How to know if your headache is actually coronavirus

Do not immediately assume that your headache is a symptom of Covid-19.

As thecoronavirus continues to circulate, it's easy to havePandemic panic And assume that all the assignments you encounter are related COVID-19. Although headaches are a symptom of coronavirus, they are also a side effect of many more benign conditions. With stress, allergies, migraines and the same viruses we have been fighting for years still floating, your headache could have a number of causes. Before convincing that your pain is a symptom of Covid-19 and rushing to the doctor's office, take a moment to assess whether there are other reasons to assume that your headache is a sign that you have coronavirus.

A headache is surprisingly not a common symptom of coronavirus, but it is always worth keeping an eye on. According to a report published by the World Health Organization (WHO), less than 14% of people reported having aheadache like symptom of coronavirus.

William W. Li, MD, author ofEat to beat the disease, told the health thatCoronavirus headaches Perhaps the result of "immune cells releasing proteins called cytokines that cause inflammation, fever and fatigue". Like other bodily pain, headaches can be the result of your body trying to fight against infection.

Woman with a headache

But headaches are also far from unique to people with viruses. "Headaches are a common experience For many adults. Alone, a headache should probably not be an alarm source, especially if it behaves like other headaches you have lived "David Aronoff, MD, head of the Infectious Disease Division at the University of Vanderbilt, told National Public Radio (NPR).

Aronoff continued to say that headaches are rarely the only symptom present in a coronavirus patient. "If someone will only use headache like a trigger to goBe tested for Covid-19This headache should be something that is a headache that is new for them or sticky a little longer than they were used to ... or that it is associated with another symptom that can also be subtle, such as fatigue or feeling of exhaustion. "He added. The best way to discern if your headache is the result of Covid-19 is to evaluate ifOther symptoms of coronavirus occur simultaneously.

If youare experience unusual headaches, remove aList updated coronavirus symptoms And save yourself with the feeling of your body. If you notice that you have other symptoms, it is worth tested for coronavirus and automatic insulation to avoid potentially transmitting the virus. And for more symptoms to search, here is13 symptoms of more common coronaviruses than a throat.

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