If you have one of these types of blood, you can be safe from Covid

A new study has good news for more than one-third of Americans.

You have read a lot of what is at an increased risk of having a serious case of COVID-19, smoking to transport additional weight to be higher than a certain age. But now, there is finally good news for a third of the Americans. A new large-scale study published in the newspaperAnnals of internal medicinefound that yourRisk of catching Covid-19 is cut if you have aparticular blood type. Read it to know if you are safe, and for the riskier behavior to be aware, know thatIt only takes it long to get Covid in a room with someone who has it.

Read the original article onBetter life.

Type O blood, most common in the United States, offers some protection against Covid.

Gloved scientist hand holding blood tests

The researchers at the Saint-Michel Hospital in Toronto, Canada examined the results of the tests of 225,556 Canadians who had been tested for Covid-19 between January 15th and 19th June. 30. They examined both the probability that a patient was to contract Covid-19 and how much they had to become seriously ill (or even die) of that if they did. The results were notable: adjustment of demographic data and co-morbidities, the risk of diagnosis of COVID-19 was 12% lower forPeople with blood type o And the risk of severe Covid-19 or death was 13% lower, compared to those with AB or B blood types.

O is theType of the most common blood In the United States: 37% of white Americans fall into this category, according to the American Red Cross, with figures up to 47% among African Americans, 53% among Latinx-Americans and 39% of Asian Americans. And for more signs, you could have contracted the virus, checkIf you have this symptom, there are 80% chance you have COVID.

Negative types of blood are also somewhat protected from the virus.

doctor with mask and face shield holding up vial of blood

These four main blood groups, AB, B and O-can be RH-positive or rh-negative, which means that there are 8 blood groups in total. When the researchers examined this second classification, there were other good news - people in any blood group that is the Rh-negative are also "somewhat protected" of the virus.

"A RH-STAT status seemed to protect against SARS-COV-2 infection," wrote the authors of the study. In addition, "rh- had a lower risk [adjusted relative risk] of COVID-19 serious death or death."

Those who are negative may be the least likely to get COVID.

Filled blood bag on white background
Dietemeyr / iStock

If a patient was negative, they were particularly protected from the coronavirus novel, the authors noted. "The type of HR-blood blood was protective against SARS-COV-2 infection, especially for those who were O-negative," he wrote.

Unfortunately, it's a much rarer type of blood. The American Red Cross indicates that 8% of the White-Americans, 4% of African Americans, 4% of Latinx Americans and 1% of Asians-Americans are O-negative. And for more information on the state of the pandemic, checkThese 2 places could end soon, the White House warns.

Previous research has found that people with blood types are more at risk.

blood donation bags show blood type A

For a March study outside the University of the South Science and Technology in Shenzhen, China, ScientistsTracking blood types of nearly 2,200 patients COVID-19 In Chinese hospitals, with those of about 27,000 people who did not have CVIV-19 in the same areas. The results showed that those withA blood group was significantly more likely contract the coronaviruscompared to other types of blood. And for more regular updates on the virus,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

O and types of rh-negative blood can already have COVID-19 antibodies.

coronavirus antibody test being given to white hand
Shutterstock / Cryptographer

The co-author of the new study,Joel Ray, MD, from the St. Michael Hospital, suggested that people with theseTypes of more resistant blood Perhaps already developed antibodies that can recognize some aspects of the new coronavirus and are therefore better prepared for struggle.

"Our next study will specifically examine these antibodies and explain the protection effect," said Ray Reuters. And for more information on the latest COVID-19 news, discoverTo what extent you are likely to catch COVID in next month, expert says.

Categories: Health
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