13 signs of warning that your teeth try to send you

Indices on your overall health - including potential problems - are told by your teeth.

You already know how important it is to keep your teeth healthy forgood oral hygiene (And to avoid the cavities of Pesky!). But beyond your dental health, your teeth can also tell you a lot about yourgloballyhealth.

"A trip to the dentist could be like the canary in a coal mine for someone who has a non-detected medical problem," saysLeena Palomo, DDS, MSD, Professor of Paorodontics at the University of the Western Reserve. "Oral health and systemic health are extremely linked, so dental care is an integral part of the general well-being."

In fact, a dentist in New York reportedSee a tip in teeth fractures This year, which it attributes toStress induced by covidation, bad posture introduced byWork (which can lead to the rectification of teeth at night) and lack of restorative sleep that causes tightening.

"When I reopened my practice in early June, the fractures started coming: at least one per day, every day I am at the office"Tammy Chen, DDS, saysThe New York Times."On average, I see three to four; the bad days are fractures of six more."Your teeth and gums around them can also give more subtle signals on your overall health. Here are 13 warning signs that your teeth can send you now. And to keep your teeth in good health, here's25 things you do this horrible your dentist.

You are subject to stomach burns.

woman with hand over heart, ways you're damaging teeth

If you have gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD), also called stomach burns, your dentist can notice before doing so.

The stomach burns causes the flow of gastric acid in the mouth, which decreases the enamel of your teeth, theMAYO Clinicsaid.And according to a criticism of 2012 in theInternational Dentistry Journal, many laboratory studies and clinical studies in adults and children have demonstrated a relationship between GERD and teeth erosion.

"The digestive system begins in the mouth," says Palomo. "Dentists can see the proof of the degradation of enamel with any regurgment coming from the contents of the stomach through the esophagus and in the mouth." This is also why dentists are often the first to notice signs of bulimia, a diet disorder characterized by binging and purging (often vomiting). And for other signals coming from your media, checkThat's all your stomach tries to talk about your health.

You may be at risk of heart disease.

A young man smiling while looking at this teeth in the mirror

If you have a gum disease - a common infection that causes swollen gums and submissive - your heart could have problems. Some research shows that heart disease, fouling arteries and strokes can be linked to inflammation and infections caused by oral bacteria, but the connection is not yet completely understood, depending on theMAYO Clinic.

The patients with gum had a significant diseasehigher risk of having their first heart attack that healthy patients, even after the researchers have adjusted for many factors of confusion such as smoking, education and diabetes, a great study of 2016 published in the journalTrafficfind. And for all ways you put your ticker at risk, checkThe 20 worst habits that destroy your heart.

You can have diabetes.

Photo of Depressed ill man having toothache and touching cheek. Mature man suffering from tooth pain, caries. Handsome gray hair male suffering from toothache, closeup. Portrait of casual 46s mature man toothache with painful expression, sitting on sofa at home,

If you are subject to cavities and a high sugar diet orBad oral hygiene Is it not to blame, it's worth looking at your blood sugar level. If you have type 1 orType 2 diabetesyou have a higher risk of dental caries and cavities when your blood glucose is higher, theMAYO Clinicsaid.

When your blood sugar is high, more sugar and starches interact with naturally found bacteria in your mouth, forming a plate that can cause cavities and gum disease.In addition, a small body of evidence shows that the disease of the gum negatively affects the results of diabetes, including glycemic control, the complications of diabetes and the development of type 2 (and potentially gestal) diabetes, by an assessment of 2013 published in theJournal of Clinical Payontology.

You may be at risk of kidney disease.

Man with Kidney Cancer Diseases That Affect Men

Poor dental health comes out of problems for anyone - and especially for those with kidney problems. Patients with chronic renal diseases with severe gum disease had a 41% death risk within 10 years of 32% in patients with healthy gums in a major 2015 study of 13,784 Persons published in theJournal of Clinical Payontology.

"Periodontitis [gum disease] can add systemic inflammatory burden in people with chronic kidney disease, thus contributing to an increased mortality rate," says the study. In fact, research found that gum disease can contribute to an increased risk of mortality all causes to a similar measure such as diabetes, a well-known risk factor for people with chronic diseases. And for more health notes of these particular organs, here is here25 warning signs that your kidneys send you.

You drink too many sweet drinks.

Man pouring soda into glass

If your teeth is more sensitive or you get cavities often, you can blame your favorite desserts, but also think about what you drink. Sweet treats and drinks can allow bacteria and acids, which are the two big guilty of dental caries and cavities.

Bacteria in your teeth feed on sugar in sweet drinks. According toUniversity of Illinois in Chicago College of DentstryThis creates a plate that allows bacteria to hang around your teeth longer and make acids that cause cavities.Many sweet drinks, including non-alcoholic beverages and even fruit juices, are also acidic and can wear the enamel of your teeth.

For a systematic review 2016 published in the journalAdvances in nutrition, limiting the sugars you consume without sugary drinks or added sugars such as honey, less than 5% of total calories can help prevent cavities.For a diet of 2,000 calories, this equates to less than 25 grams.

You can have an autoimmune disease.

