25 advantages of the incredible walk of walking

Walking is one of the best forms of exercise and making safety in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.

With closed gymnasiums and most of us spend our days inside,Stay active in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic Maybe a challenge. But there is at least one form of exercise that we can do, and it simply happens to be one of the most effective there is. Walking is one of the easiest ways to get around and, while the law is simple, the health benefits are everything except. The walk has been demonstrated to improve everything from heart and pulmonary health to the power and memory of the brain.

And walking is a safe activity during this period of social distancing, provided you have providedkeep a safety distance From any other person outside, as reminiscent of disease control and prevention centers (CDC). In fact, walking is always encouraged! You can do it alone, with members of your household, even with friends who are willing to stay at six feet away. Whatever the way you decide to walk, you will claim the benefits listed in these studies we have rounded. Read it and take the time today for a walk.

The walk can help your brain to debit.

habits to stay young

Each step you are taking, youDeliver more blood to your brain, according to the 2017 research published in theExperimental biology diary. The researchers found that the pressure of each step of each step sends waves through the arteries that can dramatically increase the blood supply on the brain. They speculate that walk more could improve cognitive performance and increase well-being. And if you want to know the truth about the active stay, make sure you are aware ofThe 21 largest exercise myths, amazed by experts in science and health.

This protects you from heart failure.

older white man and white woman walking by the water with face masks

In 2018, after the University of American Cardiology researchers had examined thewalking habits Of 89,000 post-menopausal women over 10 years, they found that when it comes to walking, the better. Most often longer and faster than women walking, the more theirrisk of heart failure. Each factor was independently associated with a lower risk, but the greatest benefits were those who combined the three, walking quickly for at least 40 minutes or three times a week.

Even a little walk has health benefits.

mother daughter walking trees

Even without hitting the 150 minutes recommended by the CDC (or 75 minutes of work vigorously),Walking can do great things for your health. Walk a little, even if it is less than the recommended amount - is always linked to a risk of dying 26% of the death of any cause compared to never exercising, according to a study of 109,000 seniors published in theAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicine In 2017. Walking longer was associated with even better results, but it shows that an activity is better than nothing.

And it can have even bigger benefits than running.

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Remember to hit the sidewalk do not worth it if you do not all run? Still think. Walking could protect againstcardiopathy even better than running, according to a study of 2013 inArteriosclerosis, thrombosis and vascular biology. When 33,000 runners and 15,000 walkers burned the same amount of energy, based on the distance they covered, the walking groupReduces their risk of coronary disease 9.3%, compared to 4.5% for riders. They also had a better improvement in their risks of high blood pressure and cholesterol, and a slightly reduced risk of developing diabetes.

The walk facilitates back pain.

older white man and woman walking outside

A long walk could be an antidote for a painful back. A 2012 adult study with chronic back pain from the lower back, published inClinical rehabilitation, found that aSix weeks walking programAmong which it is involved to work at a 20-minute walk to 40 minutes walk, was just as effective for pain relief that an expensive rehabilitation program. At the end of their programs, the two groups were able to walk further, with reduced pain. And if you have trouble suffering from social pain, discoverThe best way to relieve pain at the bottom of the back.

It stimulates your chances of getting pregnant.

white woman and man walking in face masks in a city

If you have trouble creating a family, start out of the bedroom and get out of the house. About 1,200 women who had one or two pregnancy losses attempted to get pregnant for six menstrual cycles and stated that they had been successful.Walking was the strongest predictor of the design Among women with high BMIS, according to the 2018 study published in the journalHuman reproduction. Overweight and obese participants walked at least 10 minutes at the same time have improved their chances of getting pregnant by 82%.

Some progress can raise your mood.

older white women couple walking and smiling outside

You could have a naturally percolary step when you feel happy, but a 2015 study in theNewspaperbehavioral therapy and experimental psychiatry Found the opposite is true too: aHappy walking brings a good mood. The volunteers walked on a treadmill with a gauge measuring how happy their walking was. The participants did not know what the gauge meant but we told you to adjust their position so that it moves to the left (sadder) or right (happier) while different words appeared. Those who finished with a joyful step remembered more positive words (like "pretty"), while those with a downstream trot had a better memory of negative words (like "fear"). Putting some PEP at your stage could change your mindset so you focus on the good of life. And if you have anxiety trouble during the pandemic, learn these30 ways to relax when you are totally stressed.

