are on the spectrum of autism.
1 Selena Gomez

When you areDepressionIt seems really hard to get out of the other side. CornSelena Gomez said once she had good treatment, everything changed for the better.
"My ups were really high and my stockings would take me weeks at a time," she saysWall Street newspaper earlier this year. "I discovered that I suffer from mental health problems. And honestly, it was such a relief. I realized that there was a way to get help and find people you trust . I had on good medications, and my life was completely changed. "And for more of your mental well-being, checkHere's how you worse your anxiety.
2 Jim Carrey

After looking at his movies, it's hard to believeJim Carrey is anything but happy 24/7. But even he treated depression throughout his life - something he wasprescribed drugs for.
"I was on the Prozac for a long time. It may have helped me out of a jam a bit, but people stay forever. I had to go down at one point because I realized myself. that, you know, everything is just ok, "he says during an interview with60 minutes In 2004. "There are summits, there are valleys. But they are all sculpted and smoothed, and it looks like a low level of despair in which you live. Where you do not get any answer, but you do not are not living ok. And you can smile at the office. Do you know? But it's a bit of despair. You know? "
3 Half lovato

Half lovato was very open on herFight against mental health over the years. During the World Suicide Prevention Day in September, the musician tweeted his experience with depression and suicidal thoughts.
"Since a young age, I have treated with suicidal thoughts and depression. I was very vocal to raise awareness of mental health because it is possible to see the light when you start the work on yourself"she said. "I am living proof that you never have to give these thoughts. I had several days when I had trouble, but please leave this song being a hymn to anyone who needs it now . You can pass through what is you going to spend. "And for more stars that have been public about health problems, consultCelebrities who fought cancer and won.
4 Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie After a really difficult time during his teenage years and she attributed the depression she struggled with her hometown "unhealthy".
"I grew up at L., where is the reception center is very internally. I did not know why I was sodestructive and miserable. I did not appreciate or understand my life, "she saysWall Street newspaper In 2015. "I was raised in a place where you have glenation and money and you are decent and you have the ability to work in this industry, you have everything in the world. Then you reach you reach These things and realize again could not be more empty. I did not know where to put myself myself. "
5 Chrissy Teigen

Postpartum depression is not something that has often talked about the new mother's community, butChrissy Teigen open from his experience toCharm In 2017 to normalize it. (It's somethingA woman on seven Treat with, after all.)
"I had everything I needed to be happy. And yet, for a large part of the last year, I felt unhappy. What everyone around me - but me- I knew me until December, there was postpartum depression, "she said. "I'm talking now because people know that it can come to anyone and I do not want people who have to feel embarrassed or feeling alone." And for more information on women's health, checkThe n ° 1 sign of poor health without a woman should never ignore, say experts.
6 Adele

Chrissy Teigen is not the only star who is open onpostpartum depression.Adele Also experienced after having had his baby years ago. "I really had bad postpartum depression after having my son, and it scared me," she saysVanity fairIn 2016. "Four of my friends felt the same thing I did, and everyone was too embarrassed to talk about it; they thought everyone would think they were a bad mom, and it's not the case."
7 Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj had incredibly dark days before becoming known to be one of the best rappers ofThe music industry. "I continued to have slammed doors in my face. I felt like nothing worked. I had moved alone and I thought I had to have to go home," she saysCosmopolitan In 2011, "it was just an impasse after the other. At one point, I was, like", what would happen if I just woke up? "That's how I felt. As if so maybe I should just take my life?" And for more depression and anxiety, checkIt's the mental health error # 1 that you do now.
8 Kristen Bell

Kristen Bell is a real ray of sun with its sparkling and edifying personality. Unfortunately, behind the scenes, even she has her struggles. "My mother sat down when I was probably 18 years old and I said," There is an imbalance of serotonin in our family line and it can often be transmitted from women to a woman, "she has declared during an interview with 2016 withThe camera show off camera. "I had a prescription when I was really young atHelp with my anxiety And depression, and I still take it today and I have no shame in that. "
9 Taraji P. Henson

There were initial panels that created Empire StarTaraji P. Henson Realize something was out of his mental health. "I noticed that mood swings, like a day, I would be standing and the next day I would go out, I feel like I do not want to go out in public. Almost agoraphobic, like" Ugh, too for deal with, ', "she saysSELF. "Feeling really clumsy in my skin, feels short of things. And just down, like Debbie Dower, like a dark cloud." Since the therapy has been really important for dealing with its depression and anxiety and to come back to itself. And for more health and entertainment news delivered directly into your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
10 Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga has had trouble depression for years - something that his mother says started because ofIntimidation at the College. Because of the struggles of Lady Gaga, both have launched the Bébé in this way foundation to help other adolescents deal with mental health disorders. "I suffered from depression and anxiety all my life, I always suffer every day," she saysBillboard In 2015. "I just want these children to know that this depth they feel normal."
11 Serena Williams

