You are twice as likely to catch Covid if you have that, the study says

New research shows that this condition greatly increases your risk of going down with Covid.

As the pandemic has progressed, the scientific community has slowly developed a better understanding of which is most vulnerable to the new coronavirus. But while the age and certain underlying health conditions have long been understood toIncrease your risk of developing a serious case This requires hospitalization, new discoveries are still made on which people of the population are at a higher risk of contracting the virus. Now, a new study on the University of the University of Western Medicine School found thatPeople with dementia are twice as likely to catch Covid that those who do not do it. Read it to see what other results have increased the analysis and for more other factors that could put you at risk, seeIf you did that, you are twice as likely to develop severe covidation.

Patients of dementia are at higher risk to catch Covid-19.

A senior woman wearing a face mask sits at a window with a distressed look on her face.

The sweeping study, published in theJournal of the Alzheimer Association, analyzed the health records of 61.9 million people aged 18 and over in the United States between February 1 and August 21, 2020,The New York Times reports. The set of data taken into account for the study was one of the largest research of COVID so far, covering a fifth of the United States population with information from 317,000 health care providers and 360 Hospitals of the 50 states, according to the authors.

After data analysis, the researchers found that 810 patients had dementia on a group of 15,770 that had been positive for COVID-19. When adjustments to certain demographic factors such as sex, age and breed have been made, researchers have discovered that patients with dementia were greater than three times more likely to catch Covid-19, the group has reduced That slightly twice as likely when other physical conditions or residence in a retirement home have been counted. And for more risk factors that should be on your radar, seeIf you had this common disease, you are more likely to die from COVID.

Patients with dementia have also seen a blade consequences of the disease.

A nurse wearing full protective gear shows a framed photo to an elderly patient in a hospital bed suffering from COVID wearing a face mask and oxygen mask

Researchers also analyzed hospitalization and mortality rates of the patient subset, discovering that patients with dementia COVID were also 2.6 times more likely to have been hospitalized and 4.4 times more likely to Dying that patients without dementia when demographic conditions such as the residence of the retirement home, age or other pre-existing conditions have been taken into account.

"It's pretty convincing to suggest that there is something about dementia that makes you more vulnerable"Kristine Yaffe, MD, professor of neurology and psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco, who was not involved in the study, saidThe New York Times. And for more things about how to stay in infection safe, discover whyDr. Fauci says you need one of these at home to avoid Covid.

The study revealed that black dementia patients are even more likely to be infected.

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The broad set of data from the study also found other tragic demographic trends. The results showed that black patients with dementia were almost three times more likely to be infected with Covid-19 that white patients with dementia, with the authors of the study that their conclusions emphasize "the need to protect Patients with dementia, especially those who are black. "And for more regular Covid news sent directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Researchers believe that specific vulnerabilities could be blamed.

doctor talking to elderly patient wearing mask

The experts point out that with some high-risk factors taken into account, patients with dementia could be more likely to catch coronavirus could be the result of their daily environment. "People with dementia depend more on those around them to safely, remember to wear a mask, keep people away from social distance",Kenneth Langa, MD, professor of medicine at the University of Michigan who was not involved in the study, saidThe temperature. "There is cognitive impairment and the fact that they are more socially at risk." And for more what could protect you from getting sick, checkThis rare trait could keep you safe from Covid, according to doctors.

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