11 subtle signs your fast weight gain is something serious

If you gain unexpectedly and you have these other symptoms, it might not be on your diet.

This is not so unusual to see some extra books on the scale from time to time. If you fear physical activity for a moment, orEat a little more than you usually do itYou will probably see the number on the scale go up. But while it is easy to assign weight gain to the usual culprits, it does not mean that the lack of exercise is always to blame. Suddenly and unexplained weight gain can actually be a symptom of an underlying health concern. Here are some of the subtle signs that your fast weight gain could be something serious, according to experts.

You will easily go on and live a muscular weakness.

Bruise on a woman's arm

You have won the weight of nowhere and you also suffer from painted muscles? The culprit could be Cushing syndrome, a disorder that occurs when your body is too much hormonal cortisol over a long time.

"Irregular rules, easy bruising, muscle weakness and fatigue may be due to Cushing syndrome," saysJudi Goldstone, MD, doctor in internal medicine and expert in weight loss. "Caused by the excess cortisol, Cushing is associated with a weight gain in the abdomen, neck, face and back."

This disease is difficult to diagnose, according to theNational Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Renal Diseases. Therefore, it is better to head earlier at the doctor later, if you think that Cushing's syndrome could be behind your weight gain.

Your thyroid glands are swollen.

Man checking swollen thyroid

If your thyroid glands feel swollen, your skin feels dry, your heart rate is slow and you are constantly tired - it might be time to consider hypothyroidism as a cause, according toWebmd.

Goldstone says other hypotyroidy signs, or low levels of thyroid hormones, are of poor concentration, confusion or memory problems. Although the effects are certainly not fun, it is a condition that can be treated with drugs, so it is better to get to the doctor if you encounter one of these symptoms.

Your irregular menstrual cycle.

Woman clutching a hot water bottle against her stomach to alleviate cramps from period pain

If you are a woman who undergoes infertility, irregular menstrual cycles, hair growth or acne, you may have the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCO), says Goltone.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a hormonal condition that women can have during their maternity years and can cause cysts about their ovaries, according toWebmd. An early diagnosis helps the treatment of SOPC, so remedy ASAP.

You spin frequently and you have longer problems flat.

Man coughing wearing a scarf

"The loss of appetite, frequent cough or flat binding problems are signs of heart failure, which can cause rapid weight gain in the abdomen, ankles and legs due to fluid overload", declares Goltone.

While the symptoms of heart failure differ,Webmd Note that it is incredibly important to consult a doctor if you think it can be able to know the heart failure to receive the correct diagnosis and the rapid treatment.

You meet abdominal pain or lower back.

Woman experiencing back pain while sitting on a couch on her laptop

If your weight gain is accompanied by abdominal and lower pain, pressure on the bladder or constipation, they could be signs of uterine fibroids, according toLynell Ross, certified health and well-being coach.

"Uterine fibroids are uncommitted outgrowth capable of growing or decreasing in size depending on the blood flow to each fibroid," she says. "It can cause weight gain due to balloon and hormonal imbalance or fibroid size. Big fibroids can give the appearance of excessive belly fat, also resulting in weight gain."

You encounter mood swings, despair and sadness.


"Major depressive disorder is often correlated with weight gain," saysChristopher Drumma doctor atNorrreristown Physicians of the Family. "I write all patients with a new weight gain with the PHQ-9", used to diagnose depression.

Drumm says that depression is delicate to diagnose because it can cause weight gainWhere Weight loss, but he says that the treatment helps to improve these markers.

You have recently launched a new medicine.

Woman holding a large pill in the palm of her hand

"Yes, the drugs we prescribe can cause weight gain," says Drumm. "Some diabetic drugs, including sulfonylure, insulin and pioglitazone, all cause weight gain. It is interesting because we encourage patients with diabetes to lose weight, but some of the drugs we give can make more difficult weight loss. "

Drumm adds that some psychiatric drugs can cause weight gain, atypical antipsychotics being the biggest culprit. In addition, "oral steroids are the worst," he says. "Do your best to avoid taking them."

You have stomach pain and swelling around your stomach.

Older man toughing his swollen stomach in discmofort

It is easy to exclude swelling of the stomach as a weight gain. However, if you encounter abdominal pain and swelling, swelling of the legs and ankles, nausea and vomiting, these could all be signs of liver disease, according to theMAYO Clinic.

Liver disease is a serious illness and it is important to contact your doctor immediately if you suspect that you can have it. Some hepatic problems can be treated with lifestyle changes, such as stopping alcohol consumption or weight loss, while others should be treated with drugs or require surgery.

You are swollen in the legs, arms, face and sockets of the eyes.

Doctor check a patient's swollen legs and veins

Swelling of the face, a socket of eyes, legs, arms, hands, feet, abdomen or other areas - as well as high blood pressure - are possible symptoms of nephritic syndrome, according to thePENN STATE HERSHEY MEDICAL CENTER. "Patients retain liquid, increasing weight," says Drumm.

The nephritic syndrome can be treated in different ways, for example with a reduced diet of salt, rest, medicine or dialysis. You may also have to spend time at the hospital, if your doctor finds him needed.

Your joints are painful.

Older man grabbing his new in paint from his joints

Weight gain accompanied by painful joints, a deeper voice and skin tags could mean that you have acromegaly, a hormonal condition that occurs when the pituitary gland produces too much growth hormone, according toMedical News Today.

Acromegaly usually has adulthood mid-age and can be treated with surgery or radiotherapy. His main symptom is the expansion of the feet and hands, so if you notice that your shoes have stopped adapting properly after getting a little weight, you may want to be checked.

You have pain in your stomach and trouble sleeping.

Woman having trouble sleeping at night frustrated

While weight loss is one of the mostCommon cancer symptomsThe weight gain accompanied by pain in the abdomen or the basin, the difficulty of sleeping and irregular menstruation may be signs of ovarian cancer, according toMedical News Today.

Ovarian cancer can reach the last steps without detection. It is therefore important to talk to a doctor if you encounter these symptoms. Its treatment largely depends on the stage of your cancer and may include surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy, according to theMAYO Clinic.

Categories: Health
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