This strange symptom could be a sign of Covid, the Mayo clinic says

Men know this symptom of strange and intimate covidation.

Most of us can missBasic symptoms Covid Place order at this stage: cough, fever, shortness of breath, fatigue to name a few. But according to a recent interview withStacey RizzaMD, an infectious disease expert at the Mayo Clinic, there are also many symptoms Covids flying under the radar of patients, obscuring diagnostics. Among them, Rizza said, is a particularly strange and surprising symptoms:Inflammation of the testicles in men.

This type of inflammation is rare, she said, but should be considered aSign of possible infection Covid. "The vast majority of people will always have a fever and a kind of respiratory symptoms, and often a pain, as if you in any type of viral syndrome. But over time, we see some of theseAdditional symptoms"Explain Rizza." The other was much less often, but could be predicted again where we see it expressed receptor, is an inflammation of the testicles or orchitis. We also saw signs of it over time. "

Other studies support the evaluation of Rizza, explaining that Covid can cause systemic disruptions to sexual and reproductive system in male patients. "As in previous coronaviruses, viral binding to ACE2 receptor in the testis can cause tissue inflammation and the development of epididymoorchitis with testicular pain," write the researchers in the journalReproductive Biomedicine Online. This may continue to cause "Orchitis and testicular damage"They they explain.

Covid was also found atcause erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. A recent review of the literature published in theJournal of endocrinological investigation During the summer, it was one of the first to confirm the occurrence of ED-19 Covid like symptoms. The research team found that male patients Covid were more likely to experience hypogonadism - a condition in which the sex organs release little to no sex hormone than those who did not have Covid. "If this state of hypogonadism is temporary or permanent is a question unanswered to date," said the team.

However unusual itstrange symptom serves as a reminder that Covid can affect every system of the body - all reasons to take serious precautions against transmission. Read on four other rare Covid symptoms, the Mayo Clinic says to seek and learn the emergency symptoms Covid DiscoverIf you have any of these symptoms, the CDC says go to the hospital now.

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Skin changes

Ternavskaia Olga Alibec / Shutterstock

According toWilliam F. Marshall III MD, an infectious disease specialist and internist at the Mayo Clinic, skin changes are arare symptom of Covid this should be on your radar.

"The younger with less severe Covid-19 could develop painful and itchylesions on their hands and feet This looks like chilblains, an inflammatory skin condition, "he explained on the website of the Mayo Clinic." Sometimes called Covid toes, this symptom usually lasts about 12 days. However, new research suggests that these lesions chilivâtres could simply be caused by a sedentary behavior and failure to wear warm socks during lock-storey, rather than Covid-19, "he added.


Senior man looking at a calendar confused

Marshall also suggested that the new appearance of confusion or brain fog is strange and rare symptom Covid. "Covid-19 has also been reported that the confusion in the elderly, especially those with serious infections," he explains.

This symptom is also on the list of urgent symptoms of the CDC, which require immediate medical attention. In some cases, it indicates a lack of oxygen to the brain, which could be the result ofblood clots or damaged blood vessels of a Covid infection. And learn all emergency symptoms of the CDC, checkIf you have any of these symptoms Covid, the CDC says to call 911.

Eye problems

Close up of a man's eye with a bacterial infection of an oil gland in the lower eyelid.

Eye problemsAre rare in cases of COVID, but they are known to be associated with the virus, says Marshall. "COVID-19 could cause ocular problems such as enlarged blood vessels, inflated eyelids, excessive watering and increased discharge," he explains. "The infection could also cause sensitivity and irritation of light. These symptoms are more common in people with severe infections," he adds.

Nausea or vomiting

young asian woman with nausea covering her mouth
Shutterstock / Onjira Leebe

As we learned more about Covid-19, it has become clear that many people undergo gastrointestinal symptoms, sometimes in the absence of more traditional respiratory symptoms. According to Marshall, these may include nausea and vomiting in some patients, as well asDiarrhea and loss of appetite.

"These symptoms can only last one day," he explains, adding that some cooviding patients later develop fever and respiratory symptoms. And for more decoding your COVID symptoms, check If you have this symptom, you are more likely to have a mild covidation case .

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