If you swallow your medicine with that, stop immediately

The FDA says that this combination could have dangerous consequences.

When that'sTake medicationYou can think that as long as it enters your system, no matter how. You may pick up this pill with a glass of water, a cup of café half empty, or the drink you have nearby. Unfortunately, this practice may not always be sure. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), there is a drink, you should not swallow your medications and not, we are not talking about alcohol. Read it to find out what you should not take your pills with and for more essential tips on your medications,If you take this common medicine, talk to a doctor before your vaccine..

You should not take your medicine with grapefruit juice.

Freshly Squeezed Grapefruit Juice (close-up shot) on vintage wooden background

In a 2017 return,Shiew Mei Huang, Doctorate, Deputy Director of the FDA Clinical Pharmacology Bureau, said the Administration has "required that prescription and overvoltage (TBT) medications included by the mouth compriseWarnings against grapefruit juice to drink Or eat grapefruit while taking the medicine. "

"Grapefruit juice, in itself, goes well as part of a healthy and balanced diet. It is rich in vitamin C, potassium and other essential nutrients that constitute a well rounded food intake,"Scott McDougall, Mpharm,Co-founder and deposited manager From the independent online pharmacy, explains. "However, when taken with some medications, it can cause problems." And for more warnings of the FDA,If you use this to relax, the FDA says stop immediately.

Grapefruit juice can change the way medicine enters and stays in your body.

Senior woman taking pill and Video call consulting with doctor asking for medicine description on laptop computer while sitting on kitchen table at home. Video Conference

According to the FDA, many drugs are decomposed or metabolized, using an enzyme called CYP3A4 in the small intestine. McDougall says that grapefruit juice effectively prevents this work enzyme, which could make drugs "becomes less or more effective", depending on how they use CYP3A4 to work.

According toJessica Nouhavandi, PharMD, a leading pharmacist and co-founder of theAccredited online pharmacy Honeybee Health, some medications will stay long in the blood, while others will be blocked to enter effectively. "Drugs staying in your blood longer can increase the risk of serious side effects," she says. "It can also lead the opposite, where not enough of a drug enters the blood, preventing the drug from working." And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Many types of drugs can be affected by grapefruit juice.

Cropped shot of a senior man sitting alone in his kitchen and taking pills

Spencer Kroll, MD, aSpecialist in internal medicine certified by the Councilsays that all drugs are not affected by grapefruit juice because all medications do not count on the use of the CYP3A4 enzyme. At the same time, it is always important that people know that many drugs manage this risk because "grapefruit juice and drugs are commonly consumed together at breakfast," says Kroll. According to the FDA, some drugs that interact negatively with the grapefruit juice include static drugs to reduce cholesterol, drugs that process high blood pressure, anti-anxiety medications and even antihistamines. And for more combinations to avoid,Dr. Fauci has just said do not take this medicine with Covid vaccine.

You should talk to your doctor and read the instructions of your medications before drinking some fruit juices.


It can be difficult to know if your medicine is affected, so experts recommend that you speak to your doctor and read the instructions of your medicine carefully before drinking some fruit juices like grapefruit. "The severity of the interaction can be different depending on the person, the drug and the amount of grapefruit juice you drink. Talk to your doctor, pharmacist or other health care provider and read all the information Supplied with your order or medicine on CTO, "The FDA recommends. This should help you determine if your specific medicine is assigned, how much (if applicable) of the grapefruit juice that you can have and what other fruits or juices can affect your medicine in the same way. According to McDougall, "other juices, especially those made at Seville Oranges, Tangelos and Pomelos, may possibly have the same interaction as the grapefruit juice". And for more problems to display your doctor,If you take this grateful medicine more than twice a week, consult a doctor.

And you must pay attention to any increased side effects of your medicine.

Woman suffering back pain

According to McDougall, adverse events that you could feel about taking your medicine with grapefruit juice depend on the medicine. Kroll says that some drugs can accumulate dangerous levels in the blood, capable of causing increased side effects on the life of life. For example, he says that the increase in muscle pain could indicate that a static medicine you took had a negative interaction with grapefruit juice. "Low blood pressure and different rhythm disorders can be observed when the grapefruit juice is consumed with calcium channel blockers, while the vertigo, vertigo and stomach aches can be the first sign of a Interaction of cyclosporine juice, "he adds. Let your doctor know if you encounter unusual reactions to your medications. And for more side effects,That's what it means that if you have no side effects of vaccine, doctors say.

Categories: Health
Tags: food / medicine / News
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