Wearing them just before the bed can help you sleep, study find

If you have trouble burning, this accessory can be the answer.

There is a forty chance that you godevelop insomnia This year, according to recent research of the University of Pennsylvania Medicine. About 75% of people with insomnia are recovering without developing in a persistent problem, researchers note, but that does not mean that it will disappear alone. With disease control and prevention centers (CDC) warning thatlack of sleep is linked to everything, type 2 diabetes and heart disease with obesity and depression, as well as work errors and automotive accidents, your sleep is an even greater issue than you could achieve . To make sure you have a closure, you may want to consider slipping a particular accessory before going to bed. New search published in theApplied Psychology Journalfound thatyour sleep can be improved byBlue-light glasses. Read it for more information, and for bad habits to avoid, here'sWhat you do it horrible the doctors of sleep.

Researchers collected data from 63 managers and found that "wearing blue light filtering goggles is an effective intervention to improve physiological (sleep), attitudinal (labor engagement) and behavioral (task performance, behavior. Organizational citizenship and counterproductive work behavior). . "

You may have heard of people wearing blue-light glasses while watching the computer all day, but their ability to help you rest is a new development. "Wear blue-light filtering glasses creates a shape of physiological darkness, thus improving the amount of sleep and quality", "co-study authorCristiano L. GuaranaAssistant Assistant and Entrepreneurship Professor of Indiana Kelley School of Business, said in a statement.

The truth is that blue light is an inevitable factor in modern life. As Harvard Health, explains, humans previously lived in a state where we had only been on by the sun and developed a biological rhythm or a circadian rhythm in response. The length of this rhythm varies for each of us, but it is usually around the 24-hour mark (longer for night owls, shorter for the first high columns). The light of the day keeps us aligned on this pace, while artificial light can disrupt it. AndArtificial light with shorter blue wavelengths-What stimulates attention and remove the production of melatonin sleep hormones - is particularly bad at night. Harvard researchers have even found that blue light has removed melatonin twice as long as green light.

The blue light is particularly extinguished by personal electronic devices such as laptops, tablets and smartphones. With the amount of time we spend on these devices that have increased throughout 2020 byas much as two hours a daySomeone who plays sleep should be due to the fight against their exposure to blue light - and some new specifications could only the ticket.

Read on for more tips to get a little closure, and make sure to ignore these25 myths on sleep that hinders you at night.

Invest in a weighted coverage.

High angle shot of a beautiful young woman sleeping in her bed at home during the night

According to a recent study,using weighted coverage The night can make you 26 times more likely to experience a 50% decrease in insomnia compared to those who do not use. You are also 20 times more likely to completely heal your insomnia using weighted coverage. If you are on the market, experts recommend that you get one that is at least as heavy as 10% of your body weight.

Avoid this night cap.

older man holding a wine glass of red wine

According to the Sleep Foundation, "Alcohol can help with sleep appearance because of its sedative properties, which allows you tofall asleep faster. However, people who drink before bed often have disturbances later in their sleep cycle while hepatic enzymes metabolize alcohol. And for more advice like this one, here is here50 tips for sleeping better tonight, according to experts.

Write a list of nocturnal tasks.

woman working at home and sign business paper. Focus is on hand. Close up. Space for copy.

If you have thousands of thoughts that turn in your head at night, you may want to get a newspaper for your bedside table. A 2018 study conducted by the National Sleep Foundation stated that people whospent five minutes to write a list to do For the next day, we fell asleep much faster than the topics that wrote about another topic. And for advice on the perfect amount of a closure, know thatThat's exactly how much sleep you need to get, the study says

Bathing at night.

A young Asian woman relaxing in a bathtub, surrounded by candle

You may think that a morning shower gives you the shake you need, but experts say you hold your daily cleaning up the eveninghelp you escape much faster. They suggest a warm 10 minuteShower before going to bedinstead of. And for more expert advice delivered directly to your inbox, Sign up for our daily newsletter .

Re-paint your bedroom.

old woman painting the molding in her home

According to the experts, Paint your room a color It's too bright or too dark can take a toll on your ability to sleep deeply. If you want your room to be more calming, "explore the neutrals, the bright shades of Aqua and Gold," Celebrity Home Decor Shani Moran already said Better life . And for another way, the painting color can affect you, discover Paint your room This color could improve your sex life .

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