This hygiene habit could reduce your COVID risk in 30 seconds, the study says

Added this to your daily routine could help you protect yourself from coronavirus.

As we learned in recent months,wash hands with soap Or use a hand disinfectant with at least 60% alcohol is an essential way to curb the propagation of COVID-19. But this turns out that washing the mouth is also an effective preventive measure. In fact, a new study published inInfectious Diseases Journal I found that the mouthwash garps a few times a day can help fight coronavirus.

A group of German researchersTested eight different mouth washers By mixing each oral rinse with virus particles and shaking it for 30 seconds to simulate gargline. When you look at the results, they discovered that each type of mouth rinse reduced the viral load, but Listerine Cool mint was the most powerful fighter, followed by disquonal and iso-betadine (available in European pharmacies. ) And still better news? After three rinsing, mouthwashes had all but any trace of the virus.

It's important because evidence shows thatCovid-19 is transmitted Through liberated respiratory droplets when you sneeze, cough, talk or sing. And as there are high viral loads in the nasal cavity, throat and mouth, it is essential to keep these orifices clean to slow down the risk and transmission rate.


However, scientists note that while using a frequently mouthwash is a good safety precaution (as well as a positive oral hygiene habit in general), it does not treat Covid-19 if you already have it.

"Gargling with a mouthwash can not prevent the production of viruses in the cells, but could reduce the short-term viral load when the greatest infection potential comes, namely in the oral cavity and throat - and this could be useful in certain situations, such. the dentist or during the medical care of CIVID-19 patients, "study authorToni Luise Meister said in a statement.

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These conclusions are safeguarded by previous research that found thatThe mouthwash has the ability to break down The outer fat membrane of influenza and herpes, which are "wrapped" viruses similar to coronavirus. So, the next time you're going to brush your teeth, make sure to pass the dental silk and the wais around the mouthwash. And for a hygiene habit, you should break, checkThis bad habit could increase your risk of dying from Covid, says the doctor.

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