Dr. Fauci says we will be "close to return to normal" by this exact date

The best infectious infectious expert in the nation suggests that an end point of COVID is a way to disappear.

We all wait for light at the end of thePandemic of Covid tunnel. It seemed closer and closer - especially now that more than 114 million Americans arefully vaccinated, which is about 34% of the American population. With the restaurants at the back, the covers pushed back and the temperature controls are less worried about an ocean at the coast, people can only hope that a final point of Covid is near. Unfortunately, it can be a little further than we thought. In an interview of May 9 with ABCThis week,George Stephanopoulos demandAnthony Fauci, MD, the Chief Councilor of the White House, to give an overview of what the United States could look like this time next year. Read the knowledge of Fauci as far as possible when the country is "as close to normal" as possible.

RELATED:America "will feel close to normal" on the exact date, "said Covid Expert.

Dr. Fauci says the United States will be "near Back to Normal" by Mother's Day 2021.

Fauci speaks to Stephanopoulos on ABC's This Week

"I hope thatNext Mother's Day, we will see a dramatic difference that what we see at this moment, "said Fauci in Stephanopoulos." I think we will be about as close to normal as possible. And there are conditions to that. "

In order to achieve this point of normality, Fauci stated that the "overwhelming proportion of the population" must be vaccinated. "When this happens, the virus does not really have to go. There are not many vulnerable people around," he explained. "And where there are not many vulnerable people around, you're not going to see a surge. You're not going to see the types of numbers we see now." Fortunately, with the help of Moderna vaccines, Pfizer-Biontech and Johnson & Johnson, the director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) think we'll possibly "tackle what we Let's use to remember as normal above all this tragedy has occurred. "

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Fauci also reassured pregnant women that they can be vaccinated safely.

Pregnant woman with mask, using computer

Keeping with the theme of Mother's Day, Stephanopoulos asked for encourage what his message was to pregnant women and women trying to have children, who might feel worried about Covid vaccines. "Well, if you look at the data, George, there does not seem to be any problem at all," said Fauci. He noted that there were "literally, dozens and tens of thousands of pregnant women who were vaccinated." He also assured his listeners that "there are no red flags. Nothing seems like there is a problem."

On May 5, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended in a webinar thatPregnant women are vaccinated When the benefits of JAB "outweigh potential risks". WHO has added: "It is not necessary to carry out pregnancy tests before vaccination; it is also not necessary to delay or terminate pregnancy due to vaccination."

Despite the projection of Fauci, people started to come back to a "pre-pandemic normal," said an expert.

people gather in a park, eat pizza, no masks
Damirculdic / iStock

Last month, emergency medicine doctorSkinny, MD, told CNNAnderson Cooper that the United States is getting closer to where it was once. "We see restrictions being lifted in so many parts of the country, we see trips at a height of all time. People are already returning toPre-normal pandemic, "Said Wen." We have a closely close vision of the opportunity to clarify what are the benefits of vaccinations. We know that these vaccines are really effective in preventing severe disease. "

RELATED:Dr. Fauci says "the immunity of the flock" is no longer the goal with COVID - it's.

Another expert predicts that America will be "close to normal" before July 1, 2021.

Ashish Kumar Jha on ABC's This Week
ABC is this week

May 2nd,Ashish jha, MD, Dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, gave a more promising projection for the will of the United States "feel close to normal"Once again." If we continue to vaccinate the Americans, I think on July 1, 2021, you will see much of America feeling close to normal, "he saidThis week co-anchorMartha Raddatz. "Look, it will not be 100%, [but] it can be close enough to life in front of the pandemic."

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