17 proven habits to prevent prevent diabetes

Keep yourself healthy with these habits that prevent type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is a serious illness that wives the American population. In their national diabetes statistical report 2017, theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC) noted that 30.3million The Americans lived with type 2 diabetes, which exceeds 9% of the American population. Although there are heritable factors that you can not control this can increase your risk, there are still many things that you can do to avoid being part of this alarming statistic. Keep reading to learn to prevent diabetes by adopting these simple daily habits. And for healthier habits, you should do every day, do not miss these50 habits approved by the doctor that you should totally fly.

Drinking coffee

Man pouring from a coffee pot in the office, ways you're damaging teeth

Good news, drug addicts: your Java obsession could just do you good. A 2012 study published in theAgricultural Chemistry and Food JournalfoundHeavy cafe drinkers- those who drank at least four cups of coffee per day - had a risk of development of 50% type 2 ties of type 2. This is because the coffee contains compounds that inhibit Hiapp, a substance that can lead at the appearance of type 2. diabetes and for more ways to stay healthy, check these50 habits approved by the doctor that you should totally fly.

And stay away from sweet drinks

Red Haired Man Drinking Soda, things that would horrify your dentist

An easy way to prevent diabetes is to replace sweet drinks such as soda with healthier water like water. In a 2016 study published in theEuropean newspaper of endocrinologySwedish researchers have found that every sugar drink of a subject has increased by 20% the risk of type 2 diabetes of 20%.

Drinking alcohol only with moderation

Woman's Hand on Glass of Wine

You do not have to give up alcohol if you want to reduce your risk of diabetes. In fact, a 2005 meta-analysis published in the journalBMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care found that people who have consumed moderate amounts of alcohol had 30%reduced Risk of type 2 diabetes.

Regularly eat blueberries

Woman snacking on some blueberries

A delicious way to avoid diabetes is with fruit such as blueberries, grapes and apples. In 2013, researchers atHARVARD SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH reviewed by data on more than 187,000 participants from three studies, they found that the subjects who have eaten at least two portions every week of entire fruits reduced their risk of type 2 diabetes up to 23% compared to those who have eaten less than one serving per month. And for more tasty ways to be healthy, check the30 best foods to optimize your energy levels.

And eat breakfast

Person eating eggs and toast for breakfast

Just eating daily breakfast could help you keep your risk of control type 2 diabetes. In a meta-analysis of six studies published inThe Journal of Nutrition In 2018, researchers noted that skipping breakfast once a week was associated with a risk of increased diabetes of 6%. The topics that jumped the breakfast from four to five days a week saw a risk of diabetes elevated by 55%. They do not call it the most important meal of the day for nothing!

To manage stress

Woman at her desk looking stressed out

Manage your stress levels Has more impact on your physical health (and your risk of diabetes) because your mental and emotional well-being. A study presented at theScientific Conference of Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association In 2018, analyzed data of more than 22,000 women over a period of three years and revealed that topics with the highest stress levels had almostdouble The risk of diabetes.

Watch less television

Person using a television remote to turn off their TV

The sedentary behavior has long been associated with an increased risk of diabetes. Therefore, it should not surprise that one of the ways you can avoid the disease is limiting the amount of television you look every day. In a 2015 study of more than 3,000 topics published in the journalDiabetesThe researchers determined that every hour spent watching television is associated with an increased risk of 3.4% of diabetes development.

Limit the consumption of mouth washing

Man gargling mouthwash by his sink

The occasional swing of the mouthwash before the bed could be good for your gums, but it's not the rest of your body. A 2017 study published in the journalNitric oxide found that among 1,200 people overweight between 40 and 65, the subjects that used the mouthwash at least twice a day had an increased risk of 55% pre-diabetes and diabetes compared to those who 'used more sparingly.

According to the authors of the study, the mouth bath contains antibacterial ingredients that affect the formation of nitric oxide, which can lead to metabolic disorders such as diabetes.


