If you have this type of blood, your risk of cerebral vascular accident can be higher, the study says

Having this type of blood is associated with an increased risk of early appearance for some.

Someone at the UShas a stroke Every 40 seconds, according to the disease control and prevention centers (CDC). One of the most frightening things about this type of medical event - on the fact that it kills a person in the country every four minutes, the CDC tip - is that it can go completely untECected. A"Silent" race Brain injury all the same, but is not often realized when the brain damage had progressed, according to the association of American market accidents.

But you may be able to say if you are moreRisk of a strokeSilently or symptomatic, if you are aware of the factors that contribute to this hazardous health status - and it turns out that your type of blood is one of these factors. Read on what kind of blood is associated with a risk of accepted stroke, based on a new study, and for more things your blood group can tell you, discoverIf you have this type of blood, your risk of cardiac attack is higher, the study says.

Some women with non-o blood types can be at increased risk of early brain.

Hand of a lab technician holding blood tube test. Health care researchers working in life science laboratory. Doctor holds a blood sample tube in his hand testing in the laboratory

At the American Area Association International Purchasing Market Accident Conference (ASA), research funded by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and stroke examined theAssociation between the blood type and the risk of stroke. According to the study, the researchers found that types of blood of Non-O (A, B or AB) may be at an increased risk of evolved diseases for women who smoke and take oral contraceptives.

Researchers watched nearly 350 women who hadExperienced a stroke Before the age of 50 and compared their data to 383 women who had not had a stroke. They concluded that women with non-smoked blood blood and took oral contraceptives were almost twice as likely to have a stroke before turning 50.

"We sought to determine whether the blood group, especially the non-o blood group, increases the risk of stroke in oral contraceptive users", the main author of the studySteven J. Kittner, MD, professor of neurology at the University of Maryland Medicine School, said in a statement. "The results of our little study suggest that this could be the case, but more data from other studies are needed." And for more your health,If you feel it at night, you have to check your liver, let's say that doctors say.

Women who smoke and borrow oral contraceptives already have a higher risk of having a cerebral accident.

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According to the study, regardless of your blood group, women who smoked and took oral contraceptives were almost five times more useful to have a stroke that women who did not smoke or take oral contraceptives. To break it further, women who smoke, but did not take oral contraceptives had three times the risk of coping with a stroke that non-smokers, while women who only took oral contraceptives but who n. 'have not smoked were almost four times more likely to have a cerebral than those who have not taken these pills.

"Due to this risk, women who smoke and are over the age of 35 should not take oral contraceptives," the researchers said in a statement. And for more up-to-date health news sent directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Other research has connected types of blood unrelated to increased cerebral accident.

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This is not the only search to find a link between types of blood and blood lines, however. According to a 2011 study presented at a conference of the American Heart Association, men and women with AB-type blood had 26%higher risk of cerebral stroke Compared to those who have type O blood, while women with type B blood had a racing risk of 15% larger compared to women with type O blood.

Joann Manson, MD, one of the leaders of the 2011 Preventive Medicine Study at Harvard's Brigham and Hospital, said a reasonThe risk of stroke can be higher in those with non-o blood types is that these types of blood are more subject to blood clots, reported by NBC. And blood clots arewhich leads to ischemic, which is the type of cerebral accident the most common, according to the Mayo Clinic. And for more blood time,If you have blood, you have a higher risk for this type of cancer.

Although your risk of stroke increases with age, it can also occur in young adults.

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Like the cdc's notes,The risk of stroke increases with age. The agency indicates that the chances of having a cerebral accident double every 10 years after reaching the age of 55. That said, the type of blood, smoking and the use of oral contraception are risk factors that have contributed to women under 50 years old early arrival. The CDC says that experts also believe that "young people have more times as more young people are obese and have high blood pressure and diabetes". And for more dangerous health concerns to become aware of, If you can not do that in 90 seconds, your heart is in danger, the study says .

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