Dentist with male assistant treating female patient

Your saliva plays an important role in maintaining oral health by binding the food particles of the teeth and gums and providing minerals for reinforcing teeth such as calcium and phosphate, by theNational health institutes. The dry mouth occurs when you do not have enough saliva to keep your mouth moist, and it can sometimes happen to anyone, for example, when you are stressed or nervous.

However, persistent dry mouth can be a sign of a bigger problem and can increase your risk of dental caries or fungal infections. And according to theMAYO ClinicThe dry mouth can be caused by diabetes, a trait, a yeast infection (slimy) in the mouth, Alzheimer's disease, tobacco and alcohol, or an autoimmune disease such as Sjögren syndrome.

The Sjögren syndrome occurs when your immune system attacks its own healthy cells that make saliva and tears, and it often happens with other disorders such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. If you have dry mouth, your dentist can send you back to your doctor for a consultation.

You could have nerve damage.


The dry mouth can also be caused by damage to the nerves that direct salivary glands to create saliva, theNational health institutessaid.If you have recently had a head injury or neck and experience a dry mouth, talk to your doctor."There are many traumatic problems that can affect nerve endings," says Palomo.

That said, there are also several other possible causes of the dry mouth, including the side effects of certain drugs (such as those used forHypertension, Depression and problems of bladder control), radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

You use the wrong type of mouth bath.

Shutterstock / Andrey_Popov

If you encounter teeth sensitivity when you eat ice cream or cold water consumption, you may need to change the mouth bath you use. Some mouthwashes contain acids that may exacerbate teeth sensitivity over time if your teeth enamel is worn and will further damage the central layer of the tooth, depending on theCleveland Clinic.

If this is the case for you, ask your dentist to use a neutral fluoride solution. It will also be important to exclude several other factors that can lead to teeth sensitivity, including brushing too hard, gum disease, cracked teeth, grinding, teeth whitening products, the accumulation of plates and the Acidic foods. The sensitivity of the teeth is at its maximum between 25 and 30 years.

You are deficient in vitamin D.

Woman taking vitamins or pills with water

Vitamin D deficiency Has been associated with several oral health problems, including cavities, gum diseases, certain oral cancers and even the death of bone tissue in the jaw, according to a magazine 2020 of the journal.Nutrients.Maintaining appropriate vitamin D levels has been associated with better oral and lifelong health development, note researchers.

In addition, a 2018 study published inBMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care found that while the disease of gum and vitamin D deficiency increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, the risk is greater than the sum of each when they occur together.Get sufficient vitamin D is important for not only your dental health, but also your overall health.And for more means, you can say if you miss this essential nutrient, check these20 symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

You may need to be tested for HIV.

dentist shows man his test results
Shutterstock / Wavebreakmedia

Because HIV / AIDS weakens the immune system and makes it more difficult to combat infections, people with viruses are higher of oral health problems, depending on theNational health institutes. In particular, people with HIV / AIDS generally have a chronic dry mouth, gingivitis, bone loss around teeth, rime of anguish, oral warts, fever bulbs, oral lily of the valley, rough spots and White on the tongue and cavities.

TheAmerican Centers for Disease Control and PreventionRecommends that anyone between 13 and 64 is tested for HIV at least once. Higher-risk people should be tested each year. Remember: You can have HIV without realizing, so it's important to track clues that your dental health can give you. And for more useful information,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

You do not get enough calcium.

jar pouring glass of milk into cup

This is worth considering your diet if you encounter routine cavities. Women with most cavities had significantly calcium levels and vitamin D and vitamin D and protein consumption, non-alcoholic beverages and sugar - other women in a 2014 study out of 106 women published in the newspaperClinical oral surveys.

"Although caries [cavities] progression is a complex process involving several factors, an adequate nutritional status of calcium and vitamin D could be an additional factor that could help maintain good oral health," said researchers. .

Your bones become lower.

bone density

If you encounter more cavities and suspect that it is due to a lack of calcium, it is also a warning sign for your bones. Almost all the calcium supply of the body (99%, be exact) is stored in the bones and teeth to support their function and structure, by theNational Health Institutes (NIH). Your bones reach their maximum mass around 30 years.

As you get older, your bones decompose faster than they rebuild only to increase your risk of osteoporosis over time, especially if you do not receive enough calcium. And, according to the NIH, OSteroporosis is known to cause hip fractures, vertebrae, wrist, ribs and other bones and more than 10 million adults (80% of women). You can find calcium in foods like yogurt, fortified orange juice, cheese, milk, tofu based on calcium, canned salmon with bones and leafy greens such as kales and vertigo .

You could have rheumatoid arthritis.

Arthritis medication mixing alcohol

Although the connection is not yet completely understood, there seems to be a link between gum disease and rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks healthy cells by mistake. According toCleveland Clinic, experts believe that certain types of injuries, possibly linked to bacterial infection, may trigger the appearance of rheumatoid arthritis in genetically sensitive people.

The disease of the gum is often caused by an overproduction of bacteria and a plate hard on the teeth, and a specific type of bacteria can cause a citrullination, a process that modifies the proteins and makes them more likely to spark an immune response which affects the mucous membrane of the joints.

In fact, gum disease was considerably worse in patients with rheumatoid arthritis compared to the controls of a 2019 study of 344 patients published in the newspaper.Arthritis research and therapy.And tThe severity of the gum disease was considerably associated with the activity of the disease of rheumatoid arthritis.

Categories: Health
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