The only frightening thing that the 3 cases of the new variant Covid have in common

The cases of Florida, California and Colorado all have a common point that translates into bad news.

Although it has become the dominant variant in many parts of the U.K., The new,More contagious strain of coronavirus only confirmed to be at USB for less than a week. The first confirmed case was a 20-year-old man in Colorado on December 28, the second was a 30-year-old man in California on December 30 and the last was a man in the twenty of his twenties in Florida on December 31. Although it is clear, these cases share some surface similarities - they are all among men in their twenties or 30 years, there is another more subtle factor, they share this trick toWhat is the repression of the new variant is:None of them has a travel history.

When the Supervisor of San Diego CountyNathan Fletcher revealed that his California County had aConfirmed case of the new strain, known as B.1.1.7., Did he declare: "Because there is no trip story, we think it's not an isolated case in the county from San Diego. " And frankly, it is probably not isolated to the three states that have confirmed cases, either. The fact that none of these patients are directly gone to the U.K.-or one of the other 30 more countrieswhere the variant has been found-Means, it is likely that the new strain is already spreading throughout the country. It seems that the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,Anthony Fauci, MD, was just when he said onHello AmericaOn December 22, "You really have to assume it's already here ... I would not be surprised at all if it's already here."

Read more about the new strain and how this could affect you and for more on what the main health agency of the nation says, checkThe CDC has just published this warning on the new Covid strain.

Read the original article onBetter life.

It is confirmed to be more contagious than the current dominant strain.

Group of young people with masks talking on street.

December 31, researchers atImperial College London published a study, which has not yet been examined by peers, on variant B.1.1.7 and found that it is indeed more transmitted than the preceding dominant strain of the virus. According toStrongit means that a person withCOVID-19 caused by strain B.1.1.7 is likely to transmit it to more people than if they have another variant. "These analyzes, who informed U.K. Government planning in recent weeks show that theNew variant concern, B.1.1.7, has a significantly higher transmissibility than previous SARS-COV-2 viruses circulating in the United States, "Neil Ferguson, PhD, one of the scientists of the Imperial College of London involved in the study, said in a statement.

"This will make more difficult control and increase the urgency of deploying vaccination as quickly as possible," said Ferguson, who is also a member of the U.K Respiratory Round Track Respiratory Virus Advisory Group. (NTVTAG). And for the signs you could be sick, checkThese are the first most common signs you have COVID, studies.

It is more likely to infect children and adolescents than previous strains.


While children have been largely less affected by Covid than adults to this point, the new variant can change that. "There is an index that he has aA greater propensity to infect children"Ferguson told reporters at a press conference on December 21st." We will have to collect more data to see how it behaves from the front. ... but what we saw over a period of five or six weeks ... [Is it] the variant of under 15 was statisticallysignificantly higher than the virus not varying. "And for more updates on COVID,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

But if you have ever had Covid, you are probably not infected by the new strain.

woman, fallen ill is staying at home wrapped in a blanket socially distancing and quarantining herself, feeling her throat hurt and being sore, having a cup of hot tea

During December 30, Livestream with the Government of CaliforniaGavin Newsom,Fauci explained that people who have already been infected by Covid seem to be careful to catch thetension. "The ... something they noted in the UK are that infected people [by the previously dominant strain] do not seem to be reinciced by this [mutation], which means that the immunity given to you when You are infected, it'sProtection against this particular strain, "Fauci explained. And for a symptom that indicates that you could have already had Covid, checkIf you have this subtle symptom, you may have ever had Covid.

The new vaccines will also protect you against this tension.

Senior woman is about to receive Covid-19 vaccine
BlueCinema / iStock

Many people were worried than the newly deployed moderna and pfizerCovid vaccines would no longer be able to protect themFrom the new variant, but health experts quickly reassured the public that the already administered shots are always effective. "[Alternative B.1.1.7] does not seem to escape a protection offered by antibodies introduced by vaccines," said Fauci announced Newom. And for more new vaccines, consultThese 2 states go against the Vaccine Recommendations of the CDC.

It is no longer dangerous or more deadly than the current dominant strain.

COVID patient in hospital

Yes, the new coronavirus strain spreads more easily, but the good news is that it does not seem to be more damaging or more fatal. "It seems fairly clear from the British group which, in fact, the transmissibility of the virus is more effective than the transmission of the standard virus that we will approach so far. Namely, it is simply able to bind to the receptors on the cells better And so, it is better transmitted, "said Façi during his discussion with Newsom. But, he added," There is no indication that it increases virulence, and by virulence, I mean the ability to make you sick or kill you. This does not seem to make it stronger in this regard. "And for a sign that you have a serious case of the virus, checkThis rare symptom could mean that you have a case of serious covidation.

You are already protecting yourself against the new variant by following common health practices.

Person washing their hands in a sink

It is not because there is a slightly different version of the propagation of the virus does not mean that you need to change the precautionary measures you have taken from March. "The things we talked about, we just need to make sure to do it"Fauci saidNewsweek December 29 of the new strain. "Wearing masks, maintain distances, avoid gathering settings, do things out more than inside, wash your hands frequently, it's the things that prevent every virus, that it is not mutated or not. " And for the only health measure you can remember, checkThe only thing you can stop doing to avoid Covid, according to doctors.

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