Tennis All-StarSerena Williams Shared His Experience With Postpartum Depression - Something she prefers to call "Postpartum Emotions" -Instagram position In 2018.
"Last week was not easy for me. Not only do I accept difficult personal things, but I was just in a funk. Especially, I felt like I was not a good mother," she writes. "I have read several articles that stated that postpartum emotions can last up to three years if they are not treated. I like communication better. Talking things with my mother, my sisters, my friends let me know that my feelings are totally normal. It's totally normal. Feel like I do not do enough for my baby. "
12 Beyonce

Sometimes you feel depression fights in your life, and it's somethingBeyonce Said he arrived at his child after destiny of destiny. It was so much of his life and it was difficult to know how to move forward after his end. "I did not eat," she saysCBS News. "I stayed in my room. I was in a very bad place in life, passing through this solitary period:" Who am I? Who are my friends? " My life has changed. "
13 Dwayne The Rock Johnson

Dwayne Johnson, AKA the rock, wants his fans to know that there is no need to try to be difficult in terms of mental illness. Nobody should be afraid of getting help. "We cross all sludge and depression never discriminate",Written on Twitter In 2018. "It took me a lot of time to realize it, but the key is not to be afraid to open. Especially the American guys; we tend to keep it. You are not alone."

ActressSIDIBE GABOUEY open to his struggles with mental health disorders in his brief,This is just my face. In addition to dealing with depression, she also fought bulimia and panic attacks.
"I found a doctor and told him everything that was wrong with me. I would never have sank the whole list before, but as I heard, I could feel that I certainly did not do an option , "she wrote. "The doctor asked me if I wanted to kill myself. I said," Meh, not yet. But when I do it, I know how I will do it. "I was not afraid to die, and if there was a button, I could have pushed to erase my existence from the earth, I would have pushed it because it would have been easier and less messy than me -Même. According to the doctor, what was sufficient. "
15 Wayne Brady

Wayne Brady It looks like one of the happiest guys around, to make people laugh. But even if the comedian is a pro in people smile, he will secretly fight depression for years.
"People are like", Wayne Brady is always happy! "No I'm not. Because I'm Human. Having a bad day is one thing, having a bad week is another one, having a bad life ... You do not want to move, you can not move in the 'darkness. You can not move in the darkness. "I would like," I'm just going to sit here and I want to waffle in that, "he saysEntertainment tonight In 2014. "It took me a moment for my stuff to be together to go, you know what? If you are not happy, you have to do something about it. Just to admit that you feel that you feel this way is a huge step. To say that, say, "Why do I feel dark? Why do I feel unhappy? Let me do something about it. ""
16 Jon Hamm

In an interview with 2018 withIn depth with Graham Bensinger,Mad Men StarJon Hamm Open on depression and stigma behind it, as well as the normalization of therapy and medicine. "I mean, sometimes that's what you need. He has the most interesting stigmatization," he said. "People think that if you break your ankle, you are not supposed to just walk. But if your brain chemistry is somehow a bit adjusted, you wait in one way or another to simply face it . "
17 Bruce Springsteen

The reasonBruce Springsteen Has been able to get up on stage and doing his heart all these years is to know how important it is to take care of his mental health, especially since mental health disorders ran into his family.
"I had to deal with many others over the years and I'm on a variety of drugs that hold me on a peer keel; otherwise I can swing rather dramatically and ... just ... the wheels can go out a little bit, "he saysSquire In 2018. "We must look, in our family. I have to look at my children and I was lucky there. He ran into my family to face my father."
18 Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus open on depression in an interview with 2014 withElapse. "People do not know how to talk about being depressed - it's totally correct to feel sad. I went through a moment when I was really depressed. As, I locked myself in my room and my father had to Break the door, "she said. "Everyone can benefit from talking to someone. I am the most anti-medication, but some people need medicine, and there was a time when I needed it too."
19 Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds Shared, he had mental health problems since he was a child and, over the years, he learned the best ways to treat them with them to stay healthy and control his mental health. "I tend to become quite depressed and I have problems with anxiety and things like that," he saysSir In 2018. That's why he turned to daily exercise, such as running and weight lifting. "Otherwise, I'm starting to get a little with me, it's more psychological. Exercise is a way to expel these demons."
20 Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt treated depression during his life and opened his experiences in an interview with 2012 withHollywood journalist. "I used to deal with depression, but I do not do it now, not this decade - maybe the last decade. But it's also understanding who you are"he said. "I see it as a great education, like one of the seasons or semester. 'This semester I grabbed myself in depression."

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