If you have this bottled water at home, stop it from drinking it now, says FDA

This water mark is potentially linked to a serious health outbreak.

You know that hydration is the key to your general well-being. But if you get your h20 The contribution via a certain brand of bottled water, it could actually pose a danger to your health rather than keeping you in advanced shape. According to a new report this week of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), aBottled water mark Has been potentially linked to several cases of non-viral hepatitis in children and the agency now requires everyone to stay away. So that your water is safe to drink, read it and for more "good for you" objects in your home, you must avoid, discoverIf you take this medicine, American officials have a new warning for you.

The FDA states that at least five children and infants got down with non-viral hepatitis, with a potential link to real water.

Real Water Alkaline Water in Hepatitis Alert

On March 16, the FDA reported on five cases of acute non-viral hepatitis, which resulted in acute hepatic impairment in a handful of infants and young children in Nevada. While the cause is unknown and that patients have found themselves since 20202020120, the only common link between them seemed to be that they have all consumedAlkaline water in real bottle. Additional people from the four children's households also fallen sick, but with less serious symptoms, including "fever, vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite and fatigue", according to the report of the FDA.

Now, the FDA urges people not to drink or cook with real water.

Boiling water on stovetop

Frank Yiannas, Deputy Commissioner of Food Policy and Response to FDA, issued a statement of Americans toAvoid drinking bottled water from real water. "We advise consumers, restaurants and retailers do not consume, cook with, sell or serve true 'true' alkaline water until information is known about the cause of diseases", A-T- he declares.

The products in question include: 5 gallon containers (sold by home delivery and subscription services), bottles (sold online and in stores) and a real water concentrate (sold online). And for another danger that could be hidden at home, know thatIf you cook your food in that, do you stop now, says FDA.

Water has been sold via home delivery in at least five states.

A pile of large drinking water bottles
Wachiwit / iStock

According to the FDA, 5 gallon's actual water containers were delivered in homes in Hawaii, California, Utah and Arizona, in addition to Nevada, where hatching was. So if you get your water delivered through one of the following services, the agency says not to use it:

  • Tucson, Arizona through aqua pure
  • Ventura and Santa Barbara, California through the real gold coast of water
  • County of Orange, California through the PARADISE bottling company
  • Honolulu, Hawaii through Water Aloha
  • St. George, Utah through the true southern water of Utah

Investigations are currently underway with FDA and CDC.

scientists in lab

The Yiannas Declaration stated that the FDA is currently conducting a link between real water and these medical incidents. "The FDA is committed to protecting the health of Americans and is particularly concerned when there is a food security issue that affects our youngest, and some of the most vulnerable infants and young children", a- he said. "When learning acute non-viral hepatitis reports in Nevada, which affects five young children, the FDA quickly activated a team to further investigate. We work closely with CDC partners, state and local partners to complement our investigation and monitor for any additional. Diseases. "

He added, "Although the survey is in progress, epidemiological information currently indicates that this product of alkaline water may be the cause of diseases." And for more health news delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Consumers are invited to monitor the symptoms.

Man with kidney pain

All types of hepatitis produce similar symptoms, including fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dark urine, clay stools or gray color, Joint pain, yellow eyes and jaundice. Anyone who suffers them at any time should immediately contact their doctor, "says FDA. And for more about what your bathroom habits are saying your health, checkIf your urine is this color, call your doctor.

One of the families who fell ill sued the company behind the real water.

Real Water Alkaline Water in Hepatitis Alert

A family of Las Vegas, including a toddler and his parents, has undergone health complications thatThey allege real drinking water consumption.Emely and Christopher Brian Wren and their 2 year old son,Christopher Noah Wren, all sick as their daughter did not burn the water and fell no illness, theLas Vegas Review-Journalreports.

The toddler and his father have both hospitalized, while extreme nausea and fatigue are invasive. Now, they pursue the company behind the real water, affinigifestyle.com Inc., saying in the court documents: the bottled water of the defendants was defective and unreasonably dangerous in which the accused did not provide Warnings on high levels of toxins in their products. "

After the report of the FDA and the trial were filed on March 16,True water released the following statement On their website: "We are saddened to hear about the issue of potential health of the product of our actual Las Vegas water delivery operation. We are in real water, take the safety of our products and worry about our client's health. Takes great progress at all means of ensuring that our product is safe for consumption. Our goal is to work diligently with the FDA for quick resolution. "

Although they note that the potential problem appeared in Las Vegas, the company has ceased to sell and distribute real water throughout the United States "until the issue is resolved." The real water asks retailers to "pull the product from the shelf, effective immediately and keep it in the rear chambers or return it to the distributors." As for customers, they ask anyone who bought real water to return. And for another product that has been connected to a serious epidemic, beware thatIf you have this sauce at home, eliminate it now, said FDA.

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