It's the only way to see Covid Surfaces, Doctor Warns

"What must happen is that you have to have a significant amount of viruses on whatsoever."

In the struggle to control our current pandemic, scientists have greatly sought Covid-19 for months to better understand exactlyHow the virus spreads. The discoveries made since the beginning of the pandemic have contributed to amending the public health guidelines, from paramount importance on the disinfined surfaces at the beginning of now avoiding the poorly ventilated and overcrowded areas (because of what we know aerosolization). In fact, doctors say nowThe only way to catch covid surfaces is the unlikely scenario ofTouch an article Grink with the virus Then touch your mouth, your eyes or your nose.

During a live Youtube Q & A from the American Medical College Association (AAMC) on 18 August, two doctors-Aul Grover, MD, Doctorate, Executive Director of the AAMC Research and Institute and Scientific Director AAMCRoss McKinney, Jr., MD-has discussed how much you are likely toCOVID contract through touching objects.

"The risk of viruses propagated by contact with objects, called Fomites, is really small enough," said McKinney, Jr .. "What must happen is that you have to have a significant amount of viruses on what that is." And you have to do more than touching this virus object, because Covid "does not go into your skin," the doctor said. "You must transfer it from wherever you touch it, from that to your nose, your mouth or your eyes so that you can be infected. So, it is unlikely."

The evaluation of McKinney echo the same message as disease control and prevention centers (CDC) have occurred since the amendment of its guidelines at the end of May. Although the agency maintains that you can contract the virus through the contact, its website indicates that it is "not thought to be the main way The virus spreads. Since then, the CDC has continued to notify the public that the virus is most often transmitted bydroplets that are released in the air When an infected person coughs, speaks, sneezing or singing.

But other health experts reiterated that it is important to remember that even if the risk is low, it is always possible to get Covid of objects. "High tactile surfaces Like balustrades and door handles, elevator buttons are not the main driver of infection in the United States, "" Comparative ImmunologistBromage Erin, PhD, Professor of Biology at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth toldThe New York Times in May. "But it's always a bad idea to touch your face. If someone who is infectious coughs on their hand and shakes your hand and you rub your eyes - yes, you are infected. Someone drinks glass , and you pick it up near the rim and later, rub your eyes or mouth, you are infected. "

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Although it is very unlikely to catch Covid surfaces, doctors still believe that the complete combination of health guidelines recommended by CDC brings to the most effective protection routine. "If you wash your hands, hold this distance and wear a mask, you're in very good condition," Grover said in the AAMC Q & A above. "Even if you touch these fomites, there is no has no way to get into your system through the unspoiled skin on your hands. "

Then he joked: "[Just] Do not go out and do not get your mail." And for more risk factors to avoid, consult24 things you do every day that put you at risk of Covid.

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Categories: Health
By: v-s-wells
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