25 subtle signs you drink too much coffee

Keep away from cold infusion and no one is hurting.

If you are like most Americans, your day has not started before having your first cup of coffee. In fact, according to the annual report of the National Association of the National Association of the Coffee Association, 64% of Americans have a coffee habit and drink matches daily. And their ranks continue to grow - this number is a jump of seven percent just two years earlier.

However, as coffee consumption continues to increase throughout the United States, the number of individuals who feel the effects of overrun. Although the risk of a real overdose of caffeine is so low to be statistically insignificant - just 51 have been reported over a period of 58 years - there are frequent side effects that come from overconsumption that even those who are misplaced to their bodies can easily miss.

"The effects of caffeine are individualized, so it is preferable to evaluate on a case-by-case basis where exactly the tipping point is where caffeine can provide beneficial effects and where it creates decreasing returns," saysAriane HundtMrs., a new clinical nutrition coach based in New York, who suggests that those who live more than vigilance of their usual Joe cup could excrete him. With that in mind, we have rounded 20 subtle signs that you drink too much coffee, slight precious to severely dangerous.

1. You die easily.

If you feel weak, you suddenly make fun, or you find more lethargic than normal, your habit of coffee might be to blame. "Coffee inhibits iron absorption," says Hundt. Over time, this can lead to iron deficiency, even anemia, if not treated.

2. Your heart is constantly telling.

When your heart tells, say, in the presence of your crush, it's not a bad thing, but when it's a daily feeling, it could be the result of your coffee habit. Caffeine has been known to trigger cardiac palpitations, which means that a second cup of cold brewery could be the reason behind a sudden flutter in the chest.

3. Your belly becomes bigger.

Although the minor consumption of caffeine has been linked to weight loss, it could put you at risk of a ride of enlargement size. In fact, according to research published in theAgricultural Chemistry and Food JournalBy drinking five cups of coffee or more per day can actually increase your risk of developing excessive belly fat.

4. Your blood pressure increases.

This increased heart rate after a few cups of coffee is not the only modification of your Starbucks solution could have on your cardiovascular health. Wageningen University researchers in the Netherlands have connected coffee consumption of more than five cups per day toincreases blood pressure, Potentially put you at risk of hypertension and stroke.

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5. You are worried.

These quick thoughts and your nervous energy might be more than just stress in the workforce. "This concerns caffeine increase your heart rate by triggering cortisol hormones and adrenaline, resulting in a short-term stress response," says Hundt.

6. You have trembling hands.

If you have noticed a sudden tremor in your hands, it may be time to review your coffee consumption. Several studies have connected caffeine consumption to an increased fragile, so that when you are trembling, no particular reason, consider skipping the second (or the third or fourth) cup of coffee.

7. You are always tired.

While coffee can initiallygive you a thumbs up of energy, If you go over too much, do not be surprised when you feel exhausted afterwards. Coffee interferes with the absorption of vitamin B1, otherwise known as thiamine, which can cause fatigue. Even worse, this symptom is often composed of the insomnia coffee tends to provoke, leaving you in a cycle apparently never ending up white nights.

8. Your insulin receptors are unleashed.

Some extra cups of coffee per day could put your body of serious problems. "[Coffee] Lights you by increasing your blood glucose by freeing glucose," says Hundt. Over time, this can hurt your body's insulin receptors, which means that you do not respond correctly to the effects of insulin and can develop insulin resistance, potentially increasing your risk of diabetes. Type 2 in the long term.

9. You are desiccated.

"Too much caffeine is desiccant and makes you lose water through frequent urine," says Hundt. "How much caffeine it takes to create it depends on some other factors, such as your adrenaline levels and stress, but you can be sure to consume more than three cups of coffee a day." Over time, diuretic effects of drinking too much coffee can cause severe dehydration, which can cause cognitive confusion to heartbeat problems.

10. Your blood sugar level is out of sea.

According to the doctors of the Mayo Clinic, those who are already diabetic could wish that their coffee consumption is at a minimum. While some research suggests that drinking coffeecan reduce your risk of developing diabetes, The coffee was also known to affect blood sugar rates, posing a potential risk for those who are already struggling with the disease.

11. You are irritable.

This sudden thrust to look at your colleagues or other significant? Blame it on these espresso shots that you had this afternoon. In parallel with increased predisposition to anxiety, too much coffee can make you irritable and inclined to be in the short term.

