This common insect can transport and broadcast Covid, a new study

If you see this bug fly, you may want to leave.

Whether it's buzzing sounds they do or their frightening appearances, it is likely that you are never happy to seeBugs in your house. In addition to how they look and sound, however, there are the germs they can wear, which seems particularly as to the current COVID pandemic. Unfortunately, a new study published in the magazineParasites and vectorsrealizes some of these fears. Researchers from Kansas State University (KSU) and agricultural research have found that one of the common insects has transported and transmitted CovID for 24 hours after infection. Keep reading to find out what scary channel you have to be on the lookout for, and for more information on bugs to pay attention, to check5 things you buy that bring bed bugs in your house, say experts.

A new study says that the house flies can carry and transmit Covid.

flies on garbage bag, towels
M.Samarn Plubkilang / Shutterstock

The KSU study, which was published in April 20, determined that the flies of the house are capable ofWear and transmit Covid. To achieve this conclusion, scientists exposed to the house flies to Covid in a laboratory, then tested them for infectivity. Environmental samples have also been tested for infectivity after contact with flies exposed to covidation. The samples were collected at different times after exposure. According to the researchers, they found that "the fly of the acquired house and housed an infectious SARS-COV-2 up to 24 [hours] post-exhibition".

In addition, the flies of the house could transmit Covid to the surrounding environment up to 24 hours after exposure to the virus. The environmental samples affected by the exposed flies were contaminated with the viral RNA, although these samples do not contain infectious viruses.

And for more creatures to search,These awful bugs that you have forgotten again, the exterminators warn.

Additional studies are needed to determine if the Covid transmission of the house fly occurs naturally.

black fly trying to feed
Pamirc / iStock

Since the research has been conducted in a laboratory, the authors say that further studies are justified to determine if the transmission of the fly of the house takes place naturally and the potential implications of public health of such events.Juergen Richt, Doctorate, director of the Ksu center on emerging and zoonotic infectious diseases (Cezid) and co-author of the study, told Tewell Health that he and his colleagues researchers have decided to test the transmission of the fly of the house because "there are many cases of Covid-19 where we do not know how someonecontracted the virus. "

Richt explained that the house flies are "known to be attracted by biological fluids that can be contaminated by the virus," said the probability of catching Covid of a fly of the house is rare.

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The houses of the house have been known to transmit other bacteria and diseases.


According to the National Association of Environmental Health (Neha),domestic flies can transmit diseases and bacteria to people. "The Common Flandrevly can transmit the pathogens causing the chiaze, typhoid fever,E. coliand cholera, "Neha explains." Agents caused by the disease can be transmitted by body hairs or tars that are transmitted to food or surfaces when the fly lands. In addition, pathogens can be transmitted when a fly regurge on foods to liquefy material for digestion. "

And for another frightening creature beware of,If you go to the beach, pay attention to this parasite bug.

Another study showed mosquitoes and bite flies can not transmit COVID.

woman looking at her arm, skin with a bug, mosquito on it
Sun OK / Shutterstock

The good news is another common set of bugs does not seem to be able to transmit the new coronavirus to people. On March 4, an article published inJournal of Medical Entomology suggested thatMosquitoes and biting fliesare unable to transmit Covid. "We believe that these species are unable to be biological vectors of Sars-Cov-2", Richt, also involved in this study, said in a statement. "The probability of SARS-COV-2 transmission by these insects is extremely low."

While the direct transmission of these insects to man may not be something to fear: "Maybe mosquitoes and flies can be Mechanical vectors "As flies, says Richt." We believe that in some of these cases where you can not find direct transmission of the virus interaction with positive people, that fomits in different ways could play a role. "

And for more new bugs, If you see this bug in your house, do not walk, experts warn .

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