If you are allergic to 1 of these 2 things, beware what vaccine you get

These compounds could be behind the rare cases of anaphylaxis, the CDC says.

If you are one of the many Americans who suffer from allergies - or worse, you had anaphylaxis - you could be hesitant to be vaccinated against coronavirus. But the good news is that severe allergic reactions to Covid vaccine are extremely rare. Only 2 to 5 patients per million vaccinated in the United States against Covid have been foundSerious allergic reactions, Disease Control and Prevention Centers (CDC) reported NBC News.

"CDC recommends that people are vaccinated even if they have a history of serious allergic reactions that are not related to vaccines or injectable drugs," says the Agency on its website. However, "if you had aImmediate allergic reaction-Even if it did not matter to a vaccine or injection for another disease, ask your doctor if you should get a CVIV-19 vaccine. "

And to be extra careful, anyone who is vaccinated is monitored for 15 minutes after their injection to be sure they do not have a serious allergic reaction. In addition, if you have ever had an anaphylactic reaction to a vaccine and your doctor advises you to get Covid shot, you will say your vaccine site and they will watch you for 30 minutes to make sure you are well. Are you still fearing that you can react badly to shot? Read on to learn both ingredients that tend to cause these reactions very uncommon to COVID vaccines and for more information on how you can prepare, checkDo not do this at night before your vaccine appointment, say experts.

Although it is not conclusive, two ingredients are the "probable guilty" behind severe allergic reactions to Covid vaccine.

covid vaccine in small glass bottles
M-Foto / Shutterstock

We do not yet know which vaccine ingredients trigger allergic reactions at different people to some people, butMeredith Moore, MD, a doctor at Charleston allergy and South Carolina's asthma, told NBC News that "polyethylene glycol and polysorbat are the most likely managers to look at the ingredients of these two vaccines".

She stated that her clinic conducts polyethylene glycol and allergy polysorbate tests to learn more, but the doctor has advised her patients with known allergies to not be afraid of potential allergic reactions to COVID vaccines.

The Mayo clinic describes someSymptoms of anaphylaxis As a breathable difficulty, a low or fast pulse, nausea, vomiting, rash,Swelling of your tongue and throatand vertigo or fainting.

For more what to look for, know thatIf this happens after your vaccine, the FDA says you should call 911.

If you are allergic to polyethylene glycol, do not receive the Pfizer or the Moderna vaccine.

Doctor in protective face mask wearing surgical gloves injecting vaccine to a patient in medical lab.

Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna are behind the two approved mRNA vaccines that ask your cells to make a protein that arouses an immune response against a virus via the courier RNA. One of the ingredients they include is polyethylene glycol (PEG), which is used as a protective coating for the vaccine courier RNA and it is believed to cause an allergic reaction in a small percentage of people.

The CDC advises: "If you are allergic to PEG, you do not have to get a Covid-19 mRNA vaccine. Ask your doctor if you can get the J & J / Janssen vaccine. "

PEG is an oil-based compound that is commonly used in cosmetics "as thickeners, solvents, softening and humidity carriers" and in pharmaceuticals as laxatives, according to the David Suzuki Foundation in Vancouver. So, there is a chance that you have been exposed before.

"Mine colleagues who have practiced an allergy for 20 to 30 years can count on a hand the number of patients they have seen with reactions of polyethylene glycol"Paul Williams, MD, an allergologist in the west-central asthma and Allergy in Seattle, told NBC News.

Despite the scarcity of allergic reactions induced by polyethylene glycol, "PEG has never been used before in an approved vaccineBut it has been found in many drugs that have sometimes triggered anaphylaxis, "science magazine reports". Some allergists and immunologists believe that a small number of people previously exposed to ankle can have high levels of ankle antibodies, put them at risk of anaphylactic reaction to the vaccine. "

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If you are allergic to Polysorbate, do not receive the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

A female healthcare workers fills a syringe with COVID-19 vaccine

Meanwhile, the third Covid vaccine approved in the United States - from Johnson & Johnson / Janssen-has a synthetic ingredient called polysorbate. Polysorbate, which has beenAPPROVED BY THE FDA, is commonly used in chewing gum, ice cream, cosmetics and medicines to improve the coherence of gel capsules and make the contents of your pills disperse throughout your stomach.

However, according to the National Medicine Library, a 2005 polysorbat study in medical products concluded that the ingredient was "identified as a bargaining agent for theAnaphylactoid reaction"From a patient lacks immunity.

The CDC says: "If you are allergic to the Polysorbate, you should not get J & J / Janssen Covid-19 vaccine. Ask your doctor if you can get an Arna Covid-19 vaccine," Meaning Pfizer or Moderna.

And for more information on what vaccine tends to produce fewer side effects, checkThis Covid vaccine has the lowest rate of side effects, data emissions.

People with a history of allergic reactions "no known cause" are candidates to test allergies to these compounds.

A woman appears to have allergic reaction, itchy arm
Albina Gavrilovic / Shutterstock

Some clinics of the American state of Moore's allergy and asthma of the American state and South Carolina's asthma capable of determining whether patients will have an allergic reaction to polyethylene glycol or polysorbate, but It is not recommended to verify that everyone is checked. Moore told NBC News that it recommends that only those who have a "story of allergic reactions without known cause" get their allergies tested. But those who have a known story of allergic reactions do not need to test.

However,John Grabenstein, PhD, a former defense department immunologist who has also spoken with NBC News, said there is no proof of allergy test for polyethylene glycol or polysorbate can not reduce the risk of an allergic reaction triggered by the vaccine. The experts note that a positive or negative allergy test should not be the determining factor as to vaccination or not.

And if you have not received your shot yet, but you plan to do it in the near future, checkDo not do that for 2 days after your Covid vaccine, doctors say.

Categories: Health
By: alberto
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