If you sleep that a lot, you put your heart in danger, a new study says

Research shows that there may be a magic number with regard to the number of hours you need.

As far as health knowledge is concerned, the importance of having enough sleep has become as common as to make sure to eat well. Ensure a lot ofStop the eye has been proven to help your body And the brain gets the rest and the repair they need to be at their best. But according to a new study, it's not too few things that can be a problem. With respect to your health heart, get a specific number of sleep hours can be the best way to make sure you do not damage. Something more or less puts your heart in danger. Read it to see what researchers say that the dark sleep summit and for more night health warnings,If it wakes up at night, your heart can be in danger, experts warn.

A new study revealed that six to seven hours of sleep are needed to keep your heart healthy.

man has a heart attack symptoms while sleeping on bed at night

According to researchers at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, there is an ideal sleep that people should have health cardiac health. Their new study, which will soon be presented at the US College of the 70th Scientific Session of Cardiology, examined the data of 14,079 respondents in the National Health Review and Nutrition Survey adopted between 2005 and 2010, Who understood questions about how long each person usually slept at night.

The participants were then followed for an average of 7.5 years to see if they died of heart disease, heart failure or stroke, with less than 10%, mentioning a history of medical conditions. What they found is that "the participants who slept less than six hours or more than seven hours had a higher chance ofDeath due to cardiac causes, "Kartik Gupta, MD, the primary author of the study and a resident of the Division of Internal Medicine of the Hospital, said in a declaration.

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The researchers determined that sleep not exceeding seven hours and not less than six is ​​the best for your heart.

Woman sleeping

The researchers also followed participants 'levels of participants' protein (CRP) and health risk scores, also known as atherosclerotic cardiovascular risk scores (ASCVD), used to determine the likelihood of someone. have a heart attack. The results showed a U-shaped curve, with thelowest risk Fall on those who slept between six and seven hours per night.

"Participants whosleep less or more Less than six to seven o'clock have higher risk scores to ASCVS, which is probably driven by increased inflammation as measured by CRP, which has been considered higher among those who had less or more sleep, "says Gupta in a statement. " Patients who sleep for if six to seven hours have the least CRP, this inflammation could result in an increase in cardiovascular risk. "

And for more information on cardiovascular health risks,If you drink it every day, your heart could be in danger, study.

The quality of your sleep also counts.

photo Young Contemplated Woman Lying On Bed

Some experts point out that when it comes to sleep, quality is better than quantity. According toMartha Gulati, MD, editor of Cardiosmart.org, the educational site of the Credelle of American cardiology for patients, this could be what increases the risk of heart disease for people sleeping.

"You're wondering if someone sleeps longer because they just did not have a good night's sleep," said GulatiU.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT. "I always say that there is a good sleep and there is a bad sleep. You could be in bed for eight o'clock, but is itSleep? "

And for more signs, your health can be in danger,If you can not do these many pumps, your heart is in danger, the study says.

Another new study has also found a lack of sleep can also affect your brain health.

Closeup of alarm clock with senior woman in deep sleep in background

It's not just your cardiac health that can suffer too much from sleeping or too little. A recently published study in the journalNature Communicationsfollowed about 8,000 people in Great Britain from 50 years old and evaluated theirsleep habits and health for 25 years.

The study revealed that those who regularly slept less than six hours per week were 30% more likely toDevelop dementia that those who have obtained a "normal" quantity of seven hours of sleep per night. "The study found a modest, but I would say a very important association of risk of sleep and dementia short"Pamela Stastey, PhD, Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Community Health at the University of Minnesota, who has not been involved in research, saidThe New York Times. And for more your brain health,This could be one of the first signs you have dementia, experts say they are saying.

Categories: Health
Tags: Heart Health / News / sleep
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