The march reduces the risk of death in people with renal disease.

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If you haveChronic renal diseaseHe pays to move. A study of 6,300 patients with kidney diseases in China have found that those whomarket to exercise Reduce their risk of death by a third party. The study, published in 2014 in theClinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, noted that more walking meant even greater advantages. Patients who walked seven times or more per week were 59% less likely to die during the study of an onto and were 44% less likely to require a dialysis or kidney transplant.

He protects dementia.

Older Couple Anti-Aging Foods

The march does not come to clear the head, it gives your mind a hard boost. In a 2017 study published in theAlzheimer's Disease Journal, adults with Alzheimer's disease or light cognitive impairment have takenFour 30-minute walks one week. As three months had elapsed, they were better in memory of the groups of words. In addition, those with light cognitive deficiencies have shown improvements in parts of their brain associated with memory loss.

A walking routine will make you naturally more active.

Older Couple Walking Outside {Secrets to a Long Life}

Engage to a walking program now, and this could have health benefits, even if you do not stick to it. For a series of studies in England, the results were published in 2018 inPlum medicineInactive adults received podétère and exercise tips and said to start a12 weeks walking program. Three to four years later, those who started walking programs took 400 to 600 steps from 400 to 600 steps and were an additional half an hour of moderate or vigorous physical activity, compared to patients who had never had ever been informed of starting to walk. Insist on a daily walk and you will find yourself returning the steps for the rest of the day. And for more ways to stay active when you get older, checkThe 15 best exercises for people over 50.

The march reduces side effects in patients with cancer.

older asian man walking with face mask outside

Invite a friend with prostate cancer for a socially distanced walk could improve some of his results if he is up to.Fast walk and another non-vigorous activity is linked to more energy, less depression and healthier weight, according to a study of 2018 of 51,000 men treated for prostate cancer, published in theJournal of Surviving Cancer.

It could lead to your next idea.

young white man walking outside along river

Stuck on a problem at work? Keep away from your home office and take some towers around the block. In a series of experiences, college students received creative thinking testing, whether walking, sitting or pushed into a wheelchair outside. In each test, theThe walkers found more creative solutions that the volunteers sit. The results, published in 2014 in theExperimental Psychology Journal, showed that even after the same people went to walk at the session, their the latest ideas arrived when they moved.

And he protects against "sitting disease".

man in suit holding newspaper and coffee and wearing a face mask in city

Work at home every day? Optimistic. Standing and moving once an hour? Realistic. Fortunately, even a fast range around the room could be enough to compensate for the health risks ofSession, according to a 2015 study in theClinical Journal of the American Nephrology Society.Looking at the daily activity data of 3,200 adults with accelerometers, researchers found that, replacing only two minutes of session every hour with walking or other light activityRisk of death coupe of 33%. The same thing did not accept when the participants got up and did not move. Consider this excuse to get up from your office and go out.

The walk will prevent you from replaying your regrets.

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If you can not stop thinking about something negative, telling these toxic thoughts to hike - literally. A 2015 study published in the journalActs of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America had participants took a90 minutes walk through a natural environment or a city. Those who had entered nature reported less in rumination and had less activity in brain regions associated with mental illness.

This can reduce the risk of breast cancer.

older white women walking with face masks six feet apart

Yes, there are ways toProtect yourself from breast cancerand walking is part of it. A study of more than 73,000 menopausal women published in the newspaperCancer epidemiology, biomarkers and prevention In 2013 - found that those whose only physical activity workedReduce their risk of breast cancer 14% by moving seven hours or more per week, compared to those who only market three hours or less.

A walk in the park can relax.

walking is the best exercise

Location, location, location. Walking in green spaces could give you a strong mood increase only to walk around the block. In a 2015 study published in theBritish newspaper of sports medicine, adults took a25 minutes walk Through three different locations in Edinburgh, Scotland: a shopping street, a commercial area and a greenway. Meanwhile, a device has measured cerebral activity to gauge their emotions. When the walkers were surrounded by green spaces, they were less frustrated, engaged and aroused and more meditative.