Man lifting weights and working out at the gym

You have probably heard it before, but it's worth reiterating: work isOne of the best ways to stay healthy. When it comes to preventing diabetes specifically, a 2019 study published in the journal.Procedure of the Mayo ClinicDetermined that moderate muscle mass reduces type 2 subjects of type 2 diabetes of 32%. And if you want to be healthier today, check out these30 incredible ways to turn your health into one day.

Bicycle at work

Man walking his bicycle to work

When it comes to your journey, a bike is the way forward. Of course, this method of transport can be tiring and can make you look like a little mess on the stifling summer days, but a Danish study published inPlum medicine have found that people who have commuted to work via a bike had the risk of lower type 2 diabetes. Even if you do not want your ride to be more active, you simply take a bike because a hobby can go a long way in the fight against diabetes.

Out with friends

Couples friends hanging out outside

Looking for an excuse to spend more time with your friends and loved ones? It's good news for your health too. Search published inBMC Public Health In 2017, it was found that for men, living alone was associated with 84% of the chances of diabetes. For women, meanwhile, not being an active member of groups and clubs was 60% an increased probability of pre-diabetes and 112% increased type 2 diabetes.

Intermittent fast

Couple eating burgers at a restaurant for dinner

Try to get all your consumption eating earlier in the day if you are worried about developing diabetes. When researchers fromUniversity of Alabama in Birmingham If topics have eaten their meals within six hours started at 8:30 and finished before 3 hours barely, they found that they had better fluency in blood glucose than those who ate in a 12-hour window . In addition, the subjects who fasted in the 2018 study also experienced lower blood pressure and a reduction in appetites. Wellness wins all around!

Adopt a plant-based plan

Washing fruits and vegetables ways we're unhealthy

Ditch these heavy meals if you want to keep your risk of control diabetes. When a team of researchers from theHARVARD T. H. SCHOOL SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH Analyzed nine studies on the association between food schemes and risk of diabetes in 2019, they found that the continuation of a plant-based diet was associated with a lower risk of 23%.

Reduc your blood pressure

Asian man getting his blood pressure checked

You canKeep your heart in good health andLower your risk of type 2 diabetes into a swoop fell simply by lowering your blood pressure. What does your BP have to do with diabetes? Well, "When your heart has to work harder, your risk of heart disease and diabetes increases," notes theAmerican Association of Diabetes.

If your blood pressure is too high fornaturally treatTalk to your doctor to take medication to manage it. In one 2019Canadian StudyThe researchers determined that the subjects who took enzyme enzyme (ACE) inhibitors converting angiotensin to reduce their blood pressure had a 24% reduction of risk of developing type 2 type 2 diabetes. Compared to those who took placebo.

Keep your portions small sizes

Businessman on a diet eating a salad

A simple way to prevent diabetes without aggressively limiting what you eat is to limit or at least pay attention toHow many you eat. A two-year study of pre-diabetic subjects published in the journalResearch on diabetes and clinical practice In 2014, in 2014, those who reduced their portions in addition to limiting their carbohydrate and oil consumption had a reducer risk of 46% of diabetes development than those who made any way of life.

Have enough sleep

Middle-aged woman sleeping

Seven o'clock is the sweet spot with regard to the amount of sleep you should have for your health. A 2015 meta-analysis published inBMJ Open Diabetes Research & Carefound that every hour of sleep beyond seven hours was associated with a risk of increased diabetes of 14%. On the other hand, those who have been less than seven hours of sleep also had a greater risk of developing the disease: for every hour of sleep lost for seven o'clock, there was an increase of 9% risk of diabetes.

Regularly visit the doctor

Older man getting checked out at the doctor's office
iStock / MonkeyBusinessImages

Part of the mostCommon symptoms of type 2 diabetes-Things like fatigue, blurred vision and frequent urom - are easy to neglect. For this reason, one of the best ways to prevent diabetes and handle it if / when you get, it's bySee your doctor regularly. By checking with your doctor at least once a year, you can make sure that your blood glucose rate is normal and if they are not, you can use your health care provider to recover them in a normal range.

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