That the pose in a dream is talking about your relationship

Someone loves to sleep, hugging, or, conversely, his back to the back, barely touching each other. What can a pose during sleep tell about a relationship with a loved one?

At night, every couple in bed prefers to take a completely characteristic position. Someone loves to sleep, hugging, or, conversely, his back to the back, barely touching each other. What can a pose during sleep tell about a relationship with a loved one?

Face to face

This pose says that the couple feels comfortable in each other's company. If you sleep face to face, then probably talk a lot before bedtime. As you know, communication is the most important thing in a relationship, and this is great.


It is quite inconvenient to fall asleep in other people's arms. So do not worry if you and your partner do not sleep like that. This is one of those poses that arises at the initial stage of the relationship, when feelings boil, and everything is filled with special meaning.

Head on the chest

This is the most romantic pose for sleeping, because you hear the beating of the heart of another person. This, by the way, is very soothing. If this is your favorite pose for sleeping, then you are one of those rare lucky ones who never get tired of taking care of each other. It is important for you to feel safe, and the partner gladly gives you this feeling.

Two tablespoons

This pose for sleeping is one of the most common in relationships. “Big spoon” is usually a person who is a defender for a partner. It is interesting that if you change the position during sleep (alternately become a small or a large spoon), you are in a very balanced relationship in which everyone simultaneously protects and feels safe.

Unraveling node

You fall asleep in each other's arms, but over the night you “diverge” on opposite sides of the bed. This is one of the best combinations. This pose means emotional closeness in relations and, at the same time, the independence of each partners. Most likely, you have long been together, but you are incredibly comfortable with each other.


One of you sleeps in the pose of the sea star, occupying most of the space, and the other is content with a tiny area that remained on the bed? This may be a sign of dominance in a relationship: one of you is somewhat neglected by the comfort of the partner.


Perhaps the room has elevated temperature, and you do not want someone to touch you while you sleep. Or maybe you just feel comfortable, without clinging to a partner during sleep. Although there is a chance that your relationship has collapsed to such an extent that you do not even want to touch each other. If so, then you probably already guess about it.

Categories: Relationship
Tags: psychology / dream
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