The walk is a natural antidepressant.


Resist the urge to get hurt on the couch when you feel in walking, is a known way to stimulate your mood. A significant 2005 study published in the journalMedicine and Science in Sport and Exercise Had adults with a major depressive disorder, start a 30-minute program, walking alivest or relaxing quietly. After 16 weeks, the two groupsDecreased feelings of depression, distress, fatigue, tension, confusion and anger, but the walkers have seen additional improvements: better sense of well-being and vigor.

And that can help you fight.

Relationship, couple, fall

Quarantine with a partner can argue more than usual. Fortunately,walk together After a great fight can help you work on things, according to a 2017 study inAmerican psychologist. On the one hand, you will each get the individual benefits of stress reduction and mood boosts. A walk can also increase the relationship relationship because walking partners tend to move in Synchrony and move to a new location can help change your mindset and sparkle resolution. Gives a new meaning to "go on", huh?

The march is a form of relaxation of physical activity.

young asian woman with her arms out in a forest

Jumping in an online workout is not exactly the most relaxing way to spend an evening, but walking is calming and active. A study of adults with arterial hypertension, published in theInternational Journal for Environmental Research and Public Health In 2015, I found that walking in a forestReduced heart rhythm. He also gave participants a sense of inner peace, compared to the volunteers who had walked in an urban area. The march between the trees has also offered bigger gains in feelings of comfort, relaxation and vigor, while decreasing the meanings of tension, hostility, depression and fatigue.

And it is a natural opportunity to put pressure on a certain meditation.

walking is the best exercise

You have heard about the benefits of meditation, but realistically, it can be difficult to find the motivation to sit quietly and do nothing. Combine it with a light workout, however, you could finally follow. A trial over adult seniors found that those who finishedConscious 30 minute walk sessions have declared that they liked the sessions and continued by themselves, even after the end of the Monthlong program, as documented in a 2017 study published in theAging newspaper and physical activity.

You can get quality time with your dog on walks.

mother and two daughters in face masks walking their dog in a park

Your dog could appreciate you to go home more often, but it's also crazy, and can also use these walks around the neighborhood. Get out with your POOCH do not just stretch your legs - you get benefits too. A 2017 study on retirees published inThe gerontologist found that possessing a dog alone gave no booth of health, butwalking a dog Regularly was linked to the lower IMC, fewer chronic health problems and fewer doctor visits.

Walk keep your lungs healthy.

young black woman with face mask looking at camera

The walk could not let you blow and blow like other workouts - but in some ways is a good thing. A study of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) published in the journalRespirology In 2014, I found thatthose who workedThe least was more likely to be hospitalized. The researchers concluded that walk as much about two to four miles a day could help keep patients with the hospital MPOD. And even if you do not have COPD,pulmonary health is particularly important in the middle of a pandemic of respiratory diseases.

It can stabilize your blood glucose.

walking is the best exercise

It's time to make your walk, and you could expand this post-meal dive into energy. A 2013 study inDiabetic treatments Seniors at risk of pre-diabetes revealed that the blood glucose of participants remained attenuated when theytook walks during the day. The most significant results came when they took 15 minutes walk after each of their three meals a day, rather than tightening all their steps in a 45-minute fight.

You can have an education like you walk.

walking is the best exercise

Paying attention to a podcast host or a Narrator Audiobook can be a challenge when you prepare at home, but it's easy enough to stay focused on a walk. Choose an interesting book or podcast, and you could learn something new while stretching your legs. In a 2011 study of student students published in the journalComputers and EducationResearchers have discovered that students whogot their information from a podcast Played as well as their peers who attended a conference. Relax in a good book and you may find a "quick walk around the block" turns into a 30-minute workout.

The walk adds years to your life.

older white man and woman with masks walking outside

In the end, that's what he goes. If you want to live longer, a walk is an easy place to start. And it does not take much! Walk quickly up to 75 minutes each weekadds 1.8 years to life expectancy, according to a 2012 study of 655,000 adults published inPlum medicine. Spreading in 450 minutes a week led to even more important gains: four and a half years. So, stop staying at home and continue your feet.

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