12. You are nauseous.

This sensation of nausea in your stomach can come from the extra mug of dark roast that you hung on Starbucks. The combination of an increase in blood pressure, dehydration and high acidity of caffeine can wreak havoc on your stomach, which allows you to feel crashed all day. "In higher doses, [coffee consumption] can progress towards nausea," saysDr. Christopher Holingsworth, MD, New York surgical associates.

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13. You have muscle cramps.

Your painful muscles could be more closely linked to your drink of your choice than your training routine. Drink too much coffee can harm the ability of your digestive tract to absorb magnesium, which potentially causes a disability. And one of the side effects of magnesium deficiency? You guessed: muscle cramps.

14. You have serious eye pressure.

This intraocular pressure you encounter could have started with this extra cup of coffee that you have shot down this morning. Caffeine can increase your blood pressure, thus increasing the pressure in the eyes and put you at risk of glaucoma over time. Worse still, if it is not treated, it can even lead to irrevocable vision damage or even blindness.

osteoporosis signs you're drinking too much coffee

15. Your bones break easily.

Nearly 54 million Americans have low bone density or osteoporosis, which means that they are more likely to be potentially debilitating falls and broken bones. Unfortunately, these additional coffee cups could endanger you: in fact, Researchers from Creighton University have discovered that caffeine consumption is considerably correlated with bone loss in elderly women.

16. Your teeth are discolored.

If you feel less than satisfied with your smile, you may want to start thinking aboutLimit your coffee consumption. Coffee acids can help reduce mineralization of teeth, resulting in enamel erosion over time. Coupled with coffee coloring effect, you have a recipe for whites not also pearly.

17. You can not sleep.

Anyone who has never found found and turning around after having a cup of coffee too close to bedtime will not be surprised to discover that insomnia and too much coffee consumption go hand in hand. "If you have difficulty falling asleep, trying to put you at the cafe by 13:00 for caffeine to be metabolized by bedtime. Also, jump the green tea cup and chocolate piece that they also contain also Caffeine, while smaller doses, but can still affect sleep, "suggests Hundt.

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18. Your stomach hurts.

These stomach pains that you have after too many cups of coffee should not be ignored. At its title, the high acid content of the coffee can cause stomach pain and increase the risk of erosion and stomach ulcers. Unfortunately, over-consumption continues can exacerbate these problems, which even causes bleeding in the digestive tract over time.

19. You lose weight.

While losing a few kilos that can be on your list of things to do, but if you lose weight involuntarily, you may want to consider reducing coffee. In addition to making your stomach more sensitive, the overconsumption of coffee can trigger a deficiency of thiamine, whose symptom is therefore nauseous. Combined with the diuretic effect of coffee, you can pour a few kilos, but the process by which you do it is anything but healthy.

20. You feel weak.

All these trips in the bathroom that accompany your coffee cups could lead to serious imbalances of electrolytes over time. In addition to its magnesium absorption absorption absorption effects, the diuretic effects of the coffee can discard your electrolytes from bullets, resulting in a weakness and fainting, as well as cardiac palpitations, nausea, fatigue and vomitings.

woman breathing

21. You have trouble breathing.

If you are pampered but you did not hit the gym in days, it's time to reconsider your coffee consumption. Coffee overload can cause magnesium difficulties and an irregular heartbeat, whose combination can prepare for respiratory problems before knowledge.

22. Your skin is dull.

Before getting hundreds of hundreds of a price moisturizer, first try to get away from the coffee maker. The diuretic effects of coffee can cause dehydration, a condition that can make your skin dull and lifeless.

23. You sweep excessively.

These extra days in sweat are not always a well done training sign. In fact, this could be the result of these extra shots in your Americano at breakfast. Caffeine can interfere with the magnesium absorption of your body, and when you are without treatment, a difficulty of magnesium can let you sweat bullets.

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24. You have frequent headaches.

This intense pressure in your head? Blame it on your dependence on the cold offense. The combined effects of increased dehydration and blood pressure caused by too much coffee can make a number on your head, then before blowing another pain relief, which can hurt your liver oreven because you have a heart attack, Remember to skip this additional cup of Joe first.

25. Your mouth is dry.

If your mouth is as dry as the Sahara (and you have the breath less than charming to go with it), it's time to turn me away from Keurig. The desiccant effects of caffeine over-consumption can cause a persistent dry mouth and a combination with coffee emodation effects, can result in severe teeth degradation over time.

Categories: Health
Tags: wellness
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