You certainly make this mistake every time you use a disinfectant

Fortunately, this is an easy problem to fix once you know that you do.

Chances are, you make a pointdisinfect affected areas In your home more regularly these days and you feel more sure about your new hygiene habits. But researchers are quick to point out that many of us make one mistake that prevents us from killing the coronavirus in our homes. A video produced by the American Chemical Society says that does not use enough disinfectantlet the product do its job may leave harmful coronavirus particles behind.

As host of the video,George Zaidan, Explain,The key is to use enough disinfectant saturate the entire surface. "Do not do that wet a surface," advises Zaidan. "You must completely wet." In other words, you will probably need to use more disinfectant spray that you are accustomed to.

This is because when youSpray disinfectant, The spray nozzle distributes droplets of different sizes on the surface. When larger droplets of disinfectant land, coronaviruses and other viruses and harmful bacteria will die. However, this is not the case in areasBetween thoselarge droplets. The liquid does not extend as we would imagine, but rather creates small pools of disinfectant, separated by dry spaces between. Using disinfectant spray enough to actually cover the entire surface allows you to avoid this problem because each bit of the virus come into direct contact with the product.

Using the same logic, it is also advisable to pre-clean surfaces with soap and water before disinfecting. Zaidan warns that dirt particles can serve as "umbrella" that can complete the coronaviruses and other viruses and harmful bacteriadisinfectants. Without this direct contact between the two, coronavirus can continue to survive.

So next time youdisinfect a surface in your homeMake sure you are generous with the amount of product you use. Spend the extra few minutes to clean the surface with soap and water, and make sure the entire surface is completely wet with disinfectant before wiping again. These simple hacks could make all the difference between a room that onlyfeels Clean and a room with no cap. And to make sure your home is maximally safe and clean of coronavirus, check these10 disinfectants that kill coronavirus faster than wipes.

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