I am a doctor and here is prudent to have a Covid vaccine

It can take a little time, he says.

Vaccines have considerably reduced the prevalence of diseases. Since the discovery of the first smallpox vaccine, hundreds of millions of people have been saved around the world due to strong vaccination plans and confidence.

Without a doubt, the positive impact of global health vaccination is remarkable. Immunization coverage has improved considerably in recent decades, but overall over more than 13 million childrenwere not vaccinatedIn 2018. There is an abundance of data to maintain that vaccines are one of the mostto successand cost-effective ways to prevent diseases.

But how to feel confident if a Covid-19 vaccine is safe for everyone? Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

It could take a little time

In the era of Covid, people are wondering when to feel safe on a coronavirus vaccine. History tells us that the increase in the vaccineblanketled to the decline in diseases and Covid-19, we should expect that too.

I have many requests from people who wonder what to do if there is an announcement of a new vaccine. They heard about the media that the United States could start distributing a coronavirus vaccine in October.

Although Covid-19 is still caused in states and global cases have reached more than $ 30 million, understandably, we are all excited for a vaccine.

More than 50%Americans say they would get Covid-19 vaccine, but that's not enough. Looking at the data, we are nowhere close to the immunity against COVID-19.Dr. Anthony FauciConfirmed my forecasts that the United States still have a "long way to go" to reach the immunity of the flock against Covid-19.

This may take some time before the general public receives a coronavirus vaccine due to the rigorous review of the necessary clinical data before getting a vaccine candidate in a healthy person.

To provide people with a vaccine, rigorous clinical tests are needed. The scientific community, university centers and pharmaceutical companies collaborate at full steam to develop a safe and efficient vaccine. Until then, we will have to continue to wear masks, wash your hands frequently and practicing physical distancing.

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The most at risk must first get the vaccine

Sweden is a country that has adopted a "flock immunity strategy" and recently, we have learned that about 15% of people with CVIV-19 symptoms have symptoms for more than 8 weeks. This means that they had Covid-19 and their symptoms persist for a long time.

The immunity of the herd can potentially drag the harmful effects of coronavirus for years. To be sick for nearly two months is expensive and Iwrote on a doctor from Florida who had Covidand need intensive care.

Specialists in infections and health care experts argue that flock immunity is aPotentially dangerous strategy.In practical terms, this could mean more than one million new deaths of COVID-19. As the end of the year approach, it is essential to recognize that more than two hundred thousand people will be missed during Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations. Many health workers and key workers are likely to keep us all safely and served. They are most at risk of being infected by Covid because of their frequent exposure to the virus.

In my opinion, they should be the first to receive the vaccine, once one is safe and available. Doctor Zeke Emmanuel, expert in health care and an American oncologistProposed prioritization of health workers and adults over 65Or have underlying health conditions to be the first to obtain the new COVID vaccine.

A vaccine is a solution to return to our daily lives much desired. Nevertheless, the transparency of clinical data from immunization studies will help us, doctors and scientists, to encourage the population to trust a new vaccine. We have never seen the amount of scientific collaboration between health agencies, pharmaceutical companies and doctors, so I am confident that good news is on the way. And once phase III studies are completed and clinical studies are published and available to the public, it will be necessary to proceed with peer review. This evaluation by a scientific group is essential for understanding the results and possible implications.

We need people who have similar skills as researchers who have published studies to evaluate and weigh in research. This form of self-regulation of qualified health care experts is a common practice in the approval of new treatments.

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Transparency is essential

In clinical studies, particularly in clinical vaccine trials, there is a long revision of clinical data. The amount of the examination that the information collected in such studies are exceptional. And there is also a safety monitoring board made up of independent groups of doctors and scientists, who analyze the data, which allows them to determine whether a vaccine is safe or not.

AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine Clinical Trial-19was put on holdDue to the suspected adverse reaction in a participant at the U.K. likeI pointed out at the timeSecurity breaks are common in clinical trials. Usually, there is a standard review process to review security data. It was reassuring to see this; It's job drugs. This is how science works.

Transparency is essential and vital in these times, especially when people try to politicize science. We have reliable health care experts and that everyone is needed to become a vaccine specialist.

When multiple VVID-19 vaccines vaccinating clinical studies are fully completed, the results will be analyzed by clinical scientists, biostat, and then will be published in peer-reviewed journals. When this happens, health care experts will weigh and shed light on the best approach consists of efficient and safe vaccination.

In the meantime, wear yourfacial maskAnd to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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