The CDC just warned 3 new side effects of vaccine

It's more than a painful arm that you could use after your inoculation, says the agency.

TheThree Covid vaccines Currently approved for use in the United States, Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson - offer essential hope to get thePandemic under control After a long and difficult year. According to disease control and prevention centers (CDC),85 million doses of vaccine In the United States, to date, on March 5, a number that will continue to increase as more people become eligible to receive theirs. However, as more people receive the vaccine, health experts learn more about potential side effects. That's why the CDC has just updated itsList of side effects of Covid vaccine, adding three conditions to monitor after receiving your shot or your shots. Read it to discover which side effects the CDC has just been added to their post-vaccination guidance. And if you want to make sure you get the best protection possible,Doctors say these 2 things in the morning of your appointment of your vaccine.

Muscle pain

young women having pain in injured arm , office syndrome , health care concept

On March 5, the CDC updated its tips on the vaccine to include muscle pain as a potential side effect of Covid vaccine. According to the CDC, it is a distinct symptom of the pain you can experiment in the arm you got your shot. And for the latest COVID news delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.


Man on couch feeling nausea

You may want to come out for some saltines after your vaccine, now that the last update of the CDC has identified nausea as a potential side effect of Covid vaccine. And if you are curious about the newest vaccine, checkThese are the side effects of the new Johnson & Johnson vaccine, said FDA.

Redness on the injection site

adhesive bandage on a person's arm
Shutterstock / Taweek Inmek

As part of the update of March 5 of the agency to their post-vaccine guidance, the CDC identified the redness on the injection site as another new side effect to search once you have obtained your shot. . In rare cases, this side effect can even arise significantly after receiving your inoculation. According to a letter of March 3 published byThe New England Journal of MedicineSome people have lived aGreat, red, itching and painful reaction at their vaccination site up to 11 days afterReceive the Moderna vaccine.

Pain and swelling on the injection site

man with upper arm pain after vaccine
Shutterstock / Anut21NG Photo

It's not just redness you should be careful. You can also feel pain and swelling in the arm you have received your vaccine, the CDC says. If this symptom worsens after 24 hours, the agency recommends contacting your doctor for advice. And for more situations in which you should talk to your MD, checkThe CDC says not to take this after your vaccine without OK from your doctor.


Portrait of woman suffering high temperature and common cold in bedroom. Fever, high temperature, common cold, migraine, tiredness, covid 19 symptoms

Although the CDC emphasizes that Arna Covid Vaccines and Pfizer do not contain living viral material and therefore have no potential to infect you with COVID, you can have side effects similar to those of COVID symptoms after receiving Your vaccine, like a fever. The CDC recommendsDrink a lot of fluids and dress up slightly to help mitigate these effects.


Young man shivering under the blanket and drinking tea

Similarly, you can feel chills after receiving your vaccine, whether you have developed a fever. And for more advice on vaccines to follow, consultThe CDC does not tell this within 2 weeks of your Covid vaccine.


A tired man adjusts his face mask while outdoors during the COVID-19 crises.

If you feel tired after getting your vaccine, you are not alone - andGet extra Before your vaccine is also a good idea. According to a document of 2021 January published inPsychological perspectives, have a good night's sleep within 24 hours before your vaccination can actually helpIncrease your immune response.


Shot of a man standing in front of the bathroom mirror looking exhausted, holding his head

This headache that you have after getting your shot can be an unfortunate side effect of your Covid vaccine. Fortunately, the CDC says it will probably not last long. "Side effects may feel influenza and even affect your ability to do daily activities, but they should leave in a few days," explains the agency. And for advice on what to stay away from the post-vaccine, checkDo not do this before a month after your Covid vaccine, experts